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Trade with yourself


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You can even trade between save files with only one computer.

First make a copy of your Reborn folder where the game is in. Then in the file called "Game.ini", right under the Game.exe, change the title of your game. For example instead of "Title=Pokemon Reborn" write "Title=Pokemon Reborn2". This will result in a second folder for your savegames. Now you can trade with yourself by running both games at the same time. I recommend doing every single step parallel on both games to ensure everything works without problems. In case you don't, you might lose a pokemon during the trade, though that's not an issue since you can just load an old savegame.


Of course if you have two computers then you can do it that way, too.

Edited by Edo
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Or you can just use a mod called Shared PC.  It links your other games together in one PC box.  That is if you don't mind using the mod, but if you want to trade between saves it's basically the same thing right?


Basically put the pokemon you want to exchange in that PC box and then you'll see in the same spot in your other game.

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