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My teams is having problems with levels


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okay so before i started the game i took the time to plan out my team based on pokemon that i could easily get in the game (like i wanted to use Luxray but getting it would be a problem since i literately suck at the game corner). So my current team plans are Charizard, Scrafty, Excadrill, Lanturn, Espeon, and Venasuar. Problem is some of those pokemon are acquired later in the game and i would run into the issue of my pokemon (mainly my charmander) growing too high of levels and not listening to me. I dont want to catch pokemon that i wont use and train them too so my charmander wont get too over-leveled as that waste experience. So can anyone help me out, maybe suggest some pokemon that could replace my current suggestions so im not either wasting Experience or getting too high leveled to where they dont listen to me.

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It depends on how early you want some of these Pokemon. Gardevoir or even Gengar could be a good substitute for Espeon. Lilligant for Venusaur might work but lacks move coverage (though with Own Tempo Petal Dance you rarely need it). Scrafty can be caught early on so that's no issue. For Lanturn...Manectric? You don't get many water types early on. Excadrill is pretty hard to replace, but you could use Aggron, Magnezone or even Klinklang if you want...

Most of the better pokes are only available starting from around Ep 6-7 so you're goign to have to make do with one or two "inferior" ones.

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Level caps and other info:


Ground type wise as a replacement for Excadrill, Camerupt is available early and is extremely useful (Numel event).

And I wouldn't worry about wasting experience. There is plenty opportunity in the game to level up and grind.

Edited by Delhezi
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Thanks so much for the Level Caps but i think im not going to use Numel, i really only needed a few pokemon so i didnt have to have only 1 or 2 high enough that they will disobey me. Also im skipping it because my charmander is shiny see...


Edited by Pokewatt
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That would be a good reason to skip Numel. lol, Have you considered trying swoobat? Good speed and spatk, early game and gives you the extra flying coverage before you get charizard and then you just save raltz for gallade instead of gardevoir.

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Donphan. You can catch a Phanpy pretty early. There's pretty much no good water types early aside from gyarados who doesnt even learn a physical water attack till lvl 35. Ah, for venusaur i guess you could use a roselia, you can get budew pretty early. You can also catch an elekid early on a stormy day or an electrike on a storny night early on in the game. They're all in that pokemon location thread. Nickaboo also has a guide to manipulating the weather on his channel if you need to get a stormy day.

Edited by Stiffins
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The problem i have with Elekid is the fact that i need to trade to evolve him, which i know i need one of those Expensive Link Stones, and if i get one of those i would rather use it on Kadabra or Huanter. I do like the Roselia idea so ill look into that. On a side not i caught a Mild Shiny Goldeen should i use that or still wait for Lanturn.

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The problem i have with Elekid is the fact that i need to trade to evolve him, which i know i need one of those Expensive Link Stones, and if i get one of those i would rather use it on Kadabra or Huanter. On a side not i caught a Mild Shiny Goldeen should i use that or still wait for Lanturn.

-You don't need a Link Stone for Elekid, just an Electrizer, which is by chance in game. There's like 5% of chance for the wild Elekid to hold it!

-I believe you shouldn't use a Goldeen, even if it is a shiny one.

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Sorry to be a bother guys but can you get scraggy before the second gym, i want to train him up with Makuhita and Mawile to beat that darn Cradily. Also Scraggy is the one thats going to be a permanent member to my team Makuhita and Mawile i havent decided if i even wanted to use them past that Cradily. Mawile is Mild Nature with Itemidate while Makuhita is Sassy Nature with Guts. Mawile's nature is just really turning me off though :(

Edited by Pokewatt
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A little late you guys :3 anyways im now at the part where i have to fight ZEL and Taka(i think that was his name) the guy with the Chatot. If you ask me Chatot seems OP to me. i cant beat that thing i have to double team the Glaceon and hope i can kill they Espeon with a Faint Attack. Lileep isnt a problem so i dont kill him right away. Any tips im already leading off with Charmeleon and Scraggy to double team the Glaceon

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A good water type early on is Psyduck. You would still have to go to the game counter, but its the cheapest Pokémon there at only 1500 coins (you can get over half the coins required just by talking to people and searching the game slots). Plus its pretty bulky as a golduck and can take 2-3 super-effective hits easy.

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You can take out all of zels pokemon. His espeon and umbreon should be easy for your scrafty. Then turn their remaining attention to his lileep. After you KO that, try to sleep/confuse chatot. Or Try paralyzing the chatot with your roselia.

Yeah that chatot is op though. Also the emolga you find in the town right next to that forest can easily own chatot with barely any training

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