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whats your guys favorite animal and why



mines a "African Grey Parrot" cause i own a african grey myself and cause they can mimic human speech and even learn what certain words mean and use them correctly [my parrot has learned to say goodbye [in dutch he says hoie heh] when people leave the house]

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There is only one. Human's overlords. Felines. With love and care, they can be trained kinda and their outcoming affection isn't passive-instinctual (pre-existing), but progressive (very tame, very friendly cats are a rare sight) and just the indication you need, that you worked things out perfectly (whenever dealing with them). Also, each one of them have different personalities and if you raise them from kittens, they can even break the mold of cat psychology/sociology (male cats don't murder their offspring but protect them, deadly fights between males are very rare etc). Some of them even try to mimic human behavior!!! One of my deceased babies, used to rub paws against the front door carpet before entering indoors right next to me (exactly as i did to clean my shoes), tried EVERYTHING that i drank or ate (going so far as to nag and meow if i didn't offer a sample myself first) like chocolate cake, pretzel bread, cold coffee foam, sleep right next to me grabbing the pillow tightly with front paws, all the way to extending its mug so i would kiss its cheek (that mustache is really funny and tingling)!


My heroes are that Russian Couple, who have adopted a Mountain Lion, called him Messi, train Him like a dog, walk Him out like a dog, discipline/feed/play with him like a dog and use him like an "alarm", sometimes! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Surprise surprise! It's seals! The harbor seal or common seal to be exact, but I love all of them. Why? Because they're the most precious things I have ever layed my eyes upon. The way they look is utterly adorable with their big eyes and their chubby bodies. The way they move makes my heart melt and so does their curiosity. They're also really smart as well, as smart as most dog breeds even. They each have different patterns and they vary in personalities as well. Anyways, here's a few of my favorite seal video's for anyone interested (headphone warning for some reason):




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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

All felines. They are my religion. But if I had to choose one, it would undoubtedly be the black panther. 


But of course I love my 3 cats more. Every night they come and sleep with me, and they meow to make a place for them so the can snuggle up next to me 😻

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the Balaenoptera musculus and the Strigiformes are my fave.

But of course who can forget the Phascolarctos cinereus?

It's cute and cuddly there's no other reason as to why I love this boy.

Edited by DelRad
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