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Who Is Your Favorite Gym Leader in Pokémon Sword and Shield?

Cool Girl

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Simple question: Who Is Your Favorite Gym Leader in Pokémon Sword and Shield?


Mine are Nessa and Bea. I love their styles and I love how they are both badass. If I were to voice act a character, I would love to voice act both of them (might just do that as a fun little project)


But, anyways, who is your favorite gym leader(s) in Pokémon Sword and Shield? Let me know in the comments section 🙂 

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4 hours ago, Zumi said:

piers piers piers piers piers piers


but i also really love nessa, bea and allister!!!! allister is my Son. You Cannot Change This,

My answer is the same as yours! Allister is best boy, a good boy. None can change this. Also reminds me Alistair a lot. And he has Mimikyu!

And my favorite theme from SwSh is DEFO Piers' theme. Would you ever do a remix of it?

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14 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

And my favorite theme from SwSh is DEFO Piers' theme. Would you ever do a remix of it?

trust me i've tried. it's really, really hard and i don't think i could ever do it justice LOL, the original is just way too good

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#3: Kabu


Image result for Kabu


I think I know for certain that Kabu is always going to remain in the top three, and despite my favorite type of the Elemental trio being Grass, Kabu is my favorite of the three Elemental Gym leaders, with Nessa being pretty cool and Milo being...well, typical. 


Kabu being a Hoenn expat is pretty cool to me, because while I am a Genwunner, Hoenn is going to have a special place in my heart because that was the region I started discovering how interesting Pokémon actually can be and was driven to "be the best like no one ever was" more in that region than in any other.


The other thing though, is that Kabu's battle philosophy (which is found on his "rare" league card) was essentially to click an attacking move for the longest time, before eventually making way for merely complimentary utility, such as burning foes with Will-o-Wisp. DUDE. ME TOO.


#2: Bede


Image result for Bede pokemon


Yes, I KNOW that Bede technically doesn't ever have the opportunity to provide the player a Gym Badge, and thus may not be considered a legitimate answer on this list even though his story does conclude by taking up the position of Ballonlea (?) Leader from Opal. If that tickles your sensitivities, feel free to consider Kabu my second favorite Leader. I don't have any qualms with that.


I really like how Bede is a pretty cool echo of Blue from the first generation, except his redemption story happens in real time through the power of ACTUALLY HAVING SPECTATORS AT MAJOR POKEMON SPORTING EVENTS man, Sw/Sh is a treat-....sorry, got off the rails there.


Blue taking up Viridian's position after Giovanni vacates it feels fitting for one of Kanto's best trainers, and while the Fairy gym is pretty much found in the mid-point of the game, Bede takes Opal's opportunity as a chance to better himself after being humiliated by Oleana and his former caretaker, Chairman Rose. As much as you initially dislike him, you do kinda feel good for the guy - and I could see his sudden all-or-nothing throwdown before the Champion Cup being something fans of Pokémon battling find admirable in the moment. His story has all the right notes.


The final selling point though, is his team. Bede manages to move from a predominately Psychic type team with a couple of Fairies mixed in to the reverse, a Fairy team with some Psychic dashed in for personality. He adapts without really letting go of the familiarity that leaves him a satisfying rival, which allows him to FEEL like a new Gym Leader to me. Rock on, Bede.


#1: Raihan


Image result for Raihan


At first glance, Raihan is kind of goofy. Is he some kind of tongue-in-cheek commentary by GameFreak about "what the kids are into these days" by making him appear to be an Instagram influencer of some kind? Why does he look like he's going to start laughing maniacally for no reason? 


..and then you recall a theme that the game hammers into your skull and how Raihan kind of fits the mold. The importance of rivalry and having friends to push you to be the very best.


Raihan serves as the latest and strongest "rival" to the Galar region's champion, Leon. You see him take on the champ in an exhibition match as the game starts. Later on, the player is introduced to THEIR primary rival in Hop, who so happens to be Leon's younger brother. Leon then drops the hint that he wants Hop to have someone to push him and to call a rival, before it becomes evidently clear why you, "that neighbor kid", get a starter Pokémon too.


The player is to Raihan, as Hop is to Leon. I can understand if that comparison doesn't strike a chord with others, because Galar does tend to keep its leaders somewhat contained to their own environments, with the only exception being Piers (who gets GREAT reception among fans and is certainly up there for me too.)


Honerable mentions:


Bea. S/O to the best type in all of 'Mons, and she's pretty cool looking.


Nessa. Nessa looks pretty cool too, and her backstory, while not really resonating with me personally, is actually pretty compelling on its own, and seems a bit more detailed than half of the other leaders.


Piers. You wanna make a good Gym Leader? Don't hide him from the rest of the game. Piers is a fantastic side-kick character.

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