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What is your favorite game from the series?

What was your favorite part of the game?

What is your favorite build archetype?

Who is your favorite NPC?

If you play with mods, Whats your favorite mod?

what are your alliances? if you have any preferences

What enemy/creature was the hardest for you?

Do you prefer Online Multiplayer or Single Player?

Whats your favorite weapon/armor/spell?


You don't have to answer all the questions, it's just a good set to start a discussion with.


  1. Favorite game is Morrowind but I play a lot more of Skyrim than any other.
  2. My favorite build for most games is: Skinny Wood Elf/Bosmer, Pure Archer w/ Horse. (kinda makes me feel like I'm playing in TLoTR)
  3. Hardest enemy for me were the Trolls, they always came out of nowhere.
  4. Favorite story was "hail Sithis" from Skyrim, honestly I think it was because of the ship. lol
  5. I only use mods for scenery enhancements such as water and roads, I have used others but a lot of them seemed buggy to me.
  6. I am always a lone wolf/rogue when I play and I never trust anyone even if your giving me money, actually I trust you less if you give me money. lol
  7. I think the Snow Elves had it the worst... damn Nords
  8. Favorite weapon is the Zephyr Bow...Cause speed kills
  9. Favorite NPC is Cicero. Cause that's The Joker.
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The spellbreaker shield is pretty cool I've only got to used it once though as I don't really use shields.


I wasn't really into the Daedric Princes but I know a lot of people who like them.


Did you take Umaril's sword? cause I couldn't carry any more so I left it and never played it again so I never got to use it.



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Favorite game was Skyrim. Oblivion’s leveled enemies made it unplayable, and Morrowind is so unnecessarily complicated I’ve never bothered to make it far past the first town.


I tend to play a battlemage, so spell in one hand and either mace or shield in the other.


Favorite NPC was Serana.


I have so many mods installed that I can’t even begin to narrow it down. Most of them interact with one another and I’m kinda afraid of changing anything at this stage lest my whole house of cards crumble.


Imperial to the core alignment-wise.


Favorite weapon is the Dawnbreaker. Shame it sucks in the base game.

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18 minutes ago, wcv said:

Favorite game was Skyrim. Oblivion’s leveled enemies made it unplayable, and Morrowind is so unnecessarily complicated I’ve never bothered to make it far past the first town.


I tend to play a battlemage, so spell in one hand and either mace or shield in the other.


Favorite NPC was Serana.


I have so many mods installed that I can’t even begin to narrow it down. Most of them interact with one another and I’m kinda afraid of changing anything at this stage lest my whole house of cards crumble.


Imperial to the core alignment-wise.


Favorite weapon is the Dawnbreaker. Shame it sucks in the base game.

the complication was kinda what i liked about Morrowind you just kinda go a little slower at it but i find once your in rhythm everything goes smooth but Its ok Skyrim is more than good enough, ESO is also another option as well if you don't mind playing online.


Yeah found Serana weird/interesting but i think to me most of the vamps were lol


Imperials are okay, not bad being as they were enslaved but escaped. but they got that luck of coin which comes in handy in the beginning.


Yeah mods can get very tricky when they work off of another that's why i try to limit my usage of them.


Dawnbreaker always looked cool to me but it never fit in my play style but what do you mean it sucks in the base game? did it get nerfed or something?

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34 minutes ago, Johnny_Nevori said:

Dawnbreaker always looked cool to me but it never fit in my play style but what do you mean it sucks in the base game? did it get nerfed or something?

It’s a low-level weapon that’s outclassed by most other weapons in the game, can’t be smithed above flawless without exploiting Bethesda’s oversights, and has a bad habit of being more irritating than helpful against the one enemy it’s designed to slay (the undead) since the explosion also blows whatever items happen to be around them away. 

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4 minutes ago, wcv said:

It’s a low-level weapon that’s outclassed by most other weapons in the game, can’t be smithed above flawless without exploiting Bethesda’s oversights, and has a bad habit of being more irritating than helpful against the one enemy it’s designed to slay (the undead) since the explosion also blows whatever items happen to be around them away. 

Yeah screw that lol no offense

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What's your favorite game from the series?

  • I discovered the Elder Scrolls series by playing Skyrim first. Can't remember the number of hours I spent strolling around the plains of Whiterun or the forest of the Rift. It was probably one of the most unforgettable games, not to say THE most unforgettable game for me to test so far. The Elder Scrolls Online, aka ESO, is also incredibly vast and diversified in terms of gameplay, even though it's more considered as a spin-off with some MMO touches. To me, it's tight between those two with a slight preference for Skyrim because of the unlimited freedom provided through the mods.

What was your favorite part of the game?

  • The Dwarven ruins were probably the most thrilling exploration content of the game, let alone Blackreach which always reminds me of "Journey to the Center of the Earth". You feel like an insect immersed in a lost, eerie giant kingdom, having no option but hiding or crawling to survive as merciless automatons and Falmers are patrolling to kill people of the surface. Best part of Skyrim hands down to me!

What's your favorite build archetype?

  • If I only got to choose one and only one build, it would undoubtedly be the mage one. As for the type of spell, I always had big interests for lightning spells, cause they represent vivacity, alertness and work on almost any type of creatures encountered in the game.

Who is your favorite NPC?

  • Illia, the Cryomancer who lives in the Darklight Tower, may not be considered as a key character in Skyrim, she triggered something special to me which none of the other characters ever did. Her redemption, lucid spirit, and determination to do good are qualities that I seriously appreciate about her. She said she had enough of all these bad things she was forced to do against her will and turned against her mother, preventing the latter from making human sacrifices to become a hagraven. That's what we did. We reached the top of the ruins together, and killed the nefarious woman together. However, I had mercy of Illia. I couldn't bring myself to just leave her all alone in a vestige of the past where everything was destroyed. There was nothing left to her, except remorse, sorrow and loneliness. So, I freed her from all of this. We left the tower together, and I took her to my house in Solitude where her presence and magical talents could be appreciated to their fair values. Today, she's cheerfully enjoying her new life, and is always up for adventure or some intense exploration when the moment is most needed. My Imperial mage couldn't resist such an adorable witch like her. Needless to say, Illia is one of the most attractive, dedicated and kindest characters of the game to me. Number one of my Skyrim top tier waifu as well!

What's your favorite mod?

  • Everything that enhances the realism of the game, such as Time Flies which makes the time pass whenever the player eats, drinks or craft armors and weapons. Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim is also very interesting since it adds more than 150 new spells that are unique, balanced, lore friendly, with high quality custom visuals that were lacking for the vanilla magic system in my opinion. Amazing Follower Tweaks deserves a mention too since it allows the player to influence the stats and gear of any follower. Those three are must-have mods to me!

What are your alliances?

  • It depends on what you're referring to. From a political perspective, I side with the Empire, and this for several reasons. First, because I'm an Imperial. Secondly, because everybody should be treated well in Skyrim, more especially the Argonians and Dunmers living in Windhelm. Third, because General Tullius' authority is probably what we need to avoid a sanguinary clash with the Thalmor in this region. Aaaaand... that's all, I guess. Besides, from a guild perspective, I consider myself as a mage who seeks for knowledge as I keep venturing more and more in the unpredictable lands of Skyrim. Which is why I'm siding with the mages of Winterhold College from the beginning, and ended up becoming the one who represents them all today: the new Arch-Mage of Winterhold.

What enemy/creature was the hardest for you?

  • I tend to perceive vampires as the most threatening and dangerous enemies among all the others. In fact, every time I had to do a quest in a dungeon, it was out of question for me to venture into a vampire den without a serious preparation. The Nightmaster Vampire is the strongest of them, both physically and magically speaking, and is set as the final boss of this type of dungeon from the moment you are level 60 and beyond. Fortunately, as a highly-trained sorcerer, I can match them in terms of power. However, things can become way more complicated if they're attacking in group, which is why I have to keep one or two potions of cure disease on me during assaults of this kind. I want to make it clear: there's no way for me to accept to get turned into one of those unholy bloodsuckers.

Do you prefer Online Multiplayer or Single Player?

  • I first played Skyrim, but after a certain amount of hours playing it, I wanted to give ESO a check, so I could make my own point of view on this subject. Honestly, that was very enjoyable, and there was an incredibly large range of possibilities regarding the customization of your characters, let alone the activities related to raids, group dungeons or battlegrounds. That being said, I'm not a big fan of PVP content in games in general, even if I must say that Cyrodiil is very well designed with its system of stronghold capture. Also, most of the group content in ESO is soloable, and it makes you so proud when you manage to achieve what most of the people can't achieve by themselves without joining a group with other players. As a result, regardless of the game I'm playing, I prefer solo mode, but I'm not a lone wolf either.

What's your favorite weapon/armor/spell?

  • Lightning Storm from Skyrim is definitely my favorite spell to use from those available in the vanilla game. Used with the proper apparel, you can easily terminate dragons as they are flying in the sky, and disintegrate them after landing. And without knowing why, there's some sort of Super Saiyan vibes that come from this spell, which is probably what makes this spell so appealing to me. Badass Dovahkiin is reallly badass, and even more when it unleashes thunderbolt!
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What's your favorite game from the series?


I came in touch with the series the first time, when i bought Skyrim for the PS3. At that time I only bought it as its price was reduced, I didn´t know that the series was so well-known. But when I started to play I was immediately fascinated from the graphics, the open world, the sheer endless number of quests and the lore of the world. My first "playthrough" was relatively short, since I didn´t realize that you don´t have to strictley follow the main story 😅 Regardless from that it became one of my most favourite games ever, which I start to play again once a year.


What was your favorite part of the game?


The Dark Brotherhood and Thief Guild storylines


What's your favorite build archetype?


1st place: Assassin, it always has to be something with a bow and dagger, I love it when I can headshot my enemies xD I also once tried to play as mage, but I missed to play with a bow so I made the mage character into a Magic Hunter and since then, it`s my 2nd place regarding favourite builts.


Who is your favorite NPC?


Aela the Huntress from the Companions, she is a woman who doesn´t keep her mouth shut and can keep up in combat. She became a invaluable companion for me on my journeys, who even saved my life twice.


What's your favorite mod?


After moving to the PC Version, the only mod I used so far was Enderal - Forgotten Stories, as it gifted me with a whole new world to play in.


What are your alliances?


Regarding Skyrim:

When I play as an Assassin I will always choose a master for myself (one of the the faction leaders), and infiltrate the other factions to gain their trust and in the end kill their leaders when I find a good moment for doing so. The decision for my master always depends on the race I am playing. As example when I´m playing as an Argonian I settle with the Empire, as they want every race to be treated the same. When I played as a Magic Hunter I stayed factionless as my backstory was to guard the balance of nature.


Regarding ESO: I joined the Ebonheart Pact as I wanted to play as an Argonian, no other reason 


What enemy/creature was the hardest for you?


I remember when I stumbled onto a quest where I had to fight the ghost of a dragon priest in an underground temple (or was it just a cave...?) and I had to start over and over. Only won trough luck in the end. But it won´t come to my mind what his name was or what brought me to this quest 🤔


Do you prefer Online Multiplayer or Single Player?


I prefer Skyrim just a little bit more than ESO, since you don´t have to settle for one class. And I like playing Online Multiplayer but I tend to play solo.


What's your favorite weapon/armor/spell?


Bound Bow - A spell that summons a ethereal Daedric Bow for me, just love it and I am never out of arrows, too. Perfect for my Magic Hunter. 

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in my experience Spellbreaker at least in skyrim is one of the best shields in the game. in past games it just gave a decent magic resist but in Skyrim it straight up gives you a free ward spell when you bring it out. which is strong enough to block dragon breath in some cases never mind rogue mages.

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