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Help with Charlotte


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Been playing reborn for the first time for about two weeks now. Most of the gym battles have been manageable so far (except Samson, Florinia, and Aya) but charlotte has completely and utterly stumped me. Perhaps someone could look at my team and give suggestions (Such as where I can find a fake out mon) or general advice. My team is below: 


P.S. I additionally have a level 66 heracross who is sitting out for the gym. 


Thank you to everyone who replies.



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In my opinion you are going to need to add a new member (sorry).


The two main options that are suggested to beat charlotte are trick room or changing her field. If you are going for trick room approach, heatproof bronzong is the way to go and it can be partnered with the gigalith from 7th street to sweep. If you want to change the field, you can find numerous blizzard users in celestine mountain.


Best of luck with charlotte, she is the toughest.

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Most popular advice I've read so far was to use Rain Dance. Not only do her Fire attacks get weakened, the field will also not change to Burning field.

Other people also suggested to use Rock type pokemon like Rhydon which you can catch on Route 3, though I don't know how well that will work.

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If you managed to get blastoise from bxbyasdfh wasteland and you were lucky to get it with water spout is great for this fight.

Many of her mons have solarbeam, particularly her ninetales that has drought, so you might wanna bring a speedy rock type, like archeops or (better yet) dusk-lycanroc

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You could probably win with what you have now, actually, although it would certainly be easier to just grab a Gigalith and use Trick Room, and you'd need quite a bit of luck on your side. Sylveon gets Light Screen and Misty Terrain, allowing you to both overwrite the field to take away Charlotte's offensive boosts and give your team boosted special defense for most of the battle. From there you can send in Sharpedo with an Air Balloon and let it keep grabbing Speed Boost turns while Donphan spams Earthquake.


Also, if you haven't already been doing so, make sure to EV train. Starting at Charlotte, all gym leaders and most other major opponents have max IVs and proper EV training, so if you want to keep up statistically you'll need to EV train yourself. It's far from impossible to beat the game without it but it'll be a lot tougher.

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My sylveon does have misty terrain and light screen, rain dance as well (last move is moonblast).  My main problem at the moment is getting it to survive a turn from the combined power of eruption + rock slide. Also I'll start the IV/EV training. 

Also how should I prepare for fights such as ciel? I caught a magneton but it unfortunately doesn't have flash cannon and I don't have the heart scales to give it a relearner. 

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well if need be you can ev tran hp for sylveon for more suvivill and for the fights I gues water grass ice pokemon you want for fucher fights but as a side thing sens you tacking on fire at the moment


and for later you can cach love dick at the cabin ware the lake is this for later wen you get back to reborn city

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8 hours ago, Seel The Deal said:

Sylveon gets Light Screen and Misty Terrain, allowing you to both overwrite the field to take away Charlotte's offensive boosts and give your team boosted special defense for most of the battle.

Well shit, how did I not come up with that? A Misty Terrain Sylveon is one of my general VIPs. 

Rain Dance/Earthquake/Dive Quagsire was my MVP for Charlotte with support from Fake Out/Trick Room Meowstic though I wasn't able to get Trick Room in before Meowstic went down and I don't know if it's a glitch or not that prevented Prankster from allowing it to go first. 
I also used Lyconroc to set up Stealth Rocks. 
Surf Swanna took care of Typhlosion and Darmanintan, Earthquake one shot both Ninetales and Delfox and Dive finished Rotom. 


Side note: I love your Donphan's name. Big Fleetwood Mac fan. 

Edited by Verge Of Chaos
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