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[OU] Smashingly Outrageous


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Hello, i would like you to see and rate my OU team. :D
It kicks some serious ass!

Lets get started!


1. Garchomp
My main sweeper, he's ready to sweep when all the enemy steel types are taken out, he checks all other OU dragons because he is the fastest dragon in OU.

His ability is Rough Skin, just because Sand Veil is banned, Garchomp would be too OP (probably Uber)
Garchomps EVs are: 252 Spd / 4 HP / 252 Atk
His nature: Jolly
Like i said, to check all the other dragon types, his attack stat is enough to take out any other OU dragon.
The item im using on Garchomp is a Choice Scarf (same reasons as above, and i also like my Garchomps fast. :D)
His moves are:
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Fire Fang


2. Cloyster
My second, (set-up) sweeper, usually my lead, i try to Shell Smash and then attack everything that comes in with either Icicle Spear, Hydro Pump or Razor Shell (just for the acc).
This is also my second pokemon that takes out dragon types if Garchomp is gone.
Cloysters EVs are: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Cloysters ability is obviously Skill Link, which allows you to always hit your multi-hit moves the maximum amount of times (in this set, Icicle Spear)

His nature: Naughty
The prefered item is a White Herb to get rid of those nasty Def and Sp. Def drops after Shell Smashing.
His moves are:

- Icicle Spear
- Hydro Pump
- Razor Shell
- Shell Smash


3. Ferrothorn
Oh boy, i love this thing. Its my staller. And i do not have to worry about Fire Types because of my Chandelure, which has Flash Fire!
Basic tactic using this Ferrothorn, start off by throwing a bunch of those ol' leeching seeds, then protect every 2 turns, in between protecting attack with a Gyro Ball or a Power Whip, depending on the situation.
Ferros ability is Iron Barbs, as it is the only one he has, but its great, that 12% HP loss on the pokemon attacking him if it uses a physical move can be nasty.
Ferrothorns EVs are: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
His nature is: Relaxed
Item to use on Ferrothorn is Leftovers to keep that stalling up even more.
His moves are:

- Power Whip
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Gyro Ball


4. Chandelure
My third sweeper, it has a Choice Scarf and its awesome. When Ferrothorn is in and there's a suspected Fire Move coming up you switch into this thing and get that awesome Flash Fire boost.
Basic strategy is to use the damage that can deal the most damage to the remaining team of your enemy (for example if Fire Blast is super-effective on 1 of 4 remaining pokemon but all other 3 resist it, you go with Shadow Ball).
He also has Hidden Power Ice in case of a Dragon / Ground Type.
Chandelures ability is Flash Fire to keep Ferrothorn perfectly safe and to get that nifty boost.
Chandelures EVs are: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
His nature is: Timid
Item to use on Chandelure is a Choice Scarf.
His moves are:

- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [ice]


5. Rotom-W (Rotom, Wash form)
Probably the most annoying pokemon on my team, i use Rotom to render physical sweepers of my enemy useless (Will-O-Wisp) and to annoy some fools (Volt Switch).
Basic strategy for this thing is: Will-O-Wisp the thing that comes in, troll it with Hydro and Thunderbolt if the situation allows that, get out of there using Volt Switch to keep up the momentum.
Rotoms ability is Levitate as he doesnt have any other ability.
Rotoms EVs are: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
His nature is: Calm
Item to use on Rotom is Leftovers.
His moves are:
- Thunderbolt

- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch


6. Gyarados
And my fourth and final sweeper.
Usually i save Gyarados for last just because most of the time what the enemy has left at the end is weak to my Gyarados.
Basic tactic: Dragon Dance if the situation allows that, then Ice Fang / Waterfall / EQ the enemy pokemon.
His ability is Moxie for that boss Attack boost while sweeping.
Gyarados' EVs are: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
His nature is: Adamant
Item to use on Gyarados is Life Orb
His moves are:

- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Fang

Thats it!
Thats my whole team, with it i can check basically ANY type.
Its awesome, and i love it.
Im using it for quite sometime now and its so much easier to ladder with it. (On Pokemon Showdown)

I also dont use any legendaries because im badass like that.

Sorry if i made any mistakes, English isnt my first language, im Polish! :D

Edited by BlueMan
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It's a good team, if you get caught by a decent electric type without your garchomp you are screwed. Also your walls don't have any healing moves, not that this is a flaw only that I find it very helpful as well as infuriating for my opponent. Especially when I can heal more no than they can take away loool. Besides garchomp, even then not really, I don't think you have enough real speed. A well set up fast sweeper team could well... Sweep your team if they are too slow to get a hit in.

8/10 on my scale.

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I'm terrible in PvP since I like using Pokémon I actually like and not the best but your team looks pretty good to me. I especially like skill link Cloyster and Garchomp is one of the most threating Pokémon there is. Ferrothorn is a great staller as I have been stopped by it many times.

This probably doesn't help I just figured id leave a comment.

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You might wanna consider a specially defensive pivot on your team as Thundurus-T's Agility set, and most rain sweepers ravage this team except on Rotom-W but you'll be forced to take a huge hit for Rotom-W or be forced to sack a pokemon. Try Chansey or Gastrodon so you can wall out the potential Hidden Power Ice. Be wary if you are using Gastro however as some Thundurus-T sets run Grass Knot.

Also, in here on Pokemon Online, Sand Veil Garchomp is legal. Alongside every gimmick that everyone from Smogon would curse epoxy on.

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Protip, nothing is banned to Ubers but uber legendaries themselves; drizzle ans swift swim, sand rush excadrill, etc.

Aside from that, this isn't bad; assuming you stay smart and can predict, its a solid team; though one big threat I can think of would be Ludicolo and Chandelure as a combo. Chandy can come in and rwmove your only check to rain teams, letting the rest stomp your face in. Otherwise, not bad at all! I'll say 8.5/10.

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Protip, nothing is banned to Ubers but uber legendaries themselves; drizzle ans swift swim, sand rush excadrill, etc.

Aside from that, this isn't bad; assuming you stay smart and can predict, its a solid team; though one big threat I can think of would be Ludicolo and Chandelure as a combo. Chandy can come in and rwmove your only check to rain teams, letting the rest stomp your face in. Otherwise, not bad at all! I'll say 8.5/10.

WHAT, I was not informed of this. I did see the memo on PO but I didn't realize what it meant. *face palm*

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