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YOOOOOO, that 6th gym is unfair! Remove seeds


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Listen, there is a limit and I don't know if the devs know any, but yisus. 


Those telluric, synthetic, magical, whatever seeds should be removed.

The field, stronger pokemon and better moveset of the gym leaders is challenging enough. You don't have to add one-use items on top of that. Yisus.


Haven't played since e16 so the seeds are new and I did use them on some of them and they helped but you have to make sure that when you use them, you're going to win, plus there aren't enough of them.


Now I'm on the 6th/ice gym and guys and gals. You went too far this time. The synthetic seed is an automatic double team for her whole team, maybe 2, or 3 is the pokemon has snow veil. Plus boosts on all of her attacks, plus if I use the seeds, I get punished and get hit twice as hard. WHAT!? 


All my pokes don't learn the moves that reflect on those mirrors. It is not fair. I want a challenging game but I want to be clean.


Delete those seeds.

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  On 3/15/2020 at 11:33 PM, Rainlove said:

Lol wait until you face the Normal gym leader. 


You need to shatter her field. Bulldoze will do the trick. After that she is super easy. Good luck luv.


well the key to winning shouldn't be locked to one specific move.


I already beat her. Arcanine did the carry. 


but the automatic double team is moronic. Nobody should battle her until he or she gets suuuper lucky. I wasted ALL of my revives.

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  On 3/15/2020 at 11:58 PM, Revengercm said:

well the key to winning shouldn't be locked to one specific move.


That is not the only way to defeat her. One of the strategies to use is shattering her field, which is how I won against her. You can still use or create other strategies luv. There are many ways you go to.

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you can defeat her by using the same strat as her. increase your evasion until you surpass her :3 

but yah you're not alone in struggling in this gym, many people dislike it too

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Klink learns Flash Cannon.


Honestly the problem I have with her is that the battle is built around Aurora Veil.


She can be such an easy fight with half-decent RNG which kind of sucks. I'm not a fan of fights being built around RNG.


Having said that.. she's not all that hard to figure out. There's loads of pokemon options to choose from that will destroy her.


My last run A. Marowak with Rock Head and Flare Blitz absolutely ran her over. You mentioned Arcanine yourself, Klinklang is there too. Lots of options.


The point of Reborn seems to be to not lock you into a team of 6 (unless you're doing challenge runs or whatever) but to keep your roster open with a big rotation to find a counter to each specific gym.


The game is definitely not too hard at all.

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I'm gonna tell you now, this is probably going to be a constant problem for you. Reborn isn't the kind of game where you can use the same team and strategy for every fight, not until late game where you have your perfect team. You gotta be flexible. In situations like this, you nee to either use their field to your advantage, or break it and make your own.

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  On 3/15/2020 at 11:58 PM, Revengercm said:

well the key to winning shouldn't be locked to one specific move.


It’s not. There are lots of ways to beat Serra. I never change fields for personal challenge reasons, but her field has other weaknesses. The biggest one being that Nature Power, which you got from Florinia, becomes Mirror Shot on her field. And on the Mirror field that attack reflects off her mirrors and hits her Pokemon anyway. And that’s just one example. Every battle in the game has plenty of ways to beat it built in. You just can’t bullrush in without thinking though.


Honestly IMO Serra could use a buff...

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Adding fuel to the fire ('cause that's what i do) i could easily tell you 3 possible strategies to beat that gym. And there are still more possible ways to fight her.

As everyone else already mentioned, Reborn is meant to be challenging, and it's meant to be a pain in the a** for people who can't think of any other "strategy" than simply doing the same brain afk things you do to beat any official Pokémon game.


Reborn was created with the mindset of providing a level of challenge that long time Pokémon fans always wanted as an optional difficulty mode for experienced players. Something that the official games will never have. Reborn is made for experienced players, so if you can't beat a certain opponent you either have the wrong strategy and/or simply the wrong Pokémon on your team, or, as hard as it may sound, you are simply not good enough at this game.

But not being good enough is not as bad as it sounds, as that just means you have lots of room to improve, if you just want it. Even experienced players learned a few new strategies from playing Reborn, so why shouldn't you be able to learn something new as well?

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Thing is, in Reborn, sometimes just sometimes you need to think over your strategy and/or your Pokémon once or twice - and retry.


I've been through this game 2 and a half times now (e10, e16, e18.2 which is running atm) and Serra was always one of the easier leaders while it was never necessary to break her field. Sure it's annoying, but oh well.

Like you said, Arcanine is a huge plus against Serra, Klinklang (as ridiculous as it sounds) did the trick as well. In my current run, I blasted half of her team with A-Dugtrio's Iron Head.


To answer the last question about what's wrong with the normal gym: Well, the main problem is, that the normal gym is anything but normal.

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Use something with Bulldoze/Earthquake, like Golem/Donphan, ideally Sturdy. This shatters the field, but earns you negative relationship points with Serra. Golem also has Stealth Rock (particularly good against weak to rock things) and dangerous Rock moves. Give it a Quick Claw and do your thing until she drops it.


Use a good ice type, like Jynx.


Use a good fire type with Flamethrower (gets reflected sometimes, when it misses).


Her ace, Frosslass, is a hit or miss with her stacked up evades. Get lucky, hit it once with something like stab Sucker Punch and it's a goner.


Bright Powder and Quick Claw work well and can be item-hunted early.


Just prevent A-NInetales from using the buff. Hit it hard, decisively, with a super effective move of considerable power. A-Sandslash has double weaknesses.


An easy fight, with a mixed and well balanced team. The normal leader is easy, too. He was noticeably harder, in episode 16, before Alola made it into Reborn. If you use the Lottery and earn lots of Full Restores and a few Max Revives, the challenge level is non-existent, since post episode 16 the battle AI deteriorated and all enemy trainers were nerfed, regarding recovery items usage. She had to use 3 recovery items, in previous episodes. Noel too. At Noel, a good strategy is a Hippopotas with passive Sandstorm ability, especially if it is raining overworld. Avoid altering his field, like poisoning or burning (works well, but drops relationship points with Laura).


P.S. We need HARDER, DARKER Reborn! Give us the good old wipeouts!!!

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  On 3/16/2020 at 11:58 AM, Kenneth said:

Use something with Bulldoze/Earthquake, like Golem/Donphan, ideally Sturdy. This shatters the field, but earns you negative relationship points with Serra. Golem also has Stealth Rock (particularly good against weak to rock things) and dangerous Rock moves. Give it a Quick Claw and do your thing until she drops it.


Use a good ice type, like Jynx.


Use a good fire type with Flamethrower (gets reflected sometimes, when it misses).


Her ace, Frosslass, is a hit or miss with her stacked up evades. Get lucky, hit it once with something like stab Sucker Punch and it's a goner.


Bright Powder and Quick Claw work well and can be item-hunted early.


Just prevent A-NInetales from using the buff. Hit it hard, decisively, with a super effective move of considerable power. A-Sandslash has double weaknesses.


An easy fight, with a mixed and well balanced team. The normal leader is easy, too. He was noticeably harder, in episode 16, before Alola made it into Reborn. If you use the Lottery and earn lots of Full Restores and a few Max Revives, the challenge level is non-existent, since post episode 16 the battle AI deteriorated and all enemy trainers were nerfed, regarding recovery items usage. She had to use 3 recovery items, in previous episodes. Noel too. At Noel, a good strategy is a Hippopotas with passive Sandstorm ability, especially if it is raining overworld. Avoid altering his field, like poisoning or burning (works well, but drops relationship points with Laura).


P.S. We need HARDER, DARKER Reborn! Give us the good old wipeouts!!!


Serra is definitely easy. It's just a boring strategy to face, Aurora Veil and evades are based on RNG and it can make the fight an absolute cake walk, I really wish they would rethink a strategy for her.


I've never quite understood the point of Relationship Points? What exactly do they do and how do they impact the game? I've never even paid attention to it, lol.


Overall I wish early-game would get a buff and become harder. There's actually lots of things I'd love to see changed, but oh well.

Edited by Siv
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  On 3/16/2020 at 12:27 PM, Siv said:

Serra is definitely easy. It's just a boring strategy to face, Aurora Veil and evades are based on RNG and it can make the fight an absolute cake walk, I really wish they would rethink a strategy for her.


I've never quite understood the point of Relationship Points? What exactly do they do and how do they impact the game? I've never even paid attention to it, lol.


Overall I wish early-game would be a buff and become harder. There's actually lots of things I'd love to see changed, but oh well.


Relationship points for the moment, change some dialogue lines you get from friendly NPCs. It is rumored they are going to affect post-game content though, much like which unobtainable now pokemon becomes available first at episode 19, or something like that?


Early game was harder, until they decided to axe the 3 recovery items for EVERY significant fight, force enemy players into stupid and pointless switching completely uncalled for and out of place (sometimes in rare occasions during fights, they switch constantly while i sit back launching attacks and KOing everything) and worst of all? Make enemy pokemon use their WEAKEST move, when your helthbar is in orange (which means a wipeout is almost impossible, even against leaders, or simply, that one weaker than their regular attack not being enough to KO you).


Don't worry. Dark mode (harder difficulty) is going to come! I bet my money on that little wonder!

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  On 3/15/2020 at 11:33 PM, Rainlove said:

Lol wait until you face the Normal gym leader. 


You need to shatter her field. Bulldoze will do the trick. After that she is super easy. Good luck luv.


Just beat the normal gym. It's really manageable. Not even close to what annoyance ice type gym is.


  On 3/16/2020 at 12:18 AM, Siv said:

Klink learns Flash Cannon.


Honestly the problem I have with her is that the battle is built around Aurora Veil.


She can be such an easy fight with half-decent RNG which kind of sucks. I'm not a fan of fights being built around RNG.


Having said that.. she's not all that hard to figure out. There's loads of pokemon options to choose from that will destroy her.


My last run A. Marowak with Rock Head and Flare Blitz absolutely ran her over. You mentioned Arcanine yourself, Klinklang is there too. Lots of options.


The point of Reborn seems to be to not lock you into a team of 6 (unless you're doing challenge runs or whatever) but to keep your roster open with a big rotation to find a counter to each specific gym.


The game is definitely not too hard at all.


Not saying the whole game is hard, just that part. It's too heavy range focused. It's not fun gameplay knowing that I lost due to complete range and not something I can do better next time, just get lucky.

Meh, I usually end up not changing the team in a certain point and I got to the fairy type gym and in many other runs that way. But that's my experience. I don't want to depend on a 7th pokemon.


  On 3/16/2020 at 5:05 AM, Havuhk said:

I'm gonna tell you now, this is probably going to be a constant problem for you. Reborn isn't the kind of game where you can use the same team and strategy for every fight, not until late game where you have your perfect team. You gotta be flexible. In situations like this, you nee to either use their field to your advantage, or break it and make your own.


Never had this problem in all of my other runs. You can get many final teams before gym 8th, as an example. I never had this issue. 

It doesn't matter what team you build, because all her pokes have an or 2 automatic double teams. I don't want to train a certain pokemon just to abuse every terrain. Too grindy for me. Again, this is the only case and yes, I changed 2 members of my team due to this, after I beat her with my og team, but planning on beating 17th gym with this new team, like I always have. 


  On 3/16/2020 at 12:27 PM, Siv said:

Serra is definitely easy. It's just a boring strategy to face, Aurora Veil and evades are based on RNG and it can make the fight an absolute cake walk, I really wish they would rethink a strategy for her.


I've never quite understood the point of Relationship Points? What exactly do they do and how do they impact the game? I've never even paid attention to it, lol.


Overall I wish early-game would get a buff and become harder. There's actually lots of things I'd love to see changed, but oh well.


Hmm. I always thought second half of the game is easier for me due to all the available pokemon by then. 








I forgot I can reply to al quotes in one reply. My bad.


To the rest of the replies.

 I got the point. I only saw a strategy available but Donphan never got to use earthquake lol. I guess I read the field effects from now on, but I'M not saying the game is super hard or impossible like some of you are saying.


Just that a strategy based on double team is not a fun strategy. It's more annoying than anything. 

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The answer to most gym battles is to counter their field boosts, either by changing or destroying the field, using their field against them or preventing the gym leader from using their signature move (ie Rain Dance for Shelly and Trick Room for Radomous). 


For Serra it's shattering her mirror field. Bulldoze or Earthquake will do this (Earthquake Piloswine for me). The user will most likely go down in the aftermath but that's alright as most Bulldoze or Earthquake users are bad against ice anyway. 

I'm pretty sure that without the field the seeds won't work. 

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  • 1 month later...

First forgive any spelling errors.

OK  get rid of the synthic seed on runicalus in the psychic gym and repalce it with leftovers that is stupid and this is coming from a guy who has played reborn 3 times thought and this benig my 4th.

Now im not saying this just to complain but give my thoughts and here is the  thing the seeds need to be taken down a notch or 2.

Now what I would say they should do is give a state boost or an effect like instant mirror coat, not both. Now if this was a single battle I wouldnt have a  problem but snece this a double battle againt a trick room team here is where my problem you are forced to ko it and let galde ko  one of your mons back even went it is inmetadated and then you can loss your main answer that you could be realying onand of you dont have revies you are bonned.  Now this mostly abliyes to the darks types you gte like Pangrro, Hondome(manag gang) sharkdep (aqua gang) and krorodile, all of these mons will not live a CC from galde and most of the time you will forced to attacked the runiacles to prevet trick room, but if you have Houndome you better hope that mon goes down or you could lose 2 mons beciase you tired to get ride of one.

Now I know this may seem like compaing and it could be but, what I noticed is that an answer to this may Heracross. Now with that said I dont think that people should be forced to look of a pokemon they may not like or dont want to use, or they just like pincer more. Now i get it in this game is alowing other to use pokemon thye may not like over ones they do, but I dont think that sould be a reason to look for mon you may not like inorder to win.

Now is it a challage, Yes. is it a challlange on its own with out the use of held items on both sides. in my opoion yes and yes items helpmake it more a chalange, but these seeds make it redicouls. now for one seocnd think aound this if they made it so that a seed gives a attack or spkattack boost along with protect becuase some seends have gave a turn 1 proetct that could ruin the fun and make it harder then it needs to be. Now I get that these may not seem broken, but to people who want a challlage, but who arnt fimiler with compeitve pokemon which most of these teams are build to be, these  items could and will seem more broken then the field efffects mostpley becaise you can make the fields work to your advage but these seeds there is next to nothing you can do about them.

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I have mild flashbacks to the really really old Serra gym


This was about gen 5 I think with perma hail and that kinda nonsense


Snow cloak blizzard spam was a thing. This was before field effects/seeds were implemented. She had I think Abomasnow, Glaceon (Snow Cloak), Frosslass (Snow Cloak), Mamoswine, and other scary things






So tbh I'll take this version of the gym at any stage. Please do not bring the old Serra back. Please. 

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  On 5/8/2020 at 10:25 AM, ArthurZH said:

So tbh I'll take this version of the gym at any stage. Please do not bring the old Serra back. Please. 


Wasn't one of the few counters to Serra back then the vulpix? 

  On 5/8/2020 at 8:34 AM, CaptainBlaze22 said:

OK  get rid of the synthic seed on runicalus in the psychic gym and repalce it with leftovers that is stupid and this is coming from a guy who has played reborn 3 times thought and this benig my 4th.



Now what I would say they should do is give a state boost or an effect like instant mirror coat, not both. Now if this was a single battle I wouldnt have a  problem but snece this a double battle againt a trick room team here is where my problem you are forced to ko it and let galde ko  one of your mons back even went it is inmetadated and then you can loss your main answer that you could be realying onand of you dont have revies you are bonned.  


Now I know this may seem like compaing and it could be but, what I noticed is that an answer to this may Heracross. Now with that said I dont think that people should be forced to look of a pokemon they may not like or dont want to use, or they just like pincer more. Now i get it in this game is alowing other to use pokemon thye may not like over ones they do, but I dont think that sould be a reason to look for mon you may not like inorder to win.


You don't even need to use revives or heracross to beat Radomus. His Reuniclus is very easily dealt with and gallade isn't really a threat. I beat Radomus in monos easily first try before (this wasn't mono dark/bug/ghost either). Why not try exploiting the field against the leaders? Even with his trick room strat, you could use that against him by bringing really slow mons if you can't OHKO his Reuniclus.

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