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Help Creating And Improving The Absolute Unit Dream Team


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I'am starting a new run in Intense mode and i want to create what i call The Absolute Unit team,basicaly a tank team i already have the full team almost ready in my mind but i want to know if this team is good for a Intense run and what can be improved,for example most of the team is obtained mid-end game or pure luck(which can be munipulated editing your save)so which pokemon would be good replacement for them until i catch them?


Dream Team:


CrestTorterra(The starter) moves: curse/woodhammer/earthquake/substitute      nature:impish                    ability:overgrown



Alolan Muk moves: minimize/poison jab/acid armor/knock off          nature: i'm thinking about adamant maybe impish for more defence                   ability:poison touch



 tyranitar moves: earthquake/thrash/crunch/rock slide                     nature: Adamant             ability:sand stream  


aggron moves: heavy slam/iron tail/rock slide/metal sound            nature: Careful                     ability:heavy metal or sturdy



snorlax    moves: bellydrum/yawn/rest/heavy slam or body slam       nature: Careful               ability:thick fat  



 CrestClaydon moves: cosmic power/earth power/hyper beam/heal block    nature: Modest                   ability:levitate




  CrestFeraligatr moves: crunch/ice fang/aqua tail/thrash                 nature: Adamant                  ability:Strong Jaw    (i will use him until e get toxape unless he became a unstoppable monster)




Toxapex moves: toxic spikes/liquidation/baneful bunker/venom drench or recover  nature:  Calm              ability:regenerator


  So tell me what do you think of this team and what pokemon i can use in my team while i don't have access to any dream team member and items you think i can use on them for exemple leftovers on snorlax (doubt i will be able to get that in this run since as far as i know it is a pickup table item which means its not that easy to get early or mid game without griding lots and lots of rare candys to evolve your pokemon with pikcup to atleast lvl 80 so you can have 1% of getting it,technically 6% with a full party with pickup the best way to get it early would be catching 6 aipoms with pickup put them in to lvl30 so you can have a chance of fiding rare candys)anyway thanks for reading this and trying to help me making my team better who knows maybe make it a little troll and put a wobbuffet on it(sorry for bad english)






Edited by LucySky
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what id say is theirs no point putting modest on your claydol since its crested (Claydols crest takes its defence and also considers it its sp atk stat ,Dai lauphing explains it better than i could so ill link in his vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPELXqvq1_I)

Claydol would be essentially busted in a trick room team (which is what id consider running because most of the mons you've suggested are really slow which trick room would benefit them greatly that is when we get trick room)


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4 hours ago, Gengar768 said:

what id say is theirs no point putting modest on your claydol since its crested (Claydols crest takes its defence and also considers it its sp atk stat ,Dai lauphing explains it better than i could so ill link in his vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPELXqvq1_I)

Claydol would be essentially busted in a trick room team (which is what id consider running because most of the mons you've suggested are really slow which trick room would benefit them greatly that is when we get trick room)


interesting i always tought Claydol crest took the sp atk a put it in to defense,the trick room problem can be fixed if i caught a oranguru and removed toxapex from the team since he learn trick room in lvl50(i will use him just in battles i know  he will be useful,like the battle against ryland,his glaiscor and excadrill are monsters in my opinion the battle is not that hard on intense but glaiscor and excadrill are so fast and strong that I got over my fear of angie and now I'm afraid to see an excadrill and a gliscor in the wild,like they are just there to make you use lots and lots of revives until they don't have anymore PP,when i saw the machine pokemon i tought i would have a bad time since i almost didn't hurted them compared to the damage they caused me but excadrill and gliscor showed i was really wrong in thinking the machine pokemon would be the worst thing i found in this version,technically they were since we see them again in sidequests and some garufa ruins if i'm not wrong)i never saw any potential in oranguru but i'm hoping he will prove me wrong,thanks for helping me the video you sent helped a lot in understanding more about Cladoy crest

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49 minutes ago, Gengar768 said:

@LucySky No probs also as you probabally saw in the video solar beam is a one time move and its powerd up so instead of heal block id put solar beam 😀

that sounds like a really good idea since most of my team will be putting entry hazards and buffing themselves so they can one hit the enemy and tank most of the hits,heal block would be useless most of time that and solar beam would protect claydol from water types thanks for remind me of that

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