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Whoville Holiday Mafia


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not quite 1 month waiting time aldo, 3 months would be AL's game right now, not that it matters.
So, seems like we don't get to know what the dead roles were able to do, sad.
Good to know there is a roleblocker in this game (well unless it was newt, in which case rip)
and i don't really have anything worth sharing, right now


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wait aldo and ali were both roleblocked? or is aldo again throwing out some statement and happens to be right? not that there being a roleblocker would be outlandish
so could aldo confirm if he said something about having a roleblocker because he was roleblocked? because then there would be 2 in this game

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  On 3/12/2020 at 3:48 PM, Falirion said:

wait aldo and ali were both roleblocked? or is aldo again throwing out some statement and happens to be right? not that there being a roleblocker would be outlandish
so could aldo confirm if he said something about having a roleblocker because he was roleblocked? because then there would be 2 in this game


Yes, I was roleblocked. Not that my action would make a difference anyhow.


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  On 3/12/2020 at 4:02 PM, Aldo said:

Yes, I was roleblocked. Not that my action would make a difference anyhow.



So, if the both of you were roleblocked, it could be that there's either a town roleblocker and another town jailer type of role OR that there's a town roleblocker and a mafia counterpart

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If we assume there are two roleblockers, I don't think Nano would put them both in the same faction. But there are many types of roles that could roleblock like Nurse, Jailer, Jailkeep, Drunk etc. so idk


I know very little about Dr. Seuss characters so I can't tell who's a good fit for roleblocking. However, I think Things 1&2 could be Lovers. It would make sense for them to share a chat imo.

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At best to what I assume. These Dr.Seuss Character’s role are just gonna be a reflection  of their particular attribute or moment in book/film. So a reference than and other than that, we’re pretty much hitting a dart board blind unless someone has something to share.


Information gonna be limited now that Character’s role won’t be revealed upon death. And this game against now a 9 (towns) vs 4 (mafia) situation alongside the two third party's... yeah this already looks grim. 


So like if all mafia members successfully survives the first two day and nights from now. (2 lynches and 2 faction kills + No third parties were targeted)... That leaves us in a (5 v 4). Basically puts us in a LyLo situation where we don’t choose right in a couple of phases soon, town loses and mafia wins while the third party probably win’s by surviving? Unless they have a special win condition and I haven’t even mentioned the possibilities of other killing roles (vigilante, etc). 


All we should be asking for now is to make sure those assigned being role-blockers. Are lucky enough to prevent one of the faction kills.

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I swear I feel like my brain commits seppuku every time I try to read one of AL's posts

Yeah I can't say I know enough about Dr. Seuss to be able to guess what any of the roles might be. Although what Ali said about thing 1 and thing 2 sounds plausible.


Anyway let's hope that AL's doomsday scenario doesn't come true and that the roleblockers do their thing (assuming both are town that is).

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As Daniel said, the second roleblock could come from a non-roleblocking role as well. It could even come from a role that doesn't know what it's doing, as a passive ability.

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I know next to nothing about Doctor Seuss, but that makes the thrill of the game more exciting. I don’t currently have much to add to what has been discussed.


I must request a doctor tonight, however, as there seems to be some kind of Poisoner in play, and I will die without the help.

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Hello to all. I was going to try some rhyming thing but then I realized that I don’t have time to do something like that or the ability to do so effectively. Anyways, I had a rather quiet night with nothing happening. Two roleblockers and a poisoner on Nicki sound interesting. My guess is that mafia has a roleblocker, tp has a roleblocking has part of their skill set or a townie has the ability to copy someone else’s power or something since this is Dr. Seuss but thing again, I know next to nothing about Dr. Seuss like many of you guys so my guesses are shots in the dark. As for the poisoner, pretty sure that would be a mafia role though once again I wouldn’t know who would have that ability.

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Personally I’ve never heard of a third party roleblocker... 🤔


I’ve also never heard of a town sided Poisoner, and I think some of the roles in play are based on Town of Salem roles... can’t say for certain, but the system message for being poisoned seems to make me think so.


I don’t really have any vibes from anyone in particular, but I’m not sure I like his big message since we’re only on the first day...


[eliminate] Anti-Loser.

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A-L often drops big posts tho, it's pretty normal behavior for him. I don't get scummy vibes from him but we don't really have enough material yet to properly judge.


[Eliminate] Alistair placeholder vote to make sure I don't miss requirements, will probably be changed later.

Although if everyone voted for themselves, resulting in everyone getting lynched at the same time, would it count as a town victory or a mafia victory...? 🤔

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It’s day 1 Alistair, reasoning with lynching in this phase have usually become numb and void of solid material. We’ve played this game for so long that I’ve just accepted that pointing the possibility of certain situations. Backing up with the number of players each in their own alignment. Is gonna get me targeted by somebody who throws it away at the little stuff. 


And isn’t that the fun of Day1? until a towny actually gets lynch and we actually lose our power-house role without even realizing it.

Can’t really place-hold a lynch onto myself anymore and honestly I’m not into eye for eye scenarios unless it’s necessary. Although it wouldn’t be too far-fetched in the case there are no doctors (unlikely). We put Nicki out of her misery on Day-lynch and don’t suffer 2+ deaths the next night. Consider it a last resort. I’ll put my faith knowing there exist opposing roles between Doctor and Poisoner in this game.


Admittedly this might be too early.. though. [Eliminate] Lia as my placeholder until she answers my question - “Tell us about your thoughts about this game.”

 After that, I’ll remove my vote

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Well one roleblocker could even be the Jailer, so those two roleblockers could be town, third party or mafia. We don't know that, but i think one is town and the other one is mafia. 

I know nothing about Doctor Seuss too, but i will do a placeholder. If something happens, i will change my vote hopefully i will do it in time.

[Eliminate] Cas

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