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Episode 18 Team


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Just beat Hardy and by extension episode 18. Wanted to post the team that I've had since Ciel and get suggestions, like potential pokemon upgrades, moves, nature changes, etc. They aren't fully EV trained which is why I wanted to get advice before making full commitments. Here it is: 

Awareness (Sylveon)- Level 89
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Pixilate
Item: Amplifield Rock
-Hyper Voice
-Light Screen
-Misty Terrain

B1-P0LAR (Magnezone) - Level 89
Nature: Modest
Ability: Sturdy
Item: Specs/Wide Glasses/Air Balloon
-Flash Cannon
-Hp Ice

Apollo (Decidueye) - Level 89 
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Long Reach
Item: Spell Tag/Miracle Seed
-Sucker Punch
-Spirit Shackle
-Brave Bird
-Leaf Blade

Finn (Sharpedo) -Level 89
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Speed Boost
Item: Sharpedonite/Wave Incense
-Destiny Bond

R-K9 (Arcanine) - Level 90
Nature: Serious
Ability: Intimidate
Item: Charcoal
-Heat Wave

-Rock Climb
-Close Combat

FleetwoodMac (Donphan)- Level 88
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Sturdy
Item: Earth Plate
-Stone Edge
-Rock Smash

Thank you to anyone who replies. 

Final Team.png

Edited by Goomymaestro
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Try to teach Arcanine Flare Blitz and Extreme Speed, and Wild Charge as well. You can even put him a choice band from the magma gang sidequest to augment it's power. Overall, your team seems pretty solid. I think you should swap Donphan for Flygon, since the upcoming battle with Sapphira seems pretty difficult, and you can benefit of its access to Dragon Dance.

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You could teach Sylveon Shadow Ball or Psyshock instead of Moonblast or Hyper Voice. Hyper Voice becomes stronger thanks to Pixilate, and in Misty terrain both are around the same strength, so no need for two almost identical moves.

Also an Assault Vest on Deciduye or Arcanine would be neat.

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1 hour ago, Goomymaestro said:

I'm going to train up a flygon but I'm not sure if I'll replace donphan just yet. Will probably see when E19 comes out. I'll teach Sylveon Psyshock since I already have ghost coverage, and will find assault vest. Thanks. 

You can find it in the railnet after the reconstruction, you pay for it in the grand hall

Edited by Santiago
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Your team is pretty good so far. Sylveon with its Misty Terrain is a pretty cool way to deal with Field Effects; since most Gyms rely on them, that's great.


Other than that, you really don't have too many answers for Dragon Types which is likely going to be the last Gym (I say likely because something might change in Ep 19). It would be wise to train a couple of Pokemon as Dragon answers (e.g. Ice types, Steel types, Stealth Rocks for Dragonite's Ability) . As stated above, Extremespeed on Arcanine is pretty cool because having the ability to send Arcanine out and reliably kill a Pokemon that is almost dead is pretty important. You could also consider giving Sharpedo Ice Fang instead of Waterfall for the Gym to maybe kill one more Dragon before it has to Destiny Bond away.


Now for something a bit weirder that you might want to consider, which is why I think Decidueye is a pretty underrated Starter. It has almost identical Attack and Special Attack and gets Nasty Plot by level up. You could pretty easily have it relearn Leaf Storm, teach it Shadow Ball and have a 4th move of your choosing, creating a pretty powerful Special Attacker. In any case, you would benefit from finding either Grassium Z (or Ghostium but it's not in the game yet) if you're going Special, or Decidium Z if you stick with Physical, so you could go out and try to find them. 


As for Donphan, you might want to give Mudsdale a shot since it's pretty much Donphan 2.0 but if you like it there's not much more to say. The only thing your team is really lacking in is items. You for sure need to get Leftovers, Assault Vest, Life Orb, a few Z-Crystals and the Choice items. You never know when that extra Speed from Choice Scarf or extra umph from Choice Specs/Band might help you win. And the no other moves restriction is less severe since you can just switch out after a KO instead of having to waste a turn to do it.


So in essence, prepare for a possible Dragon Gym, get a couple of high quality items and Z-Crystals, check out Mudsdale, get bored and catch all available pokemon like I did and mentally prepare for some crazy hard battles. Seriously. It's the last episode. We're all gonna die.

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On 12/28/2019 at 11:47 PM, kostaras said:

You never know when that extra Speed from Choice Scarf or extra umph from Choice Specs/Band might help you win. And the no other moves restriction is less severe since you can just switch out after a KO instead of having to waste a turn to do it.



I have specs, might've forgotten to mention that. Gave it to magnezone for Amaria and Hardy. Know where to find the band, but where is the scarf located? 

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13 minutes ago, Goomymaestro said:

I have specs, might've forgotten to mention that. Gave it to magnezone for Amaria and Hardy. Know where to find the band, but where is the scarf located? 

The scarf isn't currently available, but you can make an exploit against trainer battles (in agate circus), with thief, recycle and fling. This link may help you to do it:  https://amp.reddit.com/r/PokemonReborn/comments/bjz8sf/guide_to_stealing_battle_items_from_trainers/


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On 12/29/2019 at 7:39 AM, Santiago said:

Well... Let's hope we get CS before the postgame

Now that I'm thinking about it we'll probably get CS after the last Gym, since it's pretty powerful. I can imagine a few pokemon that can run through dragon types with CS like hot knife through butter.

On 12/31/2019 at 6:15 AM, Goomymaestro said:

I have specs, might've forgotten to mention that. Gave it to magnezone for Amaria and Hardy. Know where to find the band, but where is the scarf located? 

Band + Specs will carry you through a lot of things. AV on Arcanine for that sweet Intimidate + AV semi-wall will also come through. Good luck on your item hunt!

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