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Share your craziest ideas for a playthrough!

Ezlo Farcarver

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So, I'm a fan of Nuzlockes and other challenge runs, I use Sandbox on here to try out oddball runs of Reborn all the time! A run with ONLY ONE item allowed? I've tried it. A run with a single legendary or mythical vs. the entire game? Sign me up!. I want to hear some crazy ideas for runs of Reborn. Give your wackiest, zaniest, stupidest, most insanity-driven run ideas you've got!


My ultimate goal is to compile a list of crazy run ideas so others don't have to look far for some wacky fun ideas. The more the merrier!

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how about eeveelutions (how do I spell that? I'm talking about Eevee and all its evolutions) only? You'd have decent type coverage but absolutely no double types. Also, they're all really cute 😄


will you collect all the ideas in one post? that would be really useful 🙂 this is definitely an excellent idea!

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A run in which you're only allowed to use the Pokemon Ash catches in Gen 1. Or uses for gym battles? Because he trades Butterfree away for Raticate, but trades back before really using it. He uses Haunter for the Psychic badge, but doesn't technically catch it.


So: Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeot, All 3 Gen 1 Starters, Raticate(?), Haunter(?), Primeape, Muk, Tauros, Kingler, Lapras, Snorlax.


Could also argue you're only allowed to evolve those Ash evolves.


I like the idea of no stat boost moves (Swords Dance, Iron Defense, etc) are allowed and then the usual Battle Style on Set, no items during battles allowed.

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10 hours ago, Avallyn said:

how about eeveelutions (how do I spell that? I'm talking about Eevee and all its evolutions) only? You'd have decent type coverage but absolutely no double types. Also, they're all really cute 😄


will you collect all the ideas in one post? that would be really useful 🙂 this is definitely an excellent idea!

Yeah, I kinda intend to make this post a repository of ideas, fun strategies, and challenges. If you ever think of anything, jot it here in a post. Wacky, mundane, it don't matter.

Edited by Ezlo Farcarver
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How about a run where Pokemon use attacks that contradict their Attack/Sp.Atk stat? 

For example, using a Non HA Darmanitan with only special attacks


Problems arise when Pokemon that can be mixed attackers are considered, but I'm sure that can be fixed somehow, just too lazy to think of a way rn :)) 


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I thought of another fun fun one, gonna put it here so you all can share the trauma.


See how far you get with Pokemon of a certain base stat total. (For example, only Pokemon with a base stat total of 440, no more no less. That sorta deal.) That's be hellish with mons under 300, though op and crazy with the 500 range.

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9 hours ago, Ezlo Farcarver said:

I thought of another fun fun one, gonna put it here so you all can share the trauma.


See how far you get with Pokemon of a certain base stat total. (For example, only Pokemon with a base stat total of 440, no more no less. That sorta deal.) That's be hellish with mons under 300, though op and crazy with the 500 range.

Edo did a "Under 450" Challenge run with only Mons with under 450 BST were allowed. Also no power-up moves, items during battles etc were his rules.


I did it too, it was a lot of fun actually. Later gyms were quite difficult as well as the gauntlet!


Setting the bar lower than 450 seems insaaaane ha.


I'm just going to link to his thread

 To give him credit for it or in case you wanted to check it out.


It was actually a really cool challenge run!

Edited by Siv
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Maximum chronological team rotation run when you can never use the same 6 pokemons.


Once you've got a team of 6 and you catch something new, you  must replace your older pokemon by the 7th. And so on.


The encounters that you can use are based on classic nuzlocke rules. Concerning events, maybe you can choose whether to grab the event or save it for later ...


I don't know if you would be forced to catch everything or not. Your call!

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a split evolutions run. you can only use pokemon with split evolution lines and when you use one from the line, you also have to use the other (for example, you can only use poliwrath if you also have politoed with you. before that evolution happens, you'd have to carry two poliwags/poliwhirls around.)

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Here is another challenge idea that I have that I quite like. You can only obtain a new pokemon after defeating a gym leader. So you would have your starter until you beat Julia. Then you could catch a second pokemon. Once you beat Florina, you can catch another, and so on and so forth. You can have more than 6 for a rotation as you progress. Additionally, I think its worth saying you could catch mons for the gyms that dont give you badges as well (Looking at you Corey and Kiki). I think this would be a challenging run because it would REALLY make you consider what singular pokemon to capture moving forward in the game. This type of format could be combined with other game types as well such as mono-type runs or even the 450 and under runs.  

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13 hours ago, Ezlo Farcarver said:

Thought of a simple but brutal one, using only mons with one form (i.e. no evos, like Heatmor). I remember struggling with said run in Black, might be more fun (and hellish) here.

Honestly though you have some great options in reborn. Aerodactyl, Turtonator, Hawlucha, the issues I guess are with early game getting access to decent ones, but late game you'd be fine.

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I started a run a while ago (never finished, didn't have the motivation) where every battle had to be completed in 6 turns or less, and additional "soft" rules for using as few 'mons as possible and not overleveling. The early game is pretty whatever with stuff like Kricketune and Mightyena existing but later battles take quite some strategy (although I never finished the run, I did plan out a large chunk of it - special mentions to mixed Blaziken and intentionally not max speed Dugtrio for making their appearances). Although there is one battle which may not be doable at all, but ehhhhhhhhhhh


I also have to wonder: if there were some external tool to manipulate the RNG, would a Worst Luck Possible run be at all doable? Given the standard rules for that run you'd have to consider:

- Nuzlocke = variable encounters, so your only guaranteed powerhouse early on is your starter (Kricketune can't use Fury Cutter without an X Accuracy!)

- Chance-based field effects are brutal (e.g. Aster+Eclipse under the stairway, your Rock attacks are useless and theirs are most likely super effective + guaranteed crits and flinches)

- No "suicide cheese" like DBond Murkrow, as WLP rules state you can only make sacrifices if there is no way to prevent a death

- Similarly, rotations aren't as strong because you can only swap 'mons if it would prevent a death

Mind you I imagine some of the rules would be toned down for a Reborn version, plus there are some advantages e.g. early anti-crit ability with Turtwig, early Lucky Chant users, lots of early bugs with Shield Dust etc. Still would be a brutal experience, and very likely not possible to fully complete - but seeing how far you could go would be interesting.

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23 hours ago, Seel The Deal said:

I also have to wonder: if there were some external tool to manipulate the RNG, would a Worst Luck Possible run be at all doable? Given the standard rules for that run you'd have to consider:

- Nuzlocke = variable encounters, so your only guaranteed powerhouse early on is your starter (Kricketune can't use Fury Cutter without an X Accuracy!)

- Chance-based field effects are brutal (e.g. Aster+Eclipse under the stairway, your Rock attacks are useless and theirs are most likely super effective + guaranteed crits and flinches)

- No "suicide cheese" like DBond Murkrow, as WLP rules state you can only make sacrifices if there is no way to prevent a death

- Similarly, rotations aren't as strong because you can only swap 'mons if it would prevent a death

Mind you I imagine some of the rules would be toned down for a Reborn version, plus there are some advantages e.g. early anti-crit ability with Turtwig, early Lucky Chant users, lots of early bugs with Shield Dust etc. Still would be a brutal experience, and very likely not possible to fully complete - but seeing how far you could go would be interesting.

With my already-shit luck, I kinda play against crits to begin with. I believe you can alter certain things, namely crit rate, AI intellect, and stat/status chances with certain mods, but I don't know about altering Abilities or Field Effects. I know you can give a 'mon illegal moves (but not abilities) with debug or sandbox.


That said, if there was a way to alter Field Effects, or even add your own, there'd be so many new run possibilities.

Edited by Ezlo Farcarver
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2 hours ago, Ezlo Farcarver said:

With my already-shit luck, I kinda play against crits to begin with. I believe you can alter certain things, namely crit rate, AI intellect, and stat/status chances with certain mods, but I don't know about altering Abilities or Field Effects. I know you can give a 'mon illegal moves (but not abilities) with debug or sandbox.


That said, if there was a way to alter Field Effects, or even add your own, there'd be so many new run possibilities.

Well, beyond just in-game RNG rolls, there's also what moves the opponent uses and what 'mon they target in Doubles - so I guess just "RNG manipulation" doesn't really cover it, more of a "battle sandbox" would be needed.


Hmm, field effect alteration... not quite the same, but now I'm imagining a run where the field effect changes every turn. Would be very possible to mod I'd assume, and although it probably wouldn't be super difficult it would be pretty chaotic and silly and would be very entertaining to see 😛

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22 minutes ago, Seel The Deal said:

Hmm, field effect alteration... not quite the same, but now I'm imagining a run where the field effect changes every turn. Would be very possible to mod I'd assume, and although it probably wouldn't be super difficult it would be pretty chaotic and silly and would be very entertaining to see 😛

That or just a random effect each battle. Imagine, persay, the first Fiore fight on a glitch field, then the second on maybe the Holy field. Stuff like that. I'd be 100% down for that.


Just had an idea while writing this, a Secret Power only run. THAT is hell.

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  • Support Squad

Most ridiculous one I've finished was the lowest individual stat run. Take Attack -> Speed in order, and add the Pokemon with the lowest base stat. Ignore Wishiwashi and legendaries. It gives you:

- Shedinja
- Shuckle

- Blissey

- Mega Beedrill (Alola Sandslash is the alternative if you don't want megas)

- Sharpedo

- Pyukumuku


Set mode. No items. I also did it originally by starting Nincada as my starter and only using the Pokemon I could pick up. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've thought of a devilishly fun run during the quarantine. Using Debug, replace your starter with your absolute most favorite Pokemon (In my case Zapdos)... and give them nothing but Sketch. You get four moves from Sketch, any move legit used against you. It replaces a Smeargle solorun, due to Smeargle's lackluster stats. Besides, you'll be taking your fave buddy out for spin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

prof oak challenge in reborn is gonna be crazy hard seeing that you have to catch a lot of mons and train them beyond level cap.


For those who do not know what is prof oak challenge is: 


Before challenging a gym you need to do this:


1) you need to catch all available Pokemon. 

2) you need to evolve them to last stage IE Tepig To Emboar.


Should be fun seeing that at the starting area there are a bunch of mons. Training should be ok since there is the trainers which you can re-battle at grand hall. To make things hard no using rare candy . to make it a little easier pick up mons are allowed.

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21 minutes ago, Luna said:

prof oak challenge in reborn is gonna be crazy hard seeing that you have to catch a lot of mons and train them beyond level cap.


I think it's doable. I've never done the Oak Challenge in Reborn, only tried it in Black but never finished. So time-consuming, oh my LORD. (The Reborn cap without candy would be killer, for me at least.) There's a fair amount of leeway I can see with this, however.

You can do an Oak Challenge using only grass encounters, or one with only statics. I think doing both would be the worst grind imaginable, but there's folk who enjoy the grind. Or, even worse, Oak Challenge with only the few Eggs you find in Reborn.


I like this idea, might attempt a run to eat up quarantine time.

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