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Mamoswine or rhyperior


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Both are quite good.


I used Mamoswine during my first playthrough. He has good moves and good coverage. He is quite tanky too. You will like him no matter what.


Rhyperior is all physical. He hits hard and tanks everything. But don't try to put him against a special attacker. It depends if you need that in your team. He has a low speed so you might run Rock Polish to compensate that.

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Depends. Rhyperior is practically invincible physically, even tanking weaker physical Grass and Water moves from full health with Solid Rock, or supporting teammates like Gyarados in Doubles with Lightning Rod. It also hits a bit harder than Mamoswine with stronger moves and higher Attack, but has a worse STAB combo and thus needs to dedicate all its moveslots to attacking, and its low speed means anything that threatens it forces it out. Mamoswine has more freedom with its moveslots since it only misses out on Shedinja, Araquanid and Golisopod, and it's also much faster which allows it to nuke certain things that threaten it before they can move. Good options, apart from the obligatory Icicle Crash and Earthquake, include Stealth Rock, Superpower, Ice Shard, and Bulldoze/Rock Tomb (Stealth Rock and Superpower I believe you don't get yet but will fairly soon).


Also worth noting, since you said you've just beat Terra, that Mamoswine has an overall better matchup against the upcoming leaders aside from Hardy.

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In the case you're going for Mamoswine you'll have to breed it Icicle Crash (with an Smeargle or a Alolan Sandslash) in order to take full advantage of its incredible STAB combo. I'd say Mamoswine is the superior choice, thanks to it far better typing, better speed, and access to strong priority, in case you stumble across annoying focus sash, and sturdy 'mons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So not gonna lie, Rhyperior is probably more deadly a mon, but it requires the right set up. For a good chunk of the game, I ran Trick Room and would swap into Rhyperior and would utterly WRECK EVERYTHING. Definitely one of my favorite mons to use. However, versatility-wise, Mamoswine is probably a better choice unless youre willing to put the effort into setting up a team for Rhyperior!

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