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Hello I'm new here


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I've been playing this game for about a few weeks, but I've remained silent on the forums due to being shy. Most competitive battling sites are really aggressive it seems. But it seems like the people on this site are nice enough for me to join the conversations and not berate me forever whatever dumbass or incorrect thing I might say.

I like mostly turn based and action RPGs, Pokemon and "Tales of..." being my favorites. Its nice to meet you Reborn community

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Hi and nice to meet you as well. The community is definitely friendly here, and its great that you decided to introduce yourself.


In all seriousness though, hi, it's very nice to meet you. :D Keep in mind most things that seem aggressive on these forums are simply just a joke and not to be taken seriously... Except for that thing about Ame stealing your soul, that is very true... Have I scared you enough so you won't be able to sleep tonight? If so, good, because that's when her minions lay eggs in your throat. Enjoy the nightmares mortal... Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *cough* ahahahahahahhahaahahhahaaaa...

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Hello~ owo I've seen you around a bit and you seem to have a fair mind into things. I also like your opinion as I am the same with most sites being ultra competitive and etc. You'll gel nicely into Reborn as a lot of the people here are great.

Enjoy your stay!

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I think there's a lot of people who have been on here for a while but have been too shy to actually post in the forums. All it takes is the initial step and to take bigger steps from there. Nice to meet you and hope to see more of you here!

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Welcome to the Reborn forums. You don't really need me to reassure you about the general friendly tone of the forums as many others have beaten me to it. Well, enjoy your stay and nice Dragon's Crown avatar, by the way. I have yet to pick up the game, but he was the first character I'd want to try when I can get it.

Edited by gravehonor
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Welcome to the forums.

I'm glad that someone agrees with me about the aggressiveness of competive battling sites. Although here it seems like a family almost. I don't know. Maybe because it's a small community, or because we're united with one game.

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