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Team im working on atm


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3f.gif@ Black Sludge

252 SpA/ 76 Hp/ 180 SpD - Modest ~ Chlorophyll

Sludge Bomb

Solar Beam

Sunny Day

Leech Seed/Sleep Powder/Growth

468.gif@ Leftovers

252 SpA/ 252 Spe - Modest ~ Serene Grace

Thunder Wave

Aura Sphere

Air Slash

Nasty Plot

59.gif@Bright powder

252 Atk / 252 Spe - Adamant ~ Whatever

Flare Blitz

Close Combat

Wild Charge/Crunch/Outrage/Flamethrower

Extreme Speed


252 Atk/ 212 Hp/ 44 Spe - Adamant ~ Torrent




Protect/Ice beam (Till move tutors are released)

475.gif@Bright Powder

252 Atk/ 252 Spe - Adamant ~ Justified

Psycho Cut

Close Combat

Shadow Sneak

Swords Dance


252 Spa/ 252 Hp - Modest ~ Sturdy

Flash Cannon

Thunder Wave


Metal Sound

I can only be bothered doing Unowns and bats under Opal bridge for EV's but might make an exception for Mag/Swamp and possibly get some defense Ev's on Ven. Not sure if i wana cheese it with sleep powder or take leech seed or growth. Getting Wild Charge + Close Combat Arcanine via Smeargle is becoming pretty bothersome as the only way is to quick claw with a weak pokemon to CC it and pray it activates then capture it b4 it Struggles to death which actually happened to me once. -.-

Edited by Stiffins
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I would prefer Magnet Pull on Magnezone rather than Sturdy. It's basically a "You're stuck with me bitch" Sweeper.

Speed EV's with Sturdy is a bit redundant, if you truly want to keep sturdy, I would suggest HP EV's instead, because most super effective moves vs Magnezone will require 1 more hit to kill with that extra HP (caution for Sp.Atk fire types though)

Stack the extra HP from EVs with sturdy and you've effectively tanked 2 extra shots compared to a Speed EV + Magnet Pull Magnezone whose job is to basically sweep, which is definitely a lot more reliable damage, not to mention a guaranteed extra 1-2 attacks

Edited by Woobowiz
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I can't really be bothered grinding hp Ev's. I don't see how Magnet pull is preferable, i've had 1 gym leader switch a pokemon once. He should be able to tank hp fires if anything even has that aside from unowns o.o and learns magnet rise later to avoid those deadly grounds. I could always switch into Toge/Honch on a ground anyways or Arc/Swamp on a fire. Might switch him for Jolteon and Honch for some other steel, i want at least 1 steel. xD

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If it wasn't for the 3 ability glitch, I would say you should breed for Moxie on the Honchkrow, but if insomnia vs Superluck, I will still go for superluck. Because the +1 crit chance with night slash stacks. Two flying types is a red flag for me, but that just comes from Stealth Rock trauma, so in game you should be okay. I would use extreme speed over thunder fang on Arcanine. The coverage is nice, but 65 base power does not hit hard enough, and you can afford not to have it with that magnezone. Unless you are doing a lot of fishing, we haven't really encountered a lot of water pokemon anyway, and when we do eventually face Amaria, if you have to resort to Arcanine, then a thunderfang won't make too much difference. I really wish Wild Charge was an in game TM, because my typholsion needs it too.

Edited by JayDo
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Decided im gonna drop honchkrow. 4 phys is no gusta. Not sure what to replace him with yet though. Yeah, thunder fang really only covers water as flare blitz would still do more to flying aside from gyarados and other water/flying. Ill drop crunch for Extreme speed and keep TF for now. It is possible to get a wild charge + CC arcanine but it would require me to close combat a wild smeargle, pray that it lives (not likely, do pokemon retain their moves if they've been deleveld using common candy?(Yes they do)) then take that smeargle to find a 39+ blitzle and keep it alive till it wild charges me after relearning Sketch obviously. It sounds somewhat tedious but i might try it later.

Also, changing my Swampert to slightly more defensive with a bit less coverage with Toxic + Protect replacing ice beam and the 4th slot. In order to do this i need to toxic a smeargle then breed it with a psyduck then breed it with a seaking till it learns waterfall then breed that onto a Remoraid to finally breed it onto my Swampie XDD. Oh well, nothing else to do.

Edited by Stiffins
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Oh.My.God. Getting a Close Combat on a smeargle is a fucken nightmare. It's been about an hour at 5x speed so far with no success. I started out doing Sleep powder, switch to mime jr and trick it an iron ball then switch to lvl 17 growlithe to close combat it but he would never wake up when i wanted him to. SOOOO, then i started quick claw lvl 15 growlithe attempts, after about 4 female smeargles i actually quick clawed on my first male and got a bit giggidy. BUT NOOOO, HE HAD TO DIE IN 1 HIT WITH HIS STUPID NEGATIVE DEFENSE NATURE. Then after agood 15 or so minutes (5x speed btw) I managed to get another quick claw off and he lived. BUT GUESS WHAT? After 8 ultra balls he decided not to come with me and struggled himself to death LOOOOOOOOOOL. Oh god time for a break. -.-

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