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Just Started Sword...LF Galarian Ponyta

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I just started Pokemon Sword today, beat the first gym and now have access to the Daycare...and I decided it was a good time to ask someone for a Galarian Ponyta as Ponyta's a Shield exclusive.


I don't know if this is the right forum for posting this kind of stuff, and I'll delete it if someone asks me to, but for now I'm just searching for someone who has a Galarian Ponyta they're willing to trade.


I don't have a Ditto yet and when I can get one (Going through the game as blind as possible), so the Ponyta needs to be female. IVs, EVs and Natures don't matter at all, heck it can even be shiny or in another language...all that matters is that the Ponyta needs to be female.


I can trade a newly hatched Scorbunny since my starter was female and able to breed...but I also have a Japanese Sobble I got from Surprise Trade.


I would really appreciate it. 🙂 Thanks!

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