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Help with Aya


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what is with poison leaders beating the mess out of me? First corey now Aya

I can't specifically say what I have trouble with as it is most of her team. Sludge Wave Toxapex does a crap ton (also always crits, is that a field thing?) to me Stomping Tantrum Nidoqueen keeps killing my Rapidash Luxray and/or Ampharos. Salazzle is fast as hecc for some reason. Drapion is also fast as hecc and keeps killing my Meowstic when I try to kill the Toxapex. And Dragalgae and Toxapex cleans up the scraps of my team left (So Greninja and Blissey [although blissey kinda gets oofed the entire battle]) 

This is my team and their stats and moves.

Froppy The greninja ability: Protean


Water Pledge

Smack Down

Feint Attack

Rock Smash


HP 128

ATK 102

DEF 60

SP. ATK 107

SP. DEF 80

SPE 137

Cybernetica The rapidash ability: flash fire


Take Down

Flame Charge

Flare Blitz

High Horsepower


HP 123

DEF 74

SP. ATK 85

SP. DEF 86

SPE 115

Psyche The Meowstic ability: Keen Eye


Charge Beam


Disarming Voice



HP 137

ATK 59

DEF 93

SP. ATK 87

SP. DEF 82

SPE 94

*Definitely the weakest link thinking about replacing with a gothitelle? I prefer ability to live and do damage over to "live" and "do damage"

Zzzap! The Ampharos/ TerraWatt The luxray 

*Grouped together cause they serve the same purpose, trying to kill the darn toxapex

Zzzap!: holding zap plate (funny I know)


Charge/Thunder Fang

Power Gem/Roar


Take Down/Crunch


HP 145

ATK 76

DEF 83

SP. ATK 121

SP. DEF 86

SPE 56


gonna finish the rest of my team later, all pokemon are level 45 or 46

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19 minutes ago, Dooblerino said:

For toxapex I used a dugtrio with Earth Power/fearow with Drill Run, not sure if you have them but if they're kickin around in the PC it's worth a shot I guess

is drill run the ohko or is that horn drill? or the question I actually need answered, Is where do you find those, I know diglett is in the place under the grand stairs but fearow?

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2 minutes ago, Dooblerino said:

Drill run is a ground move that fearow learns at like lvl 45, and they're found in I believe the jasper ward? hold on lemme check

I think I remember encountering a spearow in like peridot ward which would suck to have to train it from like 2-45 lol

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2 minutes ago, CritShot921 said:

I think I remember encountering a spearow in like peridot ward which would suck to have to train it from like 2-45 lol

I remember being able to find them pre-evolved, although yeah that would still take really long

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You can grab a male Nidoran from the Game Corner, which if you fully evolve it will learn Earth Power at level 43. And it will get a boost off of Sheer Force. You can also grab an admittedly weak Numel in the rain if you haven't already. It gets Earth Power as well, and also has Lava Plume.


7 hours ago, CritShot921 said:

Sludge Wave Toxapex does a crap ton (also always crits, is that a field thing?)

Aya's Toxapex has the ability Merciless, which is always active under Wasteland terrain.

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I don't know why, but Aya never gave me a problem. People seems to always get stuck with her though. This could happen to you because at this point of the game, having a 6 member team, would help a lot. And specific against her, having Psychic/Ground mons works wonders. I'm assuming you didn't bred or pokemon for perfect IVs, so, try to train your pokemons to have high EVs in the right stats, would help a lot too.


Protean Greninja is one of the most versatile pokemon, but you have to decide what you want to do with it: you have water pledge, a special move, and 3 physical moves, and neither of them, in my opinion, are the strongest ones. If we take a look at Greninja base stats, it has more Special Attack than Attack, so I suggest you to go for special moves for it (water pledge/extrasensory/dark pulse/ice beam for future moveset) and since your mons are lvl 45, you can lvl up greninja to 49 (you can buy rare candies for 20k in obisidia ward)  just so it learns extrasensory, and delevel with common candies.


12 hours ago, CritShot921 said:

Definitely the weakest link thinking about replacing with a gothitelle?

I don't agree. When I started playing reborn back in E15, Female Meowstic pulled my weight through a lot of gym battles, because of good moveset it has access through lvl up, and good stats, at least for the mid-game. I do agree that there are better psychic options for Meowstic, but Gothitelle is not one of them.


I wouldn't repeat types on my team, for better coverage, and having Luxray and Ampharos are not a good idea for me. I'd leave Ampharos there because it has a more versatile moveset than Luxray.


Rapidash is the problem for me. I really like the mon design, it has good stats, but the moveset is lame. Unless you already have access to move relearner, then you can teach it some good moves, or you'd be stuck with fire moves forever. Anyway, I'd change it for another fire mon. I think is or will soon be available for you at the volcano.


One strategy you can use, is stack revives and use Blissey to tank some hits while you revive your mons, until you get an opening to deal with toxapex. Lvl up Greninja so it learns Extrasensory it's a good idea too. The very point of reborn is to give difficult to it's players, so think you team through and see which options you have at this point, Ame always leave some interesting mons laying around before gym battles.


See ya~

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3 hours ago, Trufa said:

I don't know why, but Aya never gave me a problem. People seems to always get stuck with her though. This could happen to you because at this point of the game, having a 6 member team, would help a lot. And specific against her, having Psychic/Ground mons works wonders. I'm assuming you didn't bred or pokemon for perfect IVs, so, try to train your pokemons to have high EVs in the right stats, would help a lot too.


Protean Greninja is one of the most versatile pokemon, but you have to decide what you want to do with it: you have water pledge, a special move, and 3 physical moves, and neither of them, in my opinion, are the strongest ones. If we take a look at Greninja base stats, it has more Special Attack than Attack, so I suggest you to go for special moves for it (water pledge/extrasensory/dark pulse/ice beam for future moveset) and since your mons are lvl 45, you can lvl up greninja to 49 (you can buy rare candies for 20k in obisidia ward)  just so it learns extrasensory, and delevel with common candies.


I don't agree. When I started playing reborn back in E15, Female Meowstic pulled my weight through a lot of gym battles, because of good moveset it has access through lvl up, and good stats, at least for the mid-game. I do agree that there are better psychic options for Meowstic, but Gothitelle is not one of them.


I wouldn't repeat types on my team, for better coverage, and having Luxray and Ampharos are not a good idea for me. I'd leave Ampharos there because it has a more versatile moveset than Luxray.


Sorry to quote the whole thing, I don't know how to quote small bits yet.

Yeah but I like Gothitelle a lot more than Meowstic (probably a dumb opinion, but this is coming from mister I love Vanilluxe and Garbodor lol) not to mention my Meowstic has a pretty trash nature, I believe if I get a chance to change it to like modest I might switch it off, not to mention my Meowstic is slower than a lot of things I need it to be faster than often leading to easy 2 shots, but it did manage to help mith most previous gyms though so I might switch it back off but then I saw, all of Gothitelles' stats are better than Meowstics, except speed and it is modest so once we find a nature changer it can come back.


Also I don't normally use luxray and Ampharos at the same time, they are just two options I tried to kill the Toxa, neither worked lol

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3 hours ago, CritShot921 said:


Sorry to quote the whole thing, I don't know how to quote small bits yet.

Yeah but I like Gothitelle a lot more than Meowstic (probably a dumb opinion, but this is coming from mister I love Vanilluxe and Garbodor lol) not to mention my Meowstic has a pretty trash nature, I believe if I get a chance to change it to like modest I might switch it off, not to mention my Meowstic is slower than a lot of things I need it to be faster than often leading to easy 2 shots, but it did manage to help mith most previous gyms though so I might switch it back off but then I saw, all of Gothitelles' stats are better than Meowstics, except speed and it is modest so once we find a nature changer it can come back.


Also I don't normally use luxray and Ampharos at the same time, they are just two options I tried to kill the Toxa, neither worked lol

Meowstic has access to Light Screen and Reflect which are amazing tools, especially in Reborn. And fighting Aya is no different.


You need to consider using defensive moves, not just offensive ones.


Status effects are amazingly strong. Teach your Ampharos Thunder Wave, use it on Toxapex and simply ignore it. Focus your energy on the same Mon. Nidoqueen can be OHKO very easily as you have access to very strong Ground-type Mons as well as moves at this point, there's also strong Psychic types available to you.


You have access to Xatu, A. Raichu, Medicham, Meowstic, Malamar with Contrary is incredible, Swoobat- All of whom are better choices than Gothitelle, for sure.


There's also A. Marowak with Thick Club from the Byxbysion Tunnels, Bonemerang is going to do work for you. Dugtrio, Sandslash, too.


Your movesets are looking all over the place with a lot of duplicates and all offensive moves.


She's not too difficult once you figure out double battles. Focus on the same Mon, find their weak ones and use status effects to neutralize them. Going pure offense tends to make things harder for you. GL!

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1 hour ago, Siv said:

Meowstic has access to Light Screen and Reflect which are amazing tools, especially in Reborn. And fighting Aya is no different.


You need to consider using defensive moves, not just offensive ones.


Status effects are amazingly strong. Teach your Ampharos Thunder Wave, use it on Toxapex and simply ignore it. Focus your energy on the same Mon. Nidoqueen can be OHKO very easily as you have access to very strong Ground-type Mons as well as moves at this point, there's also strong Psychic types available to you.


You have access to Xatu, A. Raichu, Medicham, Meowstic, Malamar with Contrary is incredible, Swoobat- All of whom are better choices than Gothitelle, for sure.


There's also A. Marowak with Thick Club from the Byxbysion Tunnels, Bonemerang is going to do work for you. Dugtrio, Sandslash, too.


Your movesets are looking all over the place with a lot of duplicates and all offensive moves.


She's not too difficult once you figure out double battles. Focus on the same Mon, find their weak ones and use status effects to neutralize them. Going pure offense tends to make things harder for you. GL!

ok I will keep meowstic despite finally finishing up grinding gothitelle and I have some light clay as well

does it learn those before level 40? cause that would kinda suck, which one should I use? I know light screen will make blissey unkillable specially and reflect helps meowstic from getting 2 shot with knock off.

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32 minutes ago, CritShot921 said:

Uh are you sure? My ampharos is level 45 unless I am missing a tm it only learns thunder wave at level 4

I don't want to go back that far but if it is required I will


Alternatives can be Venomoth with Stun Spore, who also learns Psychic moves and has excellent speed. Or a Togedemaru with Nuzzle from the Power Plant.


Toxapex really isn't your biggest problem with Aya, it shouldn't be at least and using status effects will help you a great deal, it isn't required but it makes it easier.


Male Meowstic learns both Light Screen and Reflect at level 34.


What team are you looking to use exactly?

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12 minutes ago, Siv said:

What team are you looking to use exactly?

For the most part a combination of the ideas,

Nidoking for earth power

Meowstic screens

Ampharos paralysis of dangerous opponents

Rapidash  Does well against the entire team, excluding toxa using high horsepower

Clawitzer Does really well against salazzle and nidoqueen, killing them before things get out of hand

Idk who the last member could be maybe the greninja as well?

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5 minutes ago, CritShot921 said:

For the most part a combination of the ideas,

Nidoking for earth power

Meowstic screens

Ampharos paralysis of dangerous opponents

Rapidash  Does well against the entire team, excluding toxa using high horsepower

Clawitzer Does really well against salazzle and nidoqueen, killing them before things get out of hand

Idk who the last member could be maybe the greninja as well?

Yeah Greninja with Extrasensory and a strong Water move would probably do solid work for you.

Or a Sandslash/Dugtrio with Dig would likely do better against Aya, I think.


Keeping Fake Out as a move on Meowstic is also really strong. Let's you set up your status effects on turn 1 without taking too much damage; or let's you set up moves like Swords Dance if you use Sandslash, for example. Would be a strong set-up for a clean sweep with Dig. And you can swap him in and out throughout the battle to use Fake Out again if needed.


I'd probably go for Light Screens seeing as most of her team consists of SpA moves and if you do plan on using status effects on Toxapex, you're going to want to leave him alone until the end so Light Screen will help out with making Toxapex even less of a threat throughout the battle.

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