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Who has been your Reborn MVP


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As for an offensive MVP, I would say my starter Blaziken. The chicken is a beast, what else to say? As for the mon that saved my ass a bunch of times, I would say it's Ramses the Cofagrigus. It's will-o-wisps has helped me tank a bunch of important physical attacks and his ability mummy REALLY helped me take down some mons that otherwise I probably won't first try and because of that I was able to luck my way to victory against most gym leaders just cause of it. Plus it can tank a few hits so i could use potions.


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In my file that I started on E14, special shoutout to my Gardevoir who basically hard carried me through a good few fights, my starter Typhlosion who swept Kiki with a creative use of Nature Power and Flame Charge, and then this bad boy right here who is consistently a monster, under spoiler cut since its an image


7d9f2a02ffdf5909870cdf592983347c.png Sheer Force Nidoking is a hell of a beast, shame it doesn't get amazing until you level Nidorino up to...43? If I recall for Earth Power


On my current file that I'm playing through for giggles?  That's been the Bronzong and Arcanine show.  I don't know what it is this playthrough, maybe it's because I didn't have a consistent Fire type since I picked Torterra, but Arcanine is just an absolute beast in Reborn, even when its still a Growlithe!  Also Bronzong just kinda....did things.  I can't explain it but it just sat there and made Aya an absolute pushover it was absurd.  What's a Dragalge to a Big Bell?

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Arcanine. available nice and early in the game, amazing utility, and can be built in several different ways. my personal favorite being the Bulky Set. Intimidate for the Ability, 252 HP/ 252 Defense, Bold Nature, Leftovers, with Heat Wave, Morning Sun, Will o Wisp, and Fire Spin for the moves.

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  • 4 months later...

I've done several playthroughs and found a couple standout mvps

Magneton/magnezone are just so good with that many resistances he walls several gym leaders.

Mamoswine surprisingly good in reborn.

Surprise mvp butterfree, with compoundeyes to boost sleep powder and hurricane's accuracy plus quiver dance. Mine beat the arceus solo and quiver dance gets a double boost in the circus gym fights to solo sweep them.


But best mvp I ever had was a moxie scrafty that got dragon dance as an egg move. Moxie is so overpowered and he could solo pretty much any single battle. 


Honorable mention for eviolite trick room porygon 2 for making any double battle a cakewalk.



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