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Nuzlockin' Woes


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Early last week, I started a Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn. I wasn't expecting to get far, because all previous attempts have ended at Florinia, but I've somehow managed to make it to and defeat Shelly. This is the rule set I've been using:


  • Fainted Pokemon are considered dead and must either be released or permanently stored in the PC.
    • A Pokemon that reaches 1 HP due to poisoning outside of battle will also be considered dead. Stock up on those Antidotes, children.
  • Only the first Pokemon encountered in an area may be caught. Pokemon that have already been caught or members of the same evolutionary line as a caught Pokemon cannot be captured. 
    • If my encounter for an area falls into either of these groups, I can reroll for a new Pokemon. However, I have a limit of five attempts to encounter something new. If I fail to run into another Pokemon, I will not catch a wild Pokemon in that area.
    • In addition to wild encounters, I will be allowing one static encounter and one shiny Pokemon per area. This is more of an anti-frustration feature, because I am going to need a lot of Pokemon to get through this game.
    • All eggs will be collected. I can then decide to either use them as my static encounter or to permanently box them.
    • I am allowed to breed the Growlithe received in the Police Station in order to obtain the Mystery Egg. I can then keep both.
  • Everything must be nicknamed. I won’t be using a set theme.
  • I have to beat Garchomp and Arceus. Why am I doing this to myself?


Standard stuff, with a few modifications to give me a fighting chance. I haven't played through Reborn normally in years, so charging into episode 18 with a Nuzlocke probably wasn't the smartest decision I've ever made. I've been toying with the idea of turning this run into a story or a comic, so let me know if you guys are interested.


I'm currently sitting at 20 deaths, with three of them being against Shelly this morning. Honestly, I'm surprised she didn't end my entire run right then and there. Right now, I'm taking some time to recover and rebuild before progressing the story. This is my team so far:



Charizard (Firebird ♂)

  • Blaze
  • Bold nature
  • Capable of taking hits
  • 14/21/31/23/22/3
  • Fire Pledge, Flame Burst, Dragon Rage, Wing Attack

My starter, and hands-down the most reliable member of my team. He carried me through the first few Gyms with Dragon Rage. Now, with higher level Pokemon, it's starting to become less useful, but it's still decent for breaking through bulky Pokemon. Hopefully, I keep him around until I reach the Move Relearner so I can reteach him some decent moves, since his current set is awful.


Pachirisu (Zapatouille ♀)

  • Run Away
  • Quirky nature
  • Highly persistant
  • 26/26/27/11/23/7
  • Spark, Charm, Nuzzle, Substitute

Good bulk and utility moves. I usually lead with her to scout out movesets before switching into one of my more offensive 'mon.  My very unexpected win-con  against Shelly. My Ampharos and Unfezant got destroyed by her Anorith, and I fully thought my run would end there. But Pachirisu came in and paralyzed everything, then managed to KO Anorith and Araquanid, which let me safely bring in Charmeleon to clean up. I would love to put Light Screen or Reflect on her, but Substitute will have to work for now. My go-to-gal for Flying and Water types.


Purugly (Twist ♀)

  • Own Tempo
  • Lonely nature
  • Very finicky
  • 26/17/12/29/25/17
  • Slash, Charm, Feint Attack, Hypnosis

I have no idea how this thing has lived this long. I added her to the team out of sheer desperation after losing 8 Pokemon before Florinia and fully expected to use her as death fodder. She lived through the Gym and I thought, "well, let's see how she does." And somehow she's still here. She was also instrumental in stalling out Shelly long enough for me to bring out  Charmeleon and I don't think I'd have made it through that fight without her there to sponge hits. Now, she's fully evolved and ready to prove herself on the battle field. Probably my favorite member of the team.


Weepinbell* (Trap )

  • Chlorophyll
  • Gentle nature
  • Highly curious
  • 13/20/18/25/18/19
  • Acid, Sleep Powder, Knock Off, Poison Powder

My first shiny in the entire game. Yup. I somehow made it all the way to Shelly before I encountered a shiny Pokemon. I caught him as a Bellsprout on the rooftop garden in Onyx Ward. He hasn't been involved in any big fights because his moveset is horrible and I can't even evolve him until level 47 because I want Poison Jab. But, he's done fine during grinding, and he's my longest living grass type. Which isn't saying much.


PC: Hoppip, Pawniard, Deerling, Growlithe, Noibat, Unown*, Gothia


I was lucky enough to get a Pawniard from the Mystery Egg, so I'm training him up for Shade. I can also still get the Bounsweet from the Salon in Obsidia and the Solrock from the Grand Stairway. Ooh, and there are some new places I can visit now that I have Rock Smash. I'm also considering stretching my static encounter rule just a bit to get the Carvanah from Archer, since I could really use a water type and the alleys could technically be considered a different area, but I'm not sure how I feel about that.


I'm just surprised I've made it this far.

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Update: I'm actually an idiot


So I spent all of yesterday training up some new team members. I realized pretty quickly that I couldn't get Bounsweet with a Purugly, so I just went back to a previous save before I evolved it. Problem solved! I got my Bounsweet. During grinding, I had to death fodder my shiny Unown to heal my Charizard, but I wasn't too torn up about it. I got Bounsweet leveled up enough to evolve: first into Steenee, then Tsareena. It was nice having an offensive Grass type again. I powered the game off and went to bed for the night.


I got home from work this afternoon and picked the game up again. Tsareena still needed a few extra levels to catch up to the rest of the team, and Pawniard was only level 25. I was so tired of grinding and really wanted to do something fun for a change. So I made the worst decision I could have: I decided to fight Maxwell.


Ninetales put up a fight, but ultimately lost against my Charizard. Houndoom was brutal. I paralyzed it with my Pachirisu, but it refused to get haxed, hitting over and over again with an unnaturally strong Return. I was panicking because I only had a limited number of healing items, so I switched to Pawniard. She barely survived Feint Attack and went down next turn while I healed Pachirisu. I sent out Tsareena. She was 10 levels below this thing, but I was running out of ideas. She confused it with Teeter Dance and things started looking up as RNGesus blessed me with hax. I healed up my Charizard in preparation for switching it in.


Houndoom broke through confusion. Not even the rain could stop Fire Fang from OHKOing. Down went Tsareena. Maxwell kept healing, but Charizard took it out in the end. 


I knew Charmeleon had Hidden Power Electric, so I sent out the only member of my team who hadn't fought yet: Purugly. We did just under half to each other first turn, but Purugly was holding a Metronome and Slash was a STAB move with a high chance to crit. I knew she'd take it out next turn.


I got a low roll on Slash while Charmeleon landed a critical hit Flame Burst. This is some really flammable rain.


So yeah. I'm a little upset. Charizard finished the fight and I ended up accepting the Carvanha out of sheer rage. I had planned on doing the orphanage stuff tonight, but I guess I have more grinding to do instead.





Charizard (Firebird ♂)

  • Blaze
  • Bold nature
  • Capable of taking hits
  • 14/21/31/23/22/3
  • Fire Pledge, Flame Burst, Dragon Rage, Wing Attack

Pachirisu (Zapatouille ♀)

  • Run Away
  • Quirky nature
  • Highly persistant
  • 26/26/27/11/23/7
  • Spark, Charm, Nuzzle, Substitute

Weepinbell* (Trap ♂)

  • Chlorophyll
  • Gentle nature
  • Highly curious
  • 13/20/18/25/18/19
  • Acid, Sleep Powder, Knock Off, Poison Powder

Carvanha (Sharmada ♀)

  • Speed Boost
  • Brave nature
  • Likes to thrash about
  • 12/31/22/5/25/16
  • Swagger, Ice Fang, Substitute, Destiny Bond

PC: Hoppip, Deerling, Noibat, Growlithe, Gothia, Solrock


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Nuzlocking Reborn... That's some serious motivation, I'm really impressed.

I'm even more impressed that you actually keep the challenge while grinding. Honestly, the wild mons can be dangerous to not-fully-trained team members.


I had tried Nuzlocking (it wasn't as brutally hard a game as Reborn, but a not-easy fangame regardless), but ended up loosening the constraint for grinding, because caution made training very tedious and it was still dishearteningly easy to let the Pokemon die due to aggressive hax (which was really frustrating when I absolutely needed that Pokemon for the next Gym). So, again, all of my respect.


Also, sorry for your near team wipe-out and good luck for your next sessions.  

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1 hour ago, Mindlack said:

Nuzlocking Reborn... That's some serious motivation, I'm really impressed.

I'm even more impressed that you actually keep the challenge while grinding. Honestly, the wild mons can be dangerous to not-fully-trained team members.


I had tried Nuzlocking (it wasn't as brutally hard a game as Reborn, but a not-easy fangame regardless), but ended up loosening the constraint for grinding, because caution made training very tedious and it was still dishearteningly easy to let the Pokemon die due to aggressive hax (which was really frustrating when I absolutely needed that Pokemon for the next Gym). So, again, all of my respect.


Also, sorry for your near team wipe-out and good luck for your next sessions.  

Thank you :'D


Grinding is literally the worst part of this whole experience. It's tedious, boring, and like you said there is no worst feeling than having the Pokemon you know you needed for the next big fight (or even just a good, well-rounded Pokemon that you like) get knocked out by a critical hit or a high damage roll. I just lost my Pachirisu trying to grind up some newbies in the Grand Hall and now I'm out a reliable Electric type which I can't easily replace at this point in the game. Uuugh. 


Would the game you tried to play happen to be Pokemon Uranium? Or Insurgence? I've tried Nuzlockes of both before and just. Oof. I gave up after less than an hour out of frustration, lol.


I kind of want to quit right now but I'm going to keep pushing.

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