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Ice Mono Memeborn


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Oh yeah. True suffering.


I finally beat Julia after what feels like a ton of bad luck. Here's the strategy for those wanting to suffer in the future:







For Julia:
1. Lead with Moody Snorunt w/ Elemental Seed

2. Double Team and hope Plusle does little damage with Volt Tackle

3. Double Team again hope Oricorio misses

4. Double Team to +6 and hope Moody helps you out. My winning game I had a +6 Atk and +6 Evasion with a -3 Speed with others thrown in that didn't matter much

5. Icy Wind / Bite / Ice Shard depending on the type match and what Moody gave you

6. Magnemite is your worst enemy here since Magnet Bomb ignores accuracy. You need to kill Magnemite in one or two hits and just tank the Magnet Bombs./

7. Electrode might say fuck you and hit through Evasion and kill Snorunt

8. If Snorunt survives, just continue on

9. If Snorunt dies, send out your Seel Team and do Fake Out + Ice Shard until Electrode's gone


GG. You just spent 4 hours waiting for RNG to be on your side.


Note: I also EV trained Snorunt in HP. Idk if that's necessary but I was tired of taking so much damage to Volt Tackle first turn -_-

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