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Help with shade......(Closed)


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Edit: Thanks for the help. I replaced emolga with klang and switched my Rapidash with Talonflame and beat him with some healing items.

I can manage to beat all his pokemon till mimikyu. 

My team:

Swampert: tackle,rock-slide,Mud bumb and muddy-water

Emolga:Acrobatics, Shockwave,Roost, and Double team

Ludicolo: Absorb, Bubblebeam, Knock-off and nature-power

Hariyama: Knock-off, Vital throw,Wake-up-slap and fake out

Rapidash: Fire spin, Flame wheel, Stomp  and morning-sun

Toxicroak: Mud-bomb,Sucker punch,drain punch and venoshock


If there is a better replacement for one of these pokemon that can help please let me know.



Edited by Henron
Beat Shade
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Klang is very strong in this gym with the 50% boost to Gear Grind, even taking down Mimikyu in just 1 turn if its Attack is high enough.

Emolga doesn't do a whole lot here without Discharge, which would require severe overleveling, and therefore a lot of grinding, to get. Consider an Electric type with better access to it like Manectric or Raichu.

If you bring Rapidash one level above the cap and then de-level it with a Common Candy, you can have Fire Blast already, which will much more easily deal with Shade's Doublade and Dhelmise.

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The gym can be swept by the combination of meowstic and ariados. Have meowstic set up a light screen then go into ariados set up 2 SDs then go for sucker punch or shadow sneak you'll want both on it in case of cursed body. When he goes into doublade your sucker punch won't 1 shot but it'll get it down low enough that he'll use a potion and you can set up a 3rd sd and sweep from there.


Edited by xSilas
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6 hours ago, Seel The Deal said:

Klang is very strong in this gym with the 50% boost to Gear Grind, even taking down Mimikyu in just 1 turn if its Attack is high enough.

Emolga doesn't do a whole lot here without Discharge, which would require severe overleveling, and therefore a lot of grinding, to get. Consider an Electric type with better access to it like Manectric or Raichu.

If you bring Rapidash one level above the cap and then de-level it with a Common Candy, you can have Fire Blast already, which will much more easily deal with Shade's Doublade and Dhelmise.

Thank you, I'll try that

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4 hours ago, xSilas said:

The gym can be swept by the combination of meowstic and ariados. Have meowstic set up a light screen then go into ariados set up 2 SDs then go for sucker punch or shadow sneak you'll want both on it in case of cursed body. When he goes into doublade your sucker punch won't 1 shot but it'll get it down low enough that he'll use a potion and you can set up a 3rd sd and sweep from there.



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