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Game keeps crashing after fighting Adam


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During the Tournament and while fighting Adam, an error keeps popping up during my battle with him. And then after fighting him, my game crashes right when Bladestar sabotages the Tournament. I had noticed during the battle that the error happens when I take my Pokemon out and they get damaged by Stealth Rock, so I made sure to one shot that Crustle before he sets up Stealth Rock, which stops the error. But no matter what, my game crashes right before Bladestar comes in and I don't know why it does that. Is anyone else having this kind of problem? Here's a video of one of the many battles I had with Adam. I kept trying to find ways to avoid the errors, but no matter what, my game crashes after I battled Adam. The error starts at around 2:22 in the video.


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  • 4 years later...

Sorry guys I know I'm VERY late to this discussion (lol) but can anyone tell me where to find the patch that fixes this bug? I've tried everything but it keeps crashing right after I beat Adam :(

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