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Reborn Character Tier Lists (Discussion As well)


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So now that I've finished the Current Version of Pokemon Reborn I wanted to make a tier list for characters and gym fights. The first will be ranked on how much I like them, not how well they are written. Second is based off of difficulty. Note that I did not give blake the ring and choose the Reshiram Route. Feel free to discuss and perhaps post your own as well. 

Reborn Tier list.png

Reborn Tier list 2.png

Edited by Goomymaestro
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I had an easier time with Florina, Aya, and Charlotte than most, but that was mostly because of my team planning. Camerupt and Gastrodon were chosen specifically because they were ground types that could fight Aya, esp. cause Gastro's storm drain in theory ate the water attacks meant for camerupt. She was fairly straightforward because of this, outside of her incredibly strong Nidoqueen. Her biggest issue is that Toxapex spamming sludge wave is more a hindrance to her than a help, in my last run she even ko'd her dragalge with it.


For Charlotte, I had a flygon on my main team and had a Kabutops ressurected and EV trained before even entering Agate, and even then I nearly lost.


I wonder if Terra should be moved down for how exploitable her field is. I used a Scolipede to baton pass +2 speed onto my level 70 Unaware Cosmic/Stored Power Clefable and swept in 6 attacks.


Shelly should be higher IMO. You need either a very specific set of moves on turn 1 (prankster or fake out to disrupt Illumise, then Flame Burst to set the field and kill Illumise) or else a team built around rain synergy w/ a way to deal with Swift Swim Anorinth. She has ways to deal with almost all of her counters, and has her bevy of debuffs combined with Tail Glow Volbeat forms a fearsome late game threat.

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3 hours ago, doombotmecha said:

Shelly should be higher IMO. You need either a very specific set of moves on turn 1

I agree with this. In two of my 7 runs, i used EXTREMELY cheesy sets. One was a Contrary Serperior exploit, and the other was a Competitive Wigglytuff exploit. Thank Arceus that Shelly kept spamming Icy Wind and Struggle Bug.


3 hours ago, doombotmecha said:

For Charlotte, I had a flygon on my main team and had a Kabutops ressurected and EV trained before even entering Agate, and even then I nearly lost.

Funny, because the only pokemon that i really used during this battle was Flygon, it was super easy because of DDance + Earthquake. Also, Trick Room Carbink + Stealth Rock in the fairy mono-run for the win.

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I beat shelly by giving donphan a telluric seed (Boosted attack and gave it spiky shield) and then sweeping with rollout while the other healed. Even after changing the gen 1 field Terra was tough. I only beat charlotte when sharpedo missed a heat wave and was able to set up rain. 

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1 hour ago, Santiago said:

I agree with this. In two of my 7 runs, i used EXTREMELY cheesy sets. One was a Contrary Serperior exploit, and the other was a Competitive Wigglytuff exploit. Thank Arceus that Shelly kept spamming Icy Wind and Struggle Bug.


Funny, because the only pokemon that i really used during this battle was Flygon, it was super easy because of DDance + Earthquake. Also, Trick Room Carbink + Stealth Rock in the fairy mono-run for the win.

Shelly: I think in my last run I just used Swift Swim Floatzel+Ampharos. Next run is going to be mono-steel, so I want to try something with Defiant Prinplup+Swords Dance to hit massive attack turn 1, and@Goomymaestro's post reminded me to use a Telluric seed for even more attack. Also, if there's only 1 attack coming in turn 1, I can expect a sturdy onix consistently set stealth rocks, which should really help with whittling things down to assassination range.


Charlotte: that's legitimately wild, I didn't there would be any time to use DD at all! If I could have spared the turn I definitely would have. I used prankster Meowstic to set rain t1, but I had to switch to rockslide on account of rotom's levitate and my main partner, Kabutops, who had Swift Swim and was functionally immune to fire.

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1 hour ago, doombotmecha said:

Charlotte: that's legitimately wild, I didn't there would be any time to use DD at all! If I could have spared the turn I definitely would have. I used prankster Meowstic to set rain t1, but I had to switch to rockslide on account of rotom's levitate and my main partner, Kabutops, who had Swift Swim and was functionally immune to fire.

I actually think i weakened Thyplosion, so it's eruption wouldn't do that much damage, and then used DDance, with a Rock Gem to kill both Darm and Thyplosion. I love to hell Shelly as a character, but she can go to the void for than awful gym battle. I think i later used a similar strategy to beat Charlotte, since i used an Omastar, and set both Tailwind and Rain dance with Whimsicott and Jolteon, then swept her with a Shell Smash, Surf and an Araquanid, i was pretty lucky, accounting the evasion drops

Edited by Santiago
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1 hour ago, Goomymaestro said:

My only problem with Corey was his crowbat. I think I only won after I managed to paralyze it with Joltik. Took a while to get there though. 

My 1-stop fix for Crobat was Klink. Little guy is so durable (preferably with a Charge or two to really bulk up) that they can just Gear Grind it down.

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I am in my first run of the game, currently grinding for Terra.
In terms of characters so far, I don't like Terra, she is awfully random, but I would put Saphira and Luna a bit higher, I like them. I despise Blake so far, so I wouldn't put him top tier, maybe Zel a little higher.
In terms of gym battles, Charlotte was hard, but I would't say that hard, because I destroyed her field and was pretty ok after that.
I think Shelly and Aya gave me the hardest time, maybe because I wasn't used to the difficulty and strat needs for this game.

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11 hours ago, Serenity04 said:

I am in my first run of the game, currently grinding for Terra.
In terms of characters so far, I don't like Terra, she is awfully random, but I would put Saphira and Luna a bit higher, I like them. I despise Blake so far, so I wouldn't put him top tier, maybe Zel a little higher.
In terms of gym battles, Charlotte was hard, but I would't say that hard, because I destroyed her field and was pretty ok after that.
I think Shelly and Aya gave me the hardest time, maybe because I wasn't used to the difficulty and strat needs for this game.

Terra is famously divisive, but I suppose that's natural for a leader who's a horny rawrspeak clown. Blake's top-tier only in being a bastard, so I think that's Cal's sprite. 

As for difficulty, Charlotte actually relies a LOT on her field, so much so that a Greninja with Surf and a Meowstic with Misty Terrain could 6-0 her. However, trying to brute force her is much, much harder.

Her, Aya, and Shelly are all very similar in that way; all three have a mechanic that negates their biggest weakness (Charlotte's anti-surf field, Aya's anti-earthquake field, and Shelly's rain), and run a tight doubles gameplan to boot, but would suffer greatly without their field. None of them are as horribly field-dependent as Terra though lmao

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13 hours ago, doombotmecha said:

Terra is famously divisive, but I suppose that's natural for a leader who's a horny rawrspeak clown. Blake's top-tier only in being a bastard, so I think that's Cal's sprite. 

As for difficulty, Charlotte actually relies a LOT on her field, so much so that a Greninja with Surf and a Meowstic with Misty Terrain could 6-0 her. However, trying to brute force her is much, much harder.

Her, Aya, and Shelly are all very similar in that way; all three have a mechanic that negates their biggest weakness (Charlotte's anti-surf field, Aya's anti-earthquake field, and Shelly's rain), and run a tight doubles gameplan to boot, but would suffer greatly without their field. None of them are as horribly field-dependent as Terra though lmao

Oh, I didn't realize that was Cal, sorry!
I am so terrified of Terra's field, I am preparing a strategy and grinding for days. Her Garchomp must be no joke.

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1 hour ago, Crystalrage said:

Terra wasn't much of a problem after I changed the field to an electric terrain

Like I said, horribly field-dependent. Every member of her team relies on her field in some way, barring Excadrill. Quagsire and Palossand don't get their seeds, all of the amnesia users have a dead move, Garchomp's strongest move cripples it, etc.

My self-imposed challenge on this run was to avoid just breaking each field, and instead exploit it better than the leader. Cosmic/Stored Power Unaware Clefable made her a joke, though. I only attacked 6 times! 

This fight is, really and truly, more against her field than her Pokemon. She's easily the single most field reliant leader in the game imo, barring maybe Serra.

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I like Titania.


And fucking hate Bennet. Knock him down to F so far as I'm concerned.


Also, Serra should definitely be bumped up at least too spots on difficulty. Sure she's easy if you know the trick to her field, but she's still way harder than Corey, Samson, Kiki, Noell, or Shade. Bump Shelly up one too. And Samson down two.

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Samson's weakness is a bug. Yes, a damn BUG, that can learn how to move its wings. It's hilarious, you can bring a Vivillon, even a Butterfree, and set up on his face, OHKO'ing every pokemon he has (except for the Focus Sash Lucario), this works wonders, really, even with Ciel. 

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8 hours ago, Santiago said:

Samson's weakness is a bug. Yes, a damn BUG, that can learn how to move its wings. It's hilarious, you can bring a Vivillon, even a Butterfree, and set up on his face, OHKO'ing every pokemon he has (except for the Focus Sash Lucario), this works wonders, really, even with Ciel. 

Doesn't he just use a rock move and ohko your bug on the setup turn?

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17 hours ago, wcv said:

I like Titania.


And fucking hate Bennet. Knock him down to F so far as I'm concerned.


Also, Serra should definitely be bumped up at least too spots on difficulty. Sure she's easy if you know the trick to her field, but she's still way harder than Corey, Samson, Kiki, Noell, or Shade. Bump Shelly up one too. And Samson down two.

I heard Bennett's trick may be to use an oricorio. Like every Quiver dance, every dance move, plop, free setup, free damage! Plus as it's already a flying type you get STAB advantage.

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