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Holy shiz guys


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So I just found out my new luxray is not only jolly but has guts AND a perfect attack IV that is amazing since this is a casual  playthrough.

despite this I am still managing to have trouble against an aster and eclipse battle...

And I guess I could show the remainder of my team.

Should I switch anyone off, I just beat kiki so I believe Aya is up next.



watt stats.PNG





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Well it seems like you have quite a weakness to rock/ground considering the only pokemon that can really do damage to them is your Clawitzer- and let me tell you from experience, late game you will be wishing you had more rock coverage. Also is it just me or do you only have 5 mons, or do you have two luxrays? The way the images appear it is kind of hard to tell. At any rate, knowing some of the battles that you will have ahead, it may be good to try and get yourself some sort of a tank. Potentially something bulky that can heal or recover. Are you using a starter pokemon? If not, Venusaur would be extremely useful for you giving you that rock/ground coverage and he's quite tanky. Otherwise you could try to get yourself a Snorlax or a Blissey, those typically tend to be good walls for a team. I personally use Hippowdon, although he probably is not available for you until much later in the game. His sand stream and stealth rocks have been invaluable. Additionally, I would consider swapping out your Meowstic for something like Malamar or Gaurdevoire. Typically they perform better and with their multi-type it tends to provide more coverage. 


If I recall correctly, it has been a MINUTE since I was that early in the game, Aya is the Posion Type battle, correct? If I remember right, it is a double battle. You don't really have much right now that resists poison. Your Meowstic will help, but you should probably get yourself a Ground Type or a Steel Type for that resistance. Fire would probably be beneficial as well. Earth Power would probably be beneficial to have on the team as the field won't weaken it. Potentially consider getting yourself a Gastrodon? They are Water/Ground, Solid stats, with the ability to learn Earth Power and Recover which would be useful. Additionally, it is a fantastic mon for multi-battles throughout any of the games because of its ability water absorb and its immunity to electricity (Just watch out for grass types). Swoobat could be utilized quite well IF you can bring yourself to use that hideous thing. The one that will probably give you the biggest headache is her Drapion considering you'll be utilizing Psychic as your primary form of attack and it is immune. That being said, I would DEFINITELY consider getting yourself some form of a Ground Type specifically for that, just watch out with her Venusaur. Sorry, I feel like I am ranting, good luck!

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