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Let the Darkside rise - Mono Dark run


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Hyho 🙂

After I finished my current Rejuvenation run did I decided to do a new Reborn run, but I didn't want a normal run, so I decided to do try a another Monorun(Didn#t finished my first one on Fire...).

I have till yet very much fun in this run and want to share this with you all


Why Dark? Well most of my favourite Mons have this type and it makes fun to se them 😉


Can't say much more, just that I will show you mostly only the important battles and also the changes on my team. I also will use the Debug mode in this run, because I am really bad at finding/breeding the right nature / IV / Ability Mon.


Lets start this 😉


My starter is:



Mika the Litten. I choosed this little cat because I never used it before and I also have an own black white cat which is called Mika 😉


Our first two battles against Cain and Victoria weren't a real problem for us:



Next did we found some team Members:


Stunky aka Queefs. Well didn't know how I shall called here, so I choosed Queefs 😛



Purlloin aka Peril. I read this name on same pages while searching for good nicknames and I liked it. 

I also think that Prankster can really help me in the near future 🙂



Poochyena aka Wolverine. I really think that this name suits him really well 😉 

with Moxie after the evolution is he a strong badass.


Out first battle vs Fern up in Peridot Ward:


Can't say much about this battle. Our team is in the beginning a little bit weak(except Mika), but this will be changed for sure 😉


Our first encounter with Team Meteor comes up:


Peril and Queefs did a great job here


After a little bit of training for the upcoming Gym battle:


Nice ❤️


Now its time for our first gym battle:


Was in the end a bit longer fight as I expected, but Mika the MVP ruled mostly over Julia


Last thing for this part is this:


Love it ❤️


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You should definitely get yourself a Honchkrow and Weavile as you progress. Definitely two that will be extremely helpful! Additionally, I'd recommend Scrafty with Moxie to be a good sweeper. Speedboost Sharpedo is great too for that water typing. Nuzleaf is great too. Spiritomb is a fun one as well although can be a bit of a challenge to obtain. Oh lastly Hydreigon is amazing as well and the Shiny form in this game is AWESOME! Good luck!

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23 minutes ago, jbastian1 said:

You should definitely get yourself a Honchkrow and Weavile as you progress. Definitely two that will be extremely helpful! Additionally, I'd recommend Scrafty with Moxie to be a good sweeper. Speedboost Sharpedo is great too for that water typing. Nuzleaf is great too. Spiritomb is a fun one as well although can be a bit of a challenge to obtain. Oh lastly Hydreigon is amazing as well and the Shiny form in this game is AWESOME! Good luck!

Thanks for the reply 🙂

Yeah I will try to use every single Dark Mon in this run 😉

Already have a plan how I will get everyone together!! 


Next part will comes out tomorrow afternoon!! 

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Battle vs Victoria in Obsidia Ward


In the Slums


Pancham aka Chan -> well I couldn't recist to call him after Jackie Chan 😄 Hope he will be a good member for us 🙂



Not a real problem, I used my weaker Mons for the Scraggys till Wolverine and Mika knocked the Scraffty out.


vs Cain in Coral Ward


His Cubone and Popplio were a bit annoying but we won here without any other problems.


vs First Pulse Tangrowth


Queefs (Expected a bit more damage here with Acid Spray...) and Wolverine dealed with it


While training:


Finally, hope you can do now some damage Peril^^


Fern was in our way before the gym battle


To easy Fern...


vs Florinia


This Cradily was really pain here... To my luck did Florinia swapped it out after 3 Stockpile's and

I boosted then Wolverine with Moxie. After that was Cradily easily down 😉


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This will be a shorter part


vs 2nd & 3rd Tangrowth


I combined this 2 battles, cause I didn't wanted to create an extra vid for just another same battle.

The battle against Taka wasn't so hard, his Chatot was just a bit annoying (as always^^)


The battle against Taka & Zel was a bit longer, I first knocked Zel's Eeveeloutions out, cause they made me the most troubles in progressing this battle.

Also was the rain a bit bad for me, cause Mika couldn't use his full Fire power in the end against Tangrowth, but to my luck it was enough.


After a bit of training all my Mons up to a special level did I tried the upcoming gym battle vs Corey:


Must sat that this battle is really hard without a really plan...

4 of his Mons weren't a real problem for me, but his Crobat and his Skuntank were hard to beat.

I totally thought first that I must train my Mons more and more, but I got a bit luck and defeated him 🙂

Sadly we didn't got an badge here, because Corey jumped down a bridge...


Now we can finally get our mystery egg:


Sadly only a Larvesta... but thanks to the debugger:



Meet Sneasel aka Shiva. I choosed Sneasel over Pawinard, because we can get Pawi earlier in the game as Senasel 😉


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