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Looking for Staryu and/or Beldum and/or Smoochum for psychic monotype run

Mark Fitz

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Hi friends - as the title suggests I'd be so so appreciative if someone could pass me along a Staryu or a Beldum (or an exeggcute or inkay or wynaut or fennekin) to increase my type coverage as I move forward. Currently between the first and second badges, rocking Meditite, Kirlia, Swoobat, Munna, and Espurr (f) - team is looking solid, but the minimal type coverage is going to start to hurt soon. Would super appreciate it, as this is my first every monotype run in Reborn :-)

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On 12/16/2019 at 12:44 PM, Kristian said:

 i have a fennekin available


and smoochum

I would be so appreciative of either or both! I don't have much of interest to trade in return unfortunately 


22 hours ago, Metapod said:

Well i have a good breedject exeggcute if you want


Honestly this exeggcute would make a woooorld of difference for me - if you don't need it....

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I'm just about finished with my Psychic Monotype! Only Hardy is left for me, ha.


Here's what I have:


Solosis, 31/30/25/31/11/6

Eevee, 31/8/31/31/31/31 or 30/30/25/26/31/22 (shiny)

Meditite, 22/31/30/17/4/17

Inkay, 23/30/12/31/23/31

Natu, 30/24/22/31/31/31

Ralts, 21/25/22/28/19/5 (the speed is unfortunate but I hadn't bothered to keep breeding her)

Smoochum, 15/25/31/31/31/21


Unfortunately I seem to have deleted my breeding Beldum's by accident 😞 I swear one of these days I need to organise my box lol. -- If anyone has one or two (f+m) to share I wouldn't mind a trade, got rares etc (dont mean to hijack your thread with that!)


Let me know if you want any of 'em yeah!


Psychic monotype was awesome to run through man. Was my first ever monotype in any Pokemon game, ha.

Edited by Siv
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