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Psychic Type mono adventure!


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So because I'm a masochist for this type of difficultly, I've decided to go ahead and do a monotype run of the already difficult game. I chose Psychic type because its one of the two types I'm most familiar with.(The second being ghosts)

At this point in time I'm about to fight Julia with my team of three.


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Ok just beat Julia and holy crap that was a pretty funny fight. I forgot how terrible Voltorb's Atk was. A explosion from a lvl 13 voltorb couldn't one shot a level 15 Ralts. Also both of us got extremely lucky. She got a special atk raise each charge beam, and I confused both her Electrode and Chinchou. Her rollouts also never got past 2.

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I wish Slowpoke was available, that would make a Psychic mono challenge a lot easier. < :D

I would rather Starmie but yeah a water psychic would be extremely helpful. So far I've already ran into difficulties, those Scraggys kicked my ass. I needed to level grind Jester(my Swoobat) to 21 so it could get Air Cutter and I evolved Angel(Kirlia) for extra def. I was still a close fight when Scrafty came in. Luckily Sleeper(Kadabra) was able to finish it with Charge Beam

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Ok time for Flobot.

I must say I had to use a lot of uncommon candies in this run, due to me only have three pokemon at the moment. I wanted to breed Kadabra and Kirlia together for another Ralts but it turns out they're not in the same egg group. Oh well, its better to wait for Duskull anyway, so my Gallade will have Shadow Sneak.

Anyway here's my team for the battle


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Well I won but I don't feel that proud about it. Basically when the Cradily started spamming curse, I started spamming Double Team with Kirlia. Cradily never touched me, and luckily Flo never thought to use Recover for some reason. I really need that Mime.Jr and Spoink. My team right now is extremely fragile and I need to get some strategy up in here!

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This is it! Time to fight Shelly! I manage to get a lot of good items on the way. I saved that kid from the driftloon and Venipedes and got the second store sticker, so I bought a lot of hold items. My Linoone also found two King's Rocks. Here my team now.


Ability: Synchronize



Miracle Eye

Charge Beam

Grass Knot

282.gif Angel

Ability: Trace

Trait: Quiet


Calm Mind

Charge Beam(Filler move,I need a heart scale for wish)

Grass Knot

528.gif Jester

Ability:Unaware(very underrated ability, although I wish he had Simple instead)



Air Slash

Calm Mind

Charge Beam

358.gif Claire

Ability: Levitate

Trait: Relaxed


Grass Knot

Charge Beam(So many filler moves...)


122.gif Juggles

Trait: Hasty

Ability: Fliter


Charge Beam


Light Screen

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Well that was an easy fight. I started off with Juggles and trapped her Dwebble in an encore and then I used Light screen. Shelly wasted all her potions on keeping the Dwebble alive which was pointless because Psybeam 2 hit ko'd it. She used Yanmega right after that so I switched to Jester and used Calm Mind. Yanmega outspeed me after one speed boost but Air Slash killed it in one hit, same with the Scyther, Masquerian, and Wormadam. But then Jester reached level 36 and started disobeying me! So he was pretty much out of the rest of the fight. I trapped the Volbeat in a encore when it used Tail Glow and then I spammed Psybeam until it was dead.

I just hope Shade goes down just as easy.

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