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New line-up, feedback, improvements?


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So after getting my ass handed to me in some online battles I decided to revamp my lineup. This is what I ended up with:


Beast Boost Naganadel @ Life Orb

Timid, 6 HP, 252 Sp.A, 252 Spe

Flamethrower, Sludge Wave, Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt


Serene Grace Togekiss @ Leftovers

Timid, 6 HP, 252 Sp.A, 252 Spe

Air Slash, Flamethrower, Dazzling Gleam, Roost


Cursed Body Gengar @ WIse Glasses

Timid, 6 HP, 252 Sp.A, 252 Spe

Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Thunderbolt


Torrent Swampert @ Leftovers

Impish, 252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def

Waterfall, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Protect


Sand Stream Tyranitar @ Assault Vest

Jolly, 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Sp.D

Crunch, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Stone Edge


Justified Gallade @ Galladite

Jolly, 6 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe

Close Combat, Psycho Cut, Ice Punch, Night Slash


Basically any feedback on moves, apparent weaknesses I might have overlooked, potential replacements for certain members.


I'm toying with the idea of swapping Togekiss' EVs from Sp.A to HP, slap on Thunder Wave instead of Flamethrower.

So she can survive hits like Stone Edge instead of getting OHKO.


I'm not sure I'm completely sold on Gallade yet, this is the first time I'm using him so any advice on better Mega-Evolutions that would fit in, I'm open to.


Also not too sure what item to give to Gengar, Wise Glasses doesn't seem like the best option?


PS: If anyone fancies a few online battles give  me a shout, been having fun with it last few days!

Edited by Siv
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So I think you have a pretty solid team tbh. Gallade is great, you could also try out Medicham, with Pure Power it certainly hits harder, but it is a little slower. I would agree that adding Thunder Wave to your Togekiss would be beneficial as you have no hazards on your team right now. If you had a way to set up Sticky Webs or Stealth Rock youd be set. Maybe even toxic spikes or something. It is usually really helpful to have some form of hazards that eat up your opponents health or force them to take a turn to get rid of them.

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1 hour ago, jbastian1 said:

So I think you have a pretty solid team tbh. Gallade is great, you could also try out Medicham, with Pure Power it certainly hits harder, but it is a little slower. I would agree that adding Thunder Wave to your Togekiss would be beneficial as you have no hazards on your team right now. If you had a way to set up Sticky Webs or Stealth Rock youd be set. Maybe even toxic spikes or something. It is usually really helpful to have some form of hazards that eat up your opponents health or force them to take a turn to get rid of them.

You're right. I was thinking Stealth Rocks on Swamperts.


Togekiss was used as a sweeper with lots of coverage, but Gengar's addition takes that spot so I'm going to reinvest EVs and have Togekiss take a more supportive role with T-Wave, possibly Tailwind, I'm not sure.

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