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Anyoneone has a list to all gym leaders reaction to shadow pokemon?


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Venam: "PN, you should know better. Shadow Pokemon aren't allowed!"

Keta: "...Those beings... They constantly haunt me... I will not allow such beings to enter this battlefield."

Marianette: N/A

Narcissa: "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow Shadow Pokemon in an official league battle. Please deposit them and come back."

Valarie: "Sorry, I can't allow Shadow Pokemon to be used during this battle. Switch them out."

Crawli: "Illegal Pokemon identified! Leader Crawli will not appear until illegal Pokemon are stored away!" (He doesn't actually say this himself, normally he would've walked up to the field but this doesn't happen with a shadow pokemon in your team)

Angie: "Get those wretched, evil, vile, disgusting things away from here...! It burns me! Get them out!"

Amber: "Hey, no Shadow Pokemon! Do you want me to report you to the police?!"


After these there's no switches that trigger special diagloue anymore when having a Shadow Pokemon on your team.

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Damn, Zumi beat me to answer the question.


1 hour ago, Zumi said:

Valarie: "Sorry, I can't allow Shadow Pokemon to be used during this battle. Switch them out."

Did you copy it from essentials (or another program) or did you open the game? I'm asking because while loading a couple old saves to answer this topic, Valerie would drag me down to the Water Arena then tell me this message in a endless loop to me, without giving me back control. I just wondering if I should report it or maybe it was just a problem with my version, since I modded it.

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5 hours ago, Lord C said:

I even forgot Shadow Pokemon were a thing after Terajuma. Like, they just disappeared from the story.

I think they were a bigger issue up until v8 I think, even Dr. Henkel had something to do with catching them. 

But, well, after you destroyed the factory in Sheridan and finished dealing with Xen's Admins as the big bads in Mt. Valor (after that Bladestar was introduced) they would stop being in the spotlight too. 

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