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Hows my team?


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I just finished the Agate City arc and I'm all caught up the team i have right now is. most of them have been EV/IV trained


Leek II (greninja) 91

Ability: Protean

Item: Expert Belt


Dark Pulse




Voynich (Garchomp) 90

Agility: Rough Skin

Item: Draco Plate



dragon claw

Dragon Rush


Arragorn (Silvally) 89

Ability RKS system

Item Whatever memory fits the situation

Parting shot

Swords Dance

Multi attack

Other moves lie rock slide or flamethrower


Wall (Ferothorn) 89

Ability: Iron Barbs

Item: Currently Macho Brace but it is normally Rocky Helmet

Iron Head

Power Whip

Leech Seed


Hera (Manectric) 89

Ability Lightning Rod

Item: Manectite




Electric Terrain


The last slot Is kinda random over the course of my playthrough, currently its an untrained shiny Gigalith named Au

Edited by Crimson_Mc_Black
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Garchomp doesn't really have much reason to run 2 Dragon moves or to run Roar at all, I'd give it Flamethrower (or Fire Fang, but it's not as effective against the stuff you generally want Fire moves for, like Tangrowth and Skarmory) and Rock Slide or Iron Head/Poison Jab.


Silvally probably shouldn't be running Parting Shot and Swords Dance at the same time? Both are useful but they contradict each other, one encourages you to pivot constantly and the other encourages you to stay in and sweep. Tbh there's so many better sweepers than Silvally, I'd highly recommend replacing Swords Dance with either Thunder Wave or additional coverage and using Silvally as an adaptable, defensive pivot that brings in stronger 'mons with type advantages.


What's Ferrothorn's 4th move? Curse is ideal, Protect works also, either way I'd replace Iron Head with Gyro Ball but that's personal preference due to PP issues.


Manectric could run Overheat, Toxic or Light Screen instead of Charge, or if you have a good type Hidden Power (Grass is probably ideal in the specific case of Manectric; Ice and Water are also excellent).


I'd also highly recommend finding the 2 (3 if you revert to an older version and get one from the event Absol, and infinite with an exploit involving Thief, Fling and Recycle) Life Orbs in Reborn, one for Greninja and the other for Garchomp, the power difference is incredible and will make these 2 put in so much more work.


It's not as big a deal since you're using Silvally and can plop on a Fairy or Poison Memory once in a while, but your team is overall very weak to Fighting (especially if you're gonna use Gigalith) and although you're well past the specialists of that type it's still very common both as coverage and STAB. Having something like a Togekiss or Cofagrigus around to swap in could be a good idea. For Togekiss I'd run something like Air Slash/Flamethrower or Aura Sphere/Wish or Roost/literally anything, and for Cofagrigus an OTR set with Shadow Ball/Trick Room/Nasty Plot and whatever coverage you need at the time (Grass Knot, Psychic and Hidden Power Fighting) works wonders.

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Not gonna rant too much cuz most has been said by @Seel The Deal but here are just my suggestion


Ferrothorn is a solid sweeper you should just get curse instead of leech seed and get a gyro ball, 2 curse+gyro ball is usually certain OTK 


For Garchomp, Just like @Seel The Deal said There is no need for 2 dragon move on garchomp, i recommend throwing out Dragon rush cuz it has a horrible accuracy and replace it with Firefang/Iron Head/Poison Jab, The Roar is very situational but i guess if you afraid of your opp building up their mon it can be very usefull , My own Garchomp run EQ,Dragon claw, Rock Slide and Poison Jab 


For Greninja i rather replace Blizzard with Ice Beam or just replace all of them with Gunk Shot, this usually surprise my Opp cuz they are expecting me to use special and usually counter with Gardevoir and boom Gunk Shotted 


For the Sixth slot Consider yourself to get a Screen wall moves, pkmn like Prankster Meostic can set up Screens on the first turn this really helps additional survivability when you are setting up for SD or Curses/ healing or you can breed a Ribombee for Sticky Web to help you sweep, also consider get a Fighting type like Hawlucha or Lucario or better yet Speed Boost Blaziken, if your opp has a strong bulky normal type like Snorlax you will get a hard time base on your team





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Thanks this has been really helpful I had some troubles with the last few fights so this really clears things up as to how I should use my team. (tbh since most major fights near the end had physical attackers like pissed off Amaria's team, most of the fights consisted of sending out my Ferrothorn set up Toxic (its fourth move, sorry I forgot to type it in) and spam potions until the opponent killed itself died. not proud of it, but it worked) Also i put roar on my Garchomp to take care of any Seed holders if they're not the last pokemon any way

Edited by Crimson_Mc_Black
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