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Eeveelutions taking over Reborn - Challenge Run


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Hello fellow Reborners!


I've decided to see if I could manage to run through Reborn with the Eeveelutions as the only Pokemon available to me. Thinking I would do this in style, I started breeding myself a bunch of Eevees looking for shinies. About 700 Eevees later, I now have them all. Ready, shiny and bloody gorgeous the lot.


They will have good IVs as well as Egg moves. I wasn't sure how hard this was going to be, but I decided to allow myself to start off with 4 Eevees. I will add another Eevee to my roster after I defeat Corey, then a 6th after Shelly; the 7th after Kiki and then I'll allow myself full access to all of them after I defeat Aya.


The battle style will be Set and I won't be using any items during Trainer battles.


I've done a few other challenge runs but I figured I'd share this one with you guys hoping there's enough interest and that you'll enjoy this, I have been so far.


So let's get started!

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1st Update



So starting off I went for Bulbasaur, got through the first two battles and got my beautiful Eevees out from the PC. As mentioned, I decided to allow myself with 4 Eevees to start with. I chose Umbreon, Leafeon, Jolteon and Flareon.


Since I plan to only allowed myself another one before Shelly I figured this would give me the best coverage for the first few gyms.


I hadn't evolved my Umbreon and it didn't take me very long to realize just how long it was going to take me to get the friendship maxed out without access to berries or the beauty parlors. Awesome. I seriously hope this character isn't running around in high heels because this is going to take a lot of running back and forth.


Not going to lie, I'm a little sad I didn't snapshot the moment he evolved. Oh well.


I got him evolved finally and finally got started on the run!


Let me introduce the lads quick:


Starlight (Umbreon)

Spike (Jolteon)

Ganja (Leafeon)

Fluffers (Flareon)


Yes, they're all dudes. How the hell they haven't died out what with how difficult it seems to breed female Eevees is beyond me.


Anyways, moving on. After clearing the trainers in Peridot as well as maxing out Spike's Speed EVs (I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a mass grave of Woobats near the Railnet entrance. Don't go there. On second though I should probably just dump the bodies into the poisoned water.. get rid of the evide-- I mean, nothing, nevermind. There's nothing there.) I figured it was time to go progress the story. Now unfortunately I didn't record my first encounter with Fern, but I promise, he got his arse kicked.


After getting rid of Team Meteor, defeating Aster and Eclipse it was time for the first gym battle against Julia!


Battle VS Julia


It was a lot easier than I had anticipated, Ganja made quick work of most of her team and Spike cleaned up the rest without a fuss. Nice, off to a good start!



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2nd Update



After Julia it was now time to help out with the troubles in Obsidia Ward. Florinia got us past the coppers blocking the path, Turns out it pays off to know people. Awesome.


Before we're able to go through the slums Victoria had a quick warning for me, sort of a weird way to show concern by wanting to beat us in a battle, but I don't mind. Should have recorded this battle too I guess but it wasn't really a big deal, no fuss at all.


Onwards and through the slums we go and after jumping over holes in the ground, dealing with moving and talking boxes I get out on the other side in one piece. Good stuff. I quickly explore the harbor and I move up north for my first encounter with the Pulse machine.


Battle VS Pulse #1


Fluffers made quick work of him, couple Curses to up our Attack stat and then Fire Fang does the rest, no problems, no worries.


After the battle I grab the Warehouse key and go explore the rest of the harbor.


Not much to find down there, I quickly let the poor daycare couple free - what a nasty place to be kept locked in.


After that it's time to go pay Florinia a visit in her gym and after making my way through the trainers guess who shows up to yet again make a fool of themselves. Yep, yep, our favourite character Fern. If anything he's my favourite just because of how satisfying it is to beat this tosser over and over - and I did actually record it this time, ha!


Battle VS Fern


Absolutely easy this guy is. A quick warmup for the real battle: Florinia.


Battle VS Florinia


Fluffers took care of most of it, would have taken care of Cradily too had I not buggered up. Should have just used Wish and I would have saved myself some trouble and time dealing with her potions and Recover use, but I got the job done.



Next up, Jasper Ward, missing officers, more Pulse battles and Corey's gym.

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3rd Update



Next stop: Corey's gym in Jasper Ward.


A quick visit to the Police station we find out there's appearantly 5 officers missing throughout Jasper Ward and the Chief has found himself rather short staffed, so he's asked for help. And of course I'll help out, being the upstanding citizen that I am. So I set out for the Malchous Forest. Found the first officer help up by a Meteor fanatic. Should have seen that coming, to be honest. Beat him, send Mr. Officer on his merry way and back into the forest I go and as I keep going I encounter more and more Meteor grunts until a scrawny kid standing next to another Pulse machine. Awesome.


Battle VS Pulse Taka


Most of this is me setting up with Fluffers for a quick and easy sweep. I'm starting to think I should have banned the use of Curse, but at the same time, this isn't going to be this simple later on in the game I imagine.


I go back through the forest and continue further into Jasper Ward. All the way east on the bridge there's a kid scared of a Drifloon.. okay. After dealing with the balloon he runs off, I decided to follow just to make sure he didn't run into more trouble on the way an- oh, there he is, trapped by a group of Venipedes. Yikes this really isn't this kids day, huh. Dealing with them I only just made it out, I forgot the big one was quite a high level. Whew. Kid runs off again back to Lapis Ward and I spot another officer! Great, that's 2. 3 to go. Back to Jasper Ward for me and into the Rodochrine Jungle.


I manage to get myself trapped in a cage. Brilliant. And guess who shows up. Yep. Fucking Fern. The bellend wants me to beg him to let me out. No way. Nope, I'll starve in here before I beg him for help. Luckily this Chatot flew by and let me out. How odd. It did look a little familiar.. did I see some leftover scars from a Fire Fang? Hmmm, eh, I've probably been in this cage for too long. I need something to drink.

I keep moving, and find myself inside a cave. With a cage and an officer stuck inside of it. What is it with this jungle and cages? Poor sod, I wonder how long he's been stuck in there. That's the 3rd officer saved. Keep going and I wind up in a library. Interesting. I get to rest up and let's see if there's anything to find in here.. not much excep- oh, a Growlithe. What an odd place to hang out, why is it staring down this hol--- Well shit. That's a dead copper down there. Yep, he's gone. Oh and there goes the Growlithe. Poor pup. Whoof, shake this off and let's keep going. Did not expect to see that. At all. I guess that would be the 4th officer missing. At least they'll get some closure.


Back outside, flip the last switch and I can move on. Found the 5th officer cornered by another Meteor fanatic. These guys are bloody everywhere. Send him back to the Police Station and onwards to the next big battle.


Battle VS Taka and ZEL


Off to a slow start setting up Curses. I decided to start Fluffers because of his weakness to Fire moves and accompanying him is Starlight being rather bulky already.

Got things going and started sweeping him without a fuss. Good stuff, time to move on to Corey.


Battle VS Corey


Not too difficult, he has a big weakness to Electic and my Spike is very fast and with Charge Beam boosting his Sp.A it wasn't a difficult sweep. Problem with Corey is when you have to swap and Toxic Spikes starts doing work. Ouch. Ganja didn't get anything done, Starlight managed to get Mareanie low, Wish for a safe swap to Fluffers and then it's just weathering his Super Potions on Crobat. I almost buggered up it felt like, but Fluffers pulled through. What a champ.



Coming up: More death; Lapis Ward; 4th Floor of the Department Store and Power Items; Underground caves and Battling Shelly!

Edited by Siv
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4th Update



After Corey's suicide it's time to head towards Lapis Ward to see what all that ruckus is about.


I notice a crowd around this huge staircase. Turns out the ruckus is that someone blew a hole in the ground. I bet that's Team Meteor. Has to be. I can smell them. I have a nose for these things. I mean, who else would be destroying things!


Anyways, I move past it and into Lapis Ward, I have other plans. I wanted to check up on that kid who had gotten lost. On my way there I almost got run down by this chick storming out of this huge building. Christ, man. She seemed a bit out of it, I wonder what's going on in there.

Finally make it past a couple trainers wanting to battle, people aren't too friendly here, and find the kid. He's alright and his mum gave me a department store sticker. Awesome. That's the 4th floor unlocked, which means Power items and EV training.


They're expensive, though. I sold all of my items, including a rare candy and I can still only afford 1 of them. I'll have to do some grinding. Get myself a team of Meowth's with Pickup. Que some good music; a couple episodes of Family Guy in the background; lots of good luck and I finally have my items. Here's the team so far:


Starlight: 140 HP / 8 Atk / 110 Def / 252 Sp.D

Spike: 6 HP / 252 Sp.A / 252 Spe

Ganja: 10 HP / 252 Atk / 126 Def / 122 Sp.D

Fluffers: 210 HP / 4 Atk / 116 Def / 180 Sp.D


And after beating Corey, I decided to add Vaporeon to the roster. Here's Blue:


Blue: 252 HP / 178 Sp.A / 80 Sp.D


The idea here is to try and create the most balance I can. Jolteon and Espeon are the only ones with decent Speed (Jolteon is well fast) so I figured I would focus on defensive EVs for safe switch-ins with Wish along with Curse set-ups and potentially a Trick Room strategy later on. I have plans for Sylveon to take on a supportive role with Screens. We'll see how it turns out!


Maybe I went overboard with the grind, but Shelly kind of scares me a little. I've always felt that's where the real challenge starts, so I'll come proper prepared.


Time to progress the story so I head to Shelly's gym to find a bunch of people blocking the entrance. Making my way through the crowd because I'm quite a curious sort I realize this is where Corey landed after jumping off the bridge. Ouch. That's one hell of a clean up.. okay admittedly that was in poor taste, I shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but you should've seen the mess. I feel like I need a mental cleanse to get that image out of my head.


This.. ghost? guy? flies in out of nowhere, what the hell. Poof and the mess is gone. I guess the clean up wasn't that bad afterall. Ha-ha... ha.. ha. Sorry.


Inside Shelly's gym I find Victoria trying to calm down the gym leader. Can't blame her for being a bit shaken up over that sight. Appearantly she knew Corey and his daughter. Terrible. Victoria sends me out to find a doctor, thinking he would be able to help Shelly. Off I go to the big building the hasty chick stormed out of. I've already got a bad feeling about this, who storms out and away from a doctor like that? There's that nose again. It tingles.

And sure, as soon as I enter I'm greeted by a rather interesting girl. She's warning me to stay away. And then one of the orderlies wants to battle me? What? Well alright. Spike will take care of him.


Yeah there's no way I'm leading Shelly to this guy. I might not have met him but every single alarm bell in my body is going off. He sounds like a nutter. I'm off, back to Shelly and Victoria.


After telling them about the doctor, we decide to give Shelly some time while Victoria and myself go to check out the hole in the staircase people were crowded around earlier.


Down there we're immedately greeted by Meteor. Spike, light up a Thunder Shock because I'm shocked. They take VIctoria.. but leaves me alone. Okay. They're not the smartest bunch, I knew that, but come on. Not that I'm complaining of course. I follow them further down the cave, and after a little exploring, meeting an interesting fellow smashing rocks I finally found the bottom level where they took her.


This weird character is there. Waiting. I'm so ready for a battle.. but no, she just wants to talk. About destinies and rubies and power.. honestly, I was barely listening. I was a little worried about Victoria. She finally sods off, I find Aster and Eclipse blocking Victoria so it's go-time.


The battle was over pretty quickly, my team kind of rips their rock types apart, Ganja takes care of them without a fuss. When they're dealt with we move back to Shelly, I'm so ready to get my next badge.


However before that Victoria asks me not to battle Shelly. Come on. She even tried to stop me, it didn't work the first time and it won't work this time either. Battle's over quickly. I wonder when she'll learn, although gotta admit her tenacity.


Onto Shelly!


Battle VS Shelly


It took a couple tries to figure out who to start off with, but once I realized I could clear out a couple of her big threats with Helping Hand giving Spike a good boost, it was rather easy. Blue's bulk let me swap him in and still OHKO Anorith. Swap back in Ganja for a sacrifice, allowing me a clean switch to Spike to deal with Araquanid and after that she's officially out of threats. Just clean house and thank you for the badge.



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5th Update



After defeating Shelly and getting my hands on the Cocoon badge, I set my sights on Shade's gym.


First things first, I'm now allowed a 6th member in my roster, a 6th Eevee and I chose to get myself Espeon. So after a little bit of grooming, a few berries he evolved. I named him Tails. Leveled him up a bit and then started EV training.


Tails: 6 HP / 252 Sp.A / 252 Spe


I went with Espeon because of the coming fights with Shade, Kiki and Aya whom all have strong Psychic weaknesses. I need him to be my fast sweeper along with Spike as he is the only other Eeveelution with good base Speed stat.


Back at the Grand Hall trying to find out what to do next, I see Fern at the desk. I figured, why not extend a hand, let's say hi.


Not overly surprised when he greeted me with insults and laughter. And he wants to battle. Let's fucking go.


Battle VS Fern


This guy is so easy. It never gets old beating him. Never stops being funny. Just play to his type weaknesses and revel in his whiny tears after the battle. Ahhhhh the satisfaction of beating arrogant little arseholes.


He did give me a bit of insight in where to go next, find Cain. At the cemetery. Creepy place to hang out, but I'll go find the lad.


I see him talking to Heather. She does not look pleased. At all. He seems a very pushy sort this Cain. Anyways, Heather flies off on her Salamence and we get chatting. He wants to battle. Who am I to say no to that?


Battle VS Cain


Unsurprisingly, another easy win. Play to my type strengths, a rather simple ordeal.


After the battle we head off to Lapis Ward to see Shelly and Heather. We get there and drama ensues, they chat back and forth and the girls end up leaving. I follow to find them all being held up by White Coats and the Doctor himself. He forces a kid to come with him.. bloody knew this guy was bonkers.


We decide to.. storm the castle, so to speak, to free Heather from the questionable Doctor. Solid plan. We meet a bunch of new people, kids, stuck at the orphanage. And lots of White Coats, kind of surprises me the amount of people that are okay with kidnapping and torturing children.

We fight our way around the building, beating white coats left and right, I wonder if the reason they go for children here is because of how weak they are at battles? Gotta feel strong somehow, right? Creeps.


Finally we're at the top, Heathers been zapped a few times by the looks of it. We get her out and, all of us run to the Railnet. Unfortunately the power seems out, so the gang is going to wait while I go to the power plant, conveniently being Shade's gym, my next badge! Love it when things work out so very neatly.


So, at the power plant I gotta get things going again. Go turn on a couple of machines, and we're in business. Let's go deal with Shade.


Battle VS Shade


Wasn't too difficult. I wonder if I've made it a little too easy by EV training so early..


Anyways, my team does very well against Shade's, Fluffers does solid work against his Steel and Grass type ghosts leaving the the others healthy to deal with the rest of his team and his Mimikyu. Tails proved himself a solid choice outspeeding Gengar and Rotom. Brilliant.


I actually fucked up the recording not once but twice I had to redo the fight, lol.



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6th Update



Shade's done in and the power's back up, time to head to the railnet to see the others and move on.


When I get there I see Cain, a bunch of huge rocks, a hole in the ground and no one else is around. What the hell happened?


Cain explains our good Doctor has banded together with Meteor and they were waiting. The plonker had his Nidoking stomp around underground.. and now we're trapped. Not completely thought through from our weird friend here, but what's done is done. We need Strength and the badge that allows us to use it outside of battles to get the rest of the gang, so we need to find a way to Apophyll Academy.


We meet up at the harbor, I don't have Surf and besides, the water is toxic. Cain hops on his Muk and rides off into the sunset, leaving me stranded. Great. I'm not liking this guy so far. What to do.. what to d-- oh, Amaria. Tells me she has a boat. Awesome!

Juuuust need a quick favour first, ofcourse. It's not like kids just got kidnapped, but let's go. She needs help at the Blacksteam Factory. Alright, fine.


At the factory we find the doors locked. It seems like there' no way in, but then she calls out for Deliverance, I wonder wh- Oh. Lapras. I love Lapras! And in a beautiful flash of light it created a staircase of ice! Holy shit. I don't think I have the footwear to climb ice stairs.


A long, slippery climb - and after almost falling off twice, I get to the roof. There's an open door, brilliant. We move inside to be greeted by a couple nobody Meteor grunts.

I wonder why my nose didn't go off here. This place is probably packed with Meteor grunts! Probably the stress of climbing that ice staircase from hell. Whatever. Amaria takes care of therm without a fuss, I'm liking her so far. Ha.

We keep moving to the next room when out of nowhere, grunts from all sides show up. 6 of them! Alright, I'm so ready for this, do a couple jumping jacks to get pumped for what is definitely going to be an intense battle, whow, whow, ha, let's do thi-- what? She wants to do this by herself?


She asks me if I trust her! I mean, sure, but I want a piece of the action, too!

Argh, alright, we'll do it your way. Man I got so pumped. Whatever.


I keep on while she deals with the trash. Let's see, where to go.. where to go.. first room is a dead end, completely packed, moving on.. what? ouch. A trap door? Seriously?! A trap door? They still do that?

Yowza that hurt.

Oh hey there's Pokemon here. In cages. Disgusting. Let's see what's around.. Abra, Lickitung, Ditto, Mahukita, Cyndaquil, Vanillite, Roggenrola, Jigglypuff - no, DON'T SI-.... Zzzz.


Mmmhmm. Arr. Fucking Jigglypuff. I wonder how long I was asleep.. at least it can't draw on my face. Ha. So what else is here? Oh, and Loudred! Wai-- OH, CHRIST. WHAT IS THAT RINGING? AM I DEAF? FUCK.





BRILLIANT. I'M OUT. Oh, the ringing is dissipating. Ears still hurt, though. Not going anywhere near that guy again.

Alright, let's find Amaria and see what else is going on here.


After some exploring, dealing with Meteor scum, I end up in a room with another Pulse machine. Finally! A proper battle!


Battle VS Pulse Muk


Playing to their type weaknesses with my own Eevees takes care of Glaceon, Espeon and Umbreon without problems. After that it's just about wearing down the Muk. Not a difficult battle.


When it's done, Amaria shows up and Meteor leaves. I get the keys to Amaria's boat, as promised. Awesome.


At the Academy I meet up with Kiki and I see VIctoria. Appearantly, I'm not allowed Strength because I lack discipline. Well okay then. I have to go to the top of a mountain and beat her student, Cal. Even though there's kids that have been kidnapped involved. If what I've done so far for those guys doesn't constitute as discipline I don't what would. Whatver, I'll just go do this.


After exploring Pyrous Mountain, dealing with a few annoying Magcargo's and smashing a bunch of rocks to clear the lava and make a path, I end up at the top.

Hmm, my nose is acting up again. Odd. I guess it's really not working.

Whatever, ignoring it, let's go beat this Cal person.


Battle VS Cal


Another easy battle. Ganja deals with Barbaracle; Spike with Charizard and then Tails does a beautiful sweep. Blue cleans up Magmortar. I forgot it had Thunderbolt, but thanks to Blue's Sp.D and maxxed out HP he tanks it without problems and one Muddy Water KO's him.


Back at the Academy it's time to face Kiki.

Turns out she's ill, though, so Victoria, yet again, tries to stop us.

Even though there's kids who have been kidnapped who sort of needs me to do this.. kids.. kidnapped.. it's like no one understands those two words put together. It's kind of insane. Also insane she's expecting a different outcome to what happened at Shellys place.


Battle VS Victoria


Yeah no surprise here. Setting up Ganja with Curse let me sweep her team. Could have dealt with Incineroar as well if I had used Synthesis instead of Razor Leaf, but oh well. Small mistake. Time for Kiki!


Battle VS Kiki


Took me two tries, I made the mistake of letting Lucario set up 2 Calm Minds and sweep me. Not a mistake I'll likely make again.


Second time around was a lot better, Tails did good work sweeping, but Ganja I think did the most work dealing with her Hitmonlee. It's always been the scary part, but I set up Curse on Gallade and allowed him to OHKO Hitmonlee as well as tank a hit. Nice. After that, Fluffers took care of Lucario and then it's a done deal. Swap in Tails for the last two guys and I'll take that badge and Strength, thank you.


But nope. Are you bloody serious! Again?! This is Corey all over. Give me my damn badges when I beat you for the love of all that is good. Ugh.


Whatever. I'll go look for Cain. They mentioned Azurine Island. I'll sail there.


A bit of looking around I end up with Cains ear ring. My nose is going off again. Smells like Meteor. Hmm. I'll keep looking.

After a lot of exploring, cutting down trees and mistaking Amoongus' for Pokeballs, I finally find a building.

Okay now my nose is going crazy.

Inside I'm immediately confronted by Aster and Eclipse from Meteor.

I guess my nose is working fine again. That's good to know. I wonder why it went off at Pyrous Mountain.. oh, right, Aster and Eclipse.


Battle VS Aster & Eclipse


Ganja absolutely destroys their teams. It's not even a contest.


After beating them, I look around a bit and find a secret passage. That's fucking cool. I love that. Moving on I find Cain in a cage guarded by Taka. Alright. I've dealt with him before, I can do that again.


Battle VS Taka


Was a little messy losing both Fluffers and Blue, but it didn't really matter.


We learn of Meteor's plan to blow up Pyrous Mountain. Fucking insane. We hurry back to the Academy to warn the others and go deal with Meteor.


But before I do that, I go sort out my newest addition: Sylveon. I get him levelled up, EV trained and ready. Almost, I forgot to name him.. oh well.


Back at the top of the mountain, after battling a handful of Meteor grunts we see the Pulse machine and Sirius. The guy wants to battle me. Alright.


Battle VS Solaris


What. A. Punk.

Okay I shouldn't trash talk given what I had to do to win this battle. I almost gave up thinking it couldn't be done.

The biggest problem is that only Starlight had Baby-Doll Eyes. So after realizing utilizing that move was going to be the only way I would have a chance, I went back to the mainland, bought a bunch of Common Candy and re-levelled my Spike and Tails from level 8 to give them Baby-Doll Eyes.

Christ the grind was real. Needing enough money to buy the candy and then levelling them back up to 43.


I got it done, though. So, max out Baby-Doll Eyes and start setting up Curse on Ganja to up his defense as well as attack. Equipped with a Quick Claw he fucking did it.


I did not think this was possible, to be completely honest. But here we are. Woo! That was a satisfying win.


I got Strength and now it's time to go find Aya.



A quick recap of the team so far:


Starlight (Umbreon)

140 HP, 8 Atk, 110 Def, 252 Sp.D


Ganja (Leafeon)

10 HP, 252 Atk, 126 Def, 120 Sp.D


Fluffers (Flareon)

210 HP, 4 Atk, 116 Def, 180 Sp.D


Spike (Jolteon)

6 HP, 252 Sp.A, 252 Spe


Tails (Espeon)

6 HP, 252 Sp. A, 252 Spe


Blue (Vaporeon)

252 HP, 178 Sp.A, 80 Sp.D



252 HP, 252 Def, 6 Sp.D


I haven't found a name for Sylveon yet!

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7th Update



A fairly uneventful episode.


I meet up with Cain at the doors to the Byxbysion Wastelands and for some reason, he tries to stop me.

Uhm, Cain, what about the kids? Your.. friends? The ones who got kidnapped by the rather insane Doctor and Team Meteor?

Whatever. Just a quick battle, I've beaten him before. No problems.


Battle VS Cain


Not difficult at all. Same as last time, play to my teams type strengths over his and roll him over.


He opens the doors and off I go.


Oof, the stench in this place.. oof. I should've brought nose clamps or something, that is bloody foul. Wasteland indeed. I soldier through the smell and after some exploring, turning some machines on I end up in a cave. A very dark cave. I don't like dark caves. I really don't. I'll explore it nonetheless, I've got my team of Eeveelutions to keep me safe and sound. 


Turns out there's not a whole lot down here. I did find the TM for Payback, which is going to be a very nice addition to Starlight's moveset. In fact, I've been looking forward to finding this bad boy. Beautiful. Alright, let's get out of here. The smell isn't exactly better in here and I'm pretty sure it's seeped into my clothes at this point. I wonder if a wash is enough to get it out? Just might have to get Fluffers to burn it.


I find my way to Aya's gym and am greeted by a very unpleasant person. Honestly, I have to say, people in this region aren't very nice, like, at all. Team Meteor aside, of course, people over here seem fucking bonkers. Anyways, I get my team sorted and enter the battle room just to have Fern get all up in my face about how easy it is and how far behind I am of him.

Dude, you've literally never won a battle against me. Come on. Does this guys arrogance not have a ceiling?


Nope, he wants another battle. Fine by me, after walking through a literal sea of rubbish and waste I could use the entertaintment of watching this tosser try to take me on.


Battle VS Fern


As expected. Play to his weaknesses, unfortunate flinch on Fluffers but it's okay. Spike deals nicely with Scyther and gets a few Baby-Doll Eyes off on his Decidueye and while he's getting his Attack back up Starlight takes him out. Poor guy. It might have been one hell of a grind getting Baby-Doll Eyes back but it's been worth it so far.


I am not liking my choice to replace Fire Fang with Flare Blitz on Fluffers though, it just requires too much setup  so I'm thinking once I get access to the Move Relearner I'll make some changes. I am not grinding him back up like the others.


After the battle I approach an incredibly apathetic Aya for the next gym battle.


Great, battling someone who couldn't give a toss, this is going to be super fun!


Battle VS Aya


I'll be honest, it got a little messy. I did her on my first try. Things went according to plan still, so that's nice.


Thunder Wave Toxapex and then tag team the other, basically. Basically being 2v1 gives me a free switch-in so I can utilize type advantage, plus Toxapex really doesn't do a whole lott.


Could have just ended it with DIscharge, but I really wanted to end it in glory with a glorious Thunder. And then it misses. Ha. Serves me right, sorry Spike!!


Not sure if I want to keep Thunder, I've never been a fan of low accuracy/high damage moves. I tend to lean towards consistency. But Charge Beam has too low damage for later on in the game and I'm not sure if I get to set up Charge Beam for the Sp.A boost. And Thunderbolt isn't available until the game is over, soooo.. time will tell!


I get the badge and I can now use Strength outside of battles! Let's go get the kids!!



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2 hours ago, Edo said:

Nice so far. But oof, downgrading two mons to lvl 8 seems harsh. Maybe leveling down one mon for Sand Attack with Quick Claw would've been enough for Solaris?

It could have but it felt more reliant on RNG. A lot of stars would need to align, I prefer consistency.

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8th Update



Looking for the kids took us to the Yureyu HQ, fighting our way to the top through the Meteor grunts I learned how tough Charlotte is, yikes. Remind me not piss her off. Finally at the top I face off against Sirius, one of their top dogs.


Battle VS Sirius


Not a difficult battle, didn't have much of a strategy to be honest.


After the battle we grabbed the Railnet key and get the hell out of here. 


Everything's gone to shit down here. The tracks are all buggered up, there's rubble laying about all over the place and the exit is blocked. Great. We explore a bit further and find a train. They came up with the great idea that we ride the train into, hopefully, through the rubble. They're mad. Absolute lunatics the lot of them.

But they do make a good point.. what else are we supposed to do?

Screw it. It'll be one hell of an experience, ha.


Well look at that, we made it. We fucking made it. Good shit. They were talking about a family cabin through the mountain, so that's where we're headed.


Immediately after arriving at the cabin one of the girls falls ill. The others mention a town, Spinel Town, not too far off. They're going to stay there and look after her while I go fetch some medicine. Conveniently for me, the next gym is there, too!


Okay so I'm definitely going in circles. Yep, I've walked past that geezer twice already. Fuck this forest. Good lord. The trees keep dissapearing!! Am I losing my mind? I could be. Given everything that's happened since arriving in Reborn it wouldn't be a stretch. 

No, get it together, man. I wonder if there's some sort of trick to this dissapearing madness.

Took me a while, I'll have to admit, but I figured it out.


Ahhhh, sunshine, sunshine how I've missed you so. Gosh it feels great to be out of that wretched mind-fuck of a forest. Now where's the pokemart..

Woah. Things just seem to randomly dissapear here, too. What in the hell is going on. The pokemart better not bloody dissapear too.


Yep. It dissapeared, too. Of course it did.

Where to I wonder?

Perhaps the gym leader knows what's going on..

Oh. That's where the pokemart went. On her balcony. Hahaha, she's going to freak the fuck out when she se-- Yep, haha, there she is. Shit, I shouldn't be laughing but let's be honest, it's kind of hilarious, ha.


After a looot of talking, some weird religious tosser shows up looking for some girl. It's kind of impressive how many children seem to go missing over here, don't you think?

Anyways, Serra finally moves on into her battle room.

Through a couple mirrors and I run into her weird-as-fuck son. He wants a battle. Let's do it.


Battle VS Bennett


I kind of forgot that you get thrown into a battle with this guy as soon as you enter the 3rd room, so I went in somewhat unprepared and without much of a strategy. Buut as soon as he started using Quiver Dance it all came back to me that he likes to set that up and potentially Baton Pass it on to Masquerain and do a sweep.

Not this time lad.


Admittedly the miss on DIscharge two turns in a row tilted me a little bit.

Fuck this field.


On to Serra!


Battle VS Serra


My plan was to start Fluffers and equip him with a Quick Claw.. I know she always starts the battle with Aurora Veil, so I figured I would take the opportunity, knowing Glaceon also does not have any effective moves against Fluffers, to set up my Curse and then go for a sweep with Fire Fang.

I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here



I really despise this fight. It isn't hard, it isn't fun and having an entire battle centered around RNG is awful.

I actually had Fluffers get frozen several times on the turn I had finished setting up Curses, ready to attack with Fire Fang. I had Fluffers get frozen the first Ice Beam Jynx threw my way, I think 2 times, lol. I had Fluffers miss and hurt himself 3 turns in a row, within the same battle. And muuuch more.


My problem is that I've never had a close win against her. I've always swept her and absolutely destroyed her every time I've beaten her. And on the other side of the coin, when I lose it's kind of majestically. RNG is cool.


It's just not fun, that's my point. She's easy to figure out and easy to beat.. but RNG ruins the fun for me. I wish a new strategy would be implemented for this gym battle! Something difficult! And fun!


Having said all of that, I completely realize I'm working against myself using a move with less than 100 accuracy (Fire Fang), a direct-contact move. Thinking back I probably should have gone back to the move relearner and taught Fluffers Lava Plume, since I haven't invested EVs into his Attack stat it wouldn't be the worst idea. And it cuts a lot of the RNG out of that fight. Could have kept him going with Wish, wouldn't need turns to set up Curse for the Attack.. it honestly might have been a far better strategy for me to have used instead. Lol. I might go back to an earlier save just to try it out, for the sake of my curiosity, haha.


Moving on..


After getting my badge and a new TM I won't be using, I'm off to find the pokemart that has, once again, dissapeared. Perhaps it's somewhere in the forest or nearby..


I almost made it all the way back to the cabin before I found the pokemart. Jesus what evers going on here is fucking bonkers, man.

Whatever, I got the medicine, time to head back to the others..



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9th Update



Back at the Cove I gave Anna the medicine and she.. she gave it to her doll. All of it. And then she got better.

This girl is freaking cray cray. What on earth did Sigmund do to her, I wonder how many shock "treatments" she got. Definitely a few screws got loose.


Well, now that she's better I can challenge the Normal gym leader. Noel. One of the boys from the orphanage. How many gym leaders are kids? That seems rather irresponsible, doesn't it? Oh well. Just thinking out loud.


This is nice. No crazy thing happening before I can challenge the gym leader; no crazy plot unfolding; no wacky trip that needs to be done; no one's abducted; no crazy Pulse machines or mega high level 'Mons to beat, no sir, there's just me, and the gym. Let's do this!


Alright, this time I come prepared, well-read and ready with a strategy. I hope. Starting Ganja! I choose y-- what? WHAT? Team Meteor's coming? OH COME ON.

Man I just want to do gym battles. Get my badges and be the very best. God damnit. Alright, we'll deal with this. And then my gym battle. Yeah, then my gym battle.


I'm liking this Saphira. Total badass. And that Dragonite, oof.

She'll be outside covering us and we'll deal with whomever makes it through. Cool. I'm ready. Time to kick gum and chew ass, and I'm all out of- wait, that's not right.. oh, hey Sigmund.

What a happy coincidence you made it through. I've been wanting to do this for a while.


Battle VS Sigmund


So, no particular strategy here. I kinda cocked it up with Ganja, did not expect him to get KO'd like that. Oh well. Starlight clear MVP with a clutch Wish heal at 4 HP, ha.

Really liking the use I've gotten out of Baby-Doll Eyes, it's been a huge help. Definitely glad I spent extra time getting it!


Unfortunately Sirius showed up after the battle, massive buzz kill if you ask me, they decided to divide and conquer so I had to choose which one to stop. I went with Sigmund. I just really felt like that was the right choice, y'know? Really didn't want to let this arsehole go loose.


The badass showed up. Saphira. And her Dragonite. She started pushing around Sigmund.

I had to ask her to stop.

No, no, not permanently, let just grab a good seat over here, put my feet up and get real comfy.

Aahh, yeah, all I need now is a cold one and I'd be set. Alright, keep going.

Oof, that Hyper Beam has got to hurt. Yowza. Do another one!

Bulls-eye! Beauty!

Ooh, the wall. You shot him through the wall. Ha. I wouldn't want to fight the power of that Dragonite's Hyper Beam!


Oh, oi! That was such a cheap shot. Out of nowhere Sirius and a Poison Jab hit Saphira. Not cool. Well, she's out cold and they took her. Lovely.


So much for a simple gym battle, eh. Another abduction. Sigh. Well, Laura and I are headed to Meteor's base within the mountain to get her back and hopefully cause a bit of damage to them.


After a bit of exploration we find a couple guards out cold and a big hole in a cell. I'm guessing that's the queen of the badasses' work. Doesn't exactly look like she needs us to come get her, buuut just in case we'll march on.


Teleportation pads, weird one-way escalators that change direction.. this place is properly wacky. Seems like such an inefficient way to get around.. can you imagine if someone, like really had to use the bathroom?

"Fucking tele-pads, how's the sequence go again? Fuck I gotta pee baaaaadly, argh, oh right, just keep going up and up".. haha. Imagine.

Anyways. Here's a new room.

Oh, hey Saphira. You know, I was just thinking earlier we probably didn't need to have come, no need to get pissy. Just trying to help.


We make our way up to the final room and.. that's an Abra. In a full-on Mewtwo outfit. That would be so bloody awesome if it wasn't on Meteor's side.

So that's why everything's gone wonky in Spinel Town, the Abra is teleporting random objects around. Even the pokemart. That is one powerful Psychic.


Aaaand it teleported us. To.. oh god the smell.

Great. More rubbish and what is... eeew, I don't want to know what that is. Okay, I can do this, just think about pleasant things and walk with a pace. God the ground is icky. And shaky. What the hell. Is Mega Abra doing Earthquake? No, Abra can't learn Earthquake. What on earth is that.

Woooooow. Whew. That was a close one. Almost fell into that puddle of sewage. Ew.


Finally we make it out of that nose-destroying hell hole. Seems we're inside the mountain and the quakes are getting worse..


Uhm. Ehhh that's a Steelix. A huge Steelix. Fucking hell. Yeah I'll do this, just step back Laura.


Battle VS Steelix


So since this guy is Physical I figured I'd just go with another Baby-Doll Eyes strategy. I originally planned to take him out with Fluffers, but I saw just how little damage Starlight was taking and figured.. why not. Not much to say.


After the battle, I rush back into Meteos base to properly end this and deal with that Abra. I do have Starlight, after all.


Battle VS Abra


Ok, so admittedly this was really messy. First I figured: Abra, Psychic.. Starlight is immune, easy, right? I get in, he uses Hyper Beam aaand it hit me this guy only spams Hyper Beam. Right, I forgot. Okay, no problems.

On top of that I forgot to put Light Clay on Pixie for his Light Screen, I gave him Exp. Share earlier. Geeenius, I know,


After a bit of thinking I landed on utilizing Flash + Screen + Starlight's maxxed-out Sp.D EV's and his super effective Dark moves. Worked without a hitch. Lots of good misses gave me plenty of opportunity to get more Flashes off which allowed an easy time to set up my Curse and get him.


After the battle, I pad myself on my back, good job Siv. Deserved back-pad right there, I should think. Apparently their super-evil leader is on her way, so we are out and back to the cove for my next battle against Noel.


Battle VS Noel


So. I went in not really knowing the best way to deal with his Porygon. I have zero Fighting moves on my team, I thought Ganja would do alright. I was very wrong. He barely touched Porygon and that Tri Attack was a nasty hit.


Luckily Spike steps in and takes care of him with a beautiful Paralysis from DIscharge.

I honestly figured I'd have to do some trial and error here, so when Bewear came out I wanted to see if I could make a swap to Tails and survive. I could. And his Psychic OHKO'd him. Brilliant. Unexpected, but brilliant.


Swap Spike back in against the Flying type, no-brainer and a lovely OHKO once again.

Starlight takes on the Psychic giraffe.

I was hoping he'd be able to handle Cincinno but after the Para on my second Payback I wasn't sure if I'd be able to survive a hit, so Baby-Doll Eyes. I end up barely surviving, definitely not happening again, so a second one to allow the incoming Spike to better deal with him

Now, IIRC Clefable likes to set up Calm Mind (I honestly can't remember!) so I figured I'd Paralyze him and hope for the best.

And oh my did the best scenario occur, lol. Double paralysis as well as double Thunder hit.


Spike you absolute beauty. Carried the match hard. Definitely didn't expect to one shot Noel like this and especially not after fucking up the start with Ganja like that, lol.



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10th Update



It didn't take me very long to find Saphira inside Tanzan Mountain. After beating Noel and getting my badge I had decided to go out and look for her, I'm not a fan of staying put and being idle. When I found her she gave me a ring, told me it was a rather important piece of jewelry and to take good care of it. She went on her way back to the Cove and the others while I kept going to find the next gym.


Coming out of the mountain I wound up in a thick forest. Just hope this isn't one of those where the trees keep dissapearing, so far it's looking alright, some of the grass is crazy tall but no trees have dissapeared on me so there's todays silver lining.


Ah, there's an opening. Awesome. 

So this is route 1, eh. Nice. Looks clean and the air is fresh. Ahh. And there's Tauros here! Fighting Bouffalants. Crazy.  


Eh, is.. that.. Fern? Great. And here I thought the air was clean. I'll just have to deal with him.

He wants to battle, right, I can beat this brat in my sleep.


Battle VS Fern


Underestimated Ryhorns damage to Blue and lost him, but other than that fairly straight forward and simple win. The reason I went through the trouble of using Light Screen and Wish is because I wanted to keep Fluffers healthy against Decidueye, but Starlight ended up dealing with him beautifully.


Fern sods off with his tail between his legs once again and I keep going. The next gym, I'm told, is to the far east of Route 1 in a castle. Never been to a castle before, this could be cool. Far east. Sounds like a long way. Lots of walking. You know, I wonder.. what if I help out that Tauros. They're not quite as wild as Bouffalants, maybe it'll let me ride it. It could take me all the way to the castle. Ha, brilliant. My feet are sore as hell from all the walking inside a mountain.


Yeeeeeeee-haaawww! I feel like a proper cowboy! Yee-haw! Let's gooooooo.


Woop, woop, woop and over the ledges we go. This might not be a huge-arse Steelix, but full-on gallop and with the wind in my hair this is bloody amazing.


Oh I can see the castle. Has to be it. Time to slow down so I can get off.


Slow down.

Slow doooooown.


Maybe if I pull the hair here.

Slooooooooow dooooowwn.



Thanks for the ride Tauros, go, be free!


Alright so just gotta find my way through the maze and I'll be at the castle. No problems, right?


Okay, it's been hours. Fucking. Hours. The sun is burning, I'm soaked in sweat and my feet are bloody. Where in the fuck is this castle! How is a castle so difficult to find! It's a castle! A castle!! F--- Wait. Is this it?

Am I hallucinating? I haven't had water in a long time.

It feels real. Would I be able to feel it if it was an hallucination?

I'm gonna try knocking.

Door's open. Huh. Alright, do I just.. walk in?

This has to be real.


Oh there's a girl. Hopefully she can help me.

Okay, deep breath, relax.

Luna? Hey isn't that the girl Serra and her creeper son was talking about? The girl the nutjob with the DItto was looking for?

Shit she's been talking this whole time, I gotta get out of my head.

Is that a talking Gardevoir? That's crazy. Woof, quite the personality she has. Ha, I love her!


Radomus is quite the character. Likes to play dress-up. I don't judge, he looks to be having fun. I can respect that.


Cain's here? Okay this is definitely real. No way my psyche would hallucinate this weirdo. A battle? I'm knackered. Come on, man. Right, what ever. Let's do it.


Battle VS Cain


Okay so I had lots of trouble getting through this guy. His Muk is real mean and I have no ground moves. I had to unequip Fluffers item to lower the Knock Off damage enough just to get through him.

His Mimikyu presented quite a problem, too. I tried using Flash but it didn't work, so I powered through with Moonblast while he set up Swords Dance. I mean even with Pixie being fully stacked on HP and Def EVs his Play Rough absolutely destroys me, lol.

After getting through those two, the only real problem was Nidoking. Tails, even with Twisted Spoon + field advantage couldn't OHKO it (????????), and he OHKO's Tails. Then Blue and Starlight, too.

So, I had to let Meowstic live a little longer and set up Curse on Starlight. He survives a hit from Nidoking and takes him out with a powered up Payback.

Nice. Took me a while to figure this one out, surprisingly.


Battle is over, I figure I finally get to rest for a bit.


Nope. El shows up. Took Radomus' Gardevoir. More abduction. Wonderful.  No rest for the weary, eh.


Although it doesn't seem like Radomus is too bothered by it, we still go after El to get Gardevoir back.

We end up underground. More mountains. Lovely.  Deeper and deeper into the mountain and down the ladders we go.


Finally.. outside? Inside? What is this place? That's a huge building. Under a mountain no less. This is freaky.

Ah! Gardevoir! Aaaand some other dude.


Okay, so, Gardevoir hates Radomus and Radomus doesn't give a toss.


This is.. weird, to say the least.

The guy wants the ring Saphira gave me. Well that's not happening.

Adrienn. Alright, that's our mystery mans name. And he's working with El. Cool.

He's a fucking nutjob in a white robe. Come on, bud.


I'm keeping the ring so they took off into that huge building.


At the top I run into El and Gardevoir.

The others soon follow and El and Radomus get real into it.

Now I'm put right in the middle of it all. Who do I side with? Who am I trusting?

Right, look, I get the Gardevoir thing is kinda weird, but El's been spouting religious nonsense the entire time, there's no way I'm siding with him. Radomus is a bit eccentric but that's all I've seen. I like eccentric.


Woooooooo-aaaaait. Ditto. It's a Ditto.

I fucking knew something was up.

New rule of thumb: Don't trust people mucking about in white robes spouting religious crap.


He wants to battle, I'll do this. No problemo.


Battle VS El


I was kind of dreading this battle. I went about it like I did Abra, utilized Flash and got rid of his accuracy. Set up Light Screen just in case and then get Curse going so I could out damage his Leftovers and bypass his Recover.


It's a tough fight when Arceus has Leftovers and Recover in his moveset. Took me a few tries before I got it done.


El is beaten, done with.

Apparently, Adrienn is a gym leader in the Coral Ward. Imagine that. That's.. wow. He's been down here for.. years. Jesus. That's got to be a mind-fuck if I've ever seen one.

The real Gardevoir pops up and teleports them all out. Could have taken me with, jerk. Now I have to walk all the way back.


So I make my way back through the mountain and back to Reborn City. That big-ass gate is now open. Very cool. We meet up back at the Coral Ward gym with Adrienn and the others.

He's going on a mission to restoring the city. That's awesome. This whole dump needs it. I go with Radomus back to the castle to challenge him to a battle so I can get that next badge!


Battle VS Radomus


His Metagross lives up to it's name. It's gross. That bleeding thing is well tanky and is able to take a lot of hits, even from my Fire and Dark moves. But I manage to push through him. I honestly expected Gardevoir to be the biggest problem but it was fairly easy compared to that Metagross.

Pixie did an amazing job for me this battle. I can't wait until I get the Reflect TM for him.


Strategy was my usual one for doubles: Paralyze one guy and ignore him. In this case, Reuniclus, then focus on his friends. Worked out nicely!



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11th Update



Immediately after getting my badge and Trick Room TM the power went out in the castle. I ran to the entrance and I see El dragging Luna out. Another kidnapping? This is getting kind of old. I manage to make it outside before the doors to the castle get jammed shut.


Right. The maze. How was the way out again? I came from.. here? Right? Yeah. This looks familiar.


No. Not this way. F- A meteor grunt. Great. Alright. Let's go.

Oh, it's Radomus. Nice disguise. Fooled me.


He leads me off to a way to walk up ontop of the hedges. Very cool. Should be able to slip past those dumb grunts without a fuss.


You know what I've realized? Getting through a maze is a lot easier when you can walk up here and see everything. Ha.

Aahhhh. Yeah, the sun in my face, wind in my hair. This beats walking all the way down in the shadows of the maze.

From now on this is how I want my mazes to be.


See? Hassle-free. Brilliant. Alright, gotta get back to the city. West. Right. Long walk.


That Tauros looks well out of control. I wonder what's got it all riled up. It looks freaking crazed just runing around in circles. How does it not exhaust itself?

Heeeyy buddy. Oh it just stopped.

It's looking at me. Huh.

Can I ride it? Can't be safe. Right? Surely it's out of it's mind.

C-c.. could I ride you to the far west buddy?

Hmm. I'm going to take that head tilt as a yes. Let's try this. Screw danger. Danger's my middle name.

Nice Tauros. Calm Tauros. Niiice and easy doooes it.

Alright! Success! Now, just gotta get herr goi-WOOOOOOOOOOOW.


Whheeew. Made it. Whooof. A little too wild but that was a good ride still. I have to find 7th street. A secret, hidden street for shady dealers. Sounds like a lovely place to hang out.

The Magma Gang I joined should know about this.


Yep. Maxwell gave me an all-in access to the entrance. Being part of a gang isn't such a bad thing afterall.


Man this place is a dump. I swear the lights down here flickering like this is going to give me epilepsy.

Oh, a Magma member. Nice. Hey bud. Yeah I'm looking for a religious dude, kidnapped a girl.

You saw a weird-looking dude in a white robe? Yeah that's him.

Where? RIght. Cheers mate.


There! White robe alright but that didn't look like El. Let's check it out.

Bennett. They said they saw a weird-looking guy. Should've said creepy.


I followed him into a secret passage way that led to a very weird place.

Aw crap. I'm surrounded.

A trap? Okay, Bennett and El, okay. Credit where credit is due, I guess. Smart play.


Locked up. Awesome. I wish I had that Cyndaquil, Vanilite and Roggenrola with me. Hm, now what?

A Klefki?

Oh I have a neighbour. The Klefki's his! Nice! Real-life Prison Break! Let's do this!

And I didn't even need to cover my body in tattoos.

He's staying? What? Weird guy, alright, well, I'm gonezo.

Right, gotta just sneak past all these goons. So. Many. Goons. How they recruit these people?!

You know, I kinda feel like a ninja sneaking around like this. Stealthy and without a sound. Unseen in the shadows.

Or James Bond. Holy shit I'm James Bond.

Que the 007 Theme song.

Dundundunduuun-dudududuun-duuduuDUUDUUU.. duu-duuu-duuu.


(Yes this is my attempt at sounding out the James Bond theme.)


Ah, the exit. Nice. And there's Luna. Tied to a fucking altar. Is this sicko going to SACRIFICE HER?! WHAT?!

And there's El. And Bennett. I thought she was El's daughter. Who the fuck does that to their daughter?!

Woah. Lights are out. Luna's free? Does she have crazy powers? What the hell is going on.

What the hell have I got myself into. These people are fucking crazy.

And she just drove them all out. Nice. Okay. I'm glad she's on my side of things.

What's that Luna? Am I afraid of the dark? No, I've got Starlight for that. But I'm kind of scared of you a little bit if I'm honest.

A key? Cool. Yeah, okay. I'll see you there. No of course I'll come alone.

Wait, where exactly is Iolia Valley?

Gotcha. Thanks love.


After finding the entrance in Radomus' maze I had to go rummaging through caves for more keys. Walk across ice slippery ice bridges and I ran into Bennett again.

Apparently he's realized what he did was wrong. LOL. Just.. LOL. The creeper followed me around like Gollum from the LoTR movies. I'm just imagining this guy "luna.. my preciousssss." Ha.


I finally made it all the way to the end and after "Gollum" here declared his undying love for Luna and got shot down (turns out, kidnapping isn't a great aphrodisiac), he wanted to battle me. Yeah, sure. Gladly.


Battle VS Bennett


Fight was incredibly easy. There's not a whole lot to say about it.


Battle VS Luna


My biggest problem was her Umbreon. I had plenty of ways to deal with her Tyranitar in Ganja, Blue and Pixie, but her Umbreon was difficult without any Fighting moves, leaving only Pixie so I needed to keep him healthy to deal with it.

My first try didn't go very well, she stalled me out with Double Team, Toxic and Leftovers while tanking the Moonblasts that actually went through. (Can you please make Toxic available earlier in the game?? I can't wait to get it for my Umbreon!)


Next try I decided to give Pixie a Metronome to boost the damage. I should have used Thunder Wave on it while Spike was still alive so Pixie would have been faster, but it worked out quite nicely with her having to spam Moonlight just to survive this time around. Awesome, one more badge in the bag and I'm well on my way through Reborn!



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12th Update



So, off to Agate Circus for my next gym badge. The fighting gym.


When I got to the border to Agate, Cain was waiting and the guards were all asleep.


We'll just walk past them. Couldn't wake them up, quite the heavy sleepers this lot.


We walk through to the other side and Cain just falls over. Instantly asleep.

That's interesting. Hardy and Aya are here, too.


While trying to figure out what the hell to do, this chick came flying in from out of nowhere. Carrying a huge fucking Harley Quinn-like mallet. Kinda cool.

The only way to the circus is to hit us with the mallet? What? How does that make sense.


And oh god the way this girl talks. Kill me. Kill me now. I'll take the mallet over listening to her. Give me the mallet, right in the face. Do it. Do it. D-  OUCH. Wooooow.

Well look at that, we did land at the circus. Cool. Really cool.


After getting myself familiar with the Circus grounds and walking by.. so, so many clowns, I finally found Samson.  We go inside the big tent and evidently I need a pass in order to challenge the gym leader.

The fuck? What happened to gym leaders must accept any and all challenges? I thought thems the rules, ya know?

Whatever. They tell me I have to go see Amaria and Titania at their house. Fine.


Out on Route 2 thinking about how happy I am that I'm not wearing heels right now while jumping these huge rocks.

Got my vial filled up with some sweet scents to put the crustles to sleep. I need to move them to fill up these holes so I can move forward. They are properly heavy. Seriously. Pushing these things.. woof, one hell of a work-out I'll say.


A few jumps and crustles later I find myself at the Celestine Cascade talking to Titania and Amaria. They gave me the Battle Pass-Fury so that I can go back and challenge Samson. Silly idea, battle passes but whatever.


I make my way back to the Circus to Samson and let the battle begin.


Battle VS Samson


So this fight was a genuine nightmare. I tried SO many different things. None of it worked. At all. I couldn't get through his team no matter what I did.


So I did something I really don't like to do, I changed the fields and the battle I uploaded is the first try doing that. Fucking LOL.


I have a save file before Samson, I want to see if I can figure out a way to beat him without changing fields. I am so very much open to suggestions and feedback on how to do that!



Battle VS Samson (no field change)



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Was Hawlucha with its seed the problem? Probably none of the eeveelutions could survive a hit from Hawlucha, except Vaporeon might be able to after the Helping Hand boost from the seed was used up on someone else.

Didn't Baby doll eyes work like last time, or did you replace it? Do you have a Focus Sash to spare? You could use it for Jolteon.


And what item did your Espeon have? Anything else should be easy for Espeon, but in case of Lucario, which can take one Psychic, a Metronome could help to increase the damage if the Lucario comes in late enough.

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1 hour ago, Edo said:

Was Hawlucha with its seed the problem? Probably none of the eeveelutions could survive a hit from Hawlucha, except Vaporeon might be able to after the Helping Hand boost from the seed was used up on someone else.

Didn't Baby doll eyes work like last time, or did you replace it? Do you have a Focus Sash to spare? You could use it for Jolteon.


And what item did your Espeon have? Anything else should be easy for Espeon, but in case of Lucario, which can take one Psychic, a Metronome could help to increase the damage if the Lucario comes in late enough.

Jolteon actually survives a hit from Hawlucha and on a good roll Discharge OHKO's it, Thunder will every time. That wasn't the problem.


I tried Metronome as well as Twisted Spoon on Espeon. I tried a few times starting Espeon. With Spoon I OHKO Hariyama, in comes Mienshao who tanks a Psychic and OHKO's me. With Metronome I take a hit from Hariyama before getting him, in comes Lucario and uses Extreme Speed, so I could never really get on a good roll with Metronome.


Problem was mostly I had to burn through 2 mons to get through Lucario, 2 for Mienshao and Blaziken would Bounce out the remaining of my team.


I can't at any point swap mons because the power boost the field gives does too much damage, so I would have to let my Mons faint out before switching in for type advantage. A roll of Powerful or Over 9000 would OHKO anything.

Was also too much damage to allow me time to setup Curse or any Wish use since everything would get 2 shotted at least.


I don't like using Focus Sash, it feels too cheesy using something so limited so I try to avoid it 😛


Only thing I didn't really try was Umbreon or Glaceon, but with their Fighting weakness it feels pointless to.


I'm genuinely at a loss for ideas, lol.

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Wait how can Mienshao tank a hit when Hariyama can't? And after one use of Psychic on Hariyama, the Metronome should already give you a 20% boost like Twisted spoon does, so you could use someone else to weaken Hariyama before finishing it with Espeon.


Nevermind that, the reason I thought Hawlucha is your problem is because in your video, the only thing Misty Terrain does is prevent Hawlucha's seed from activating. It doesn't weaken Samson's pokemon, except for less damage, but Espeon isn't getting hit in the first place. And Psychic isn't boosted by the field either, but you did manage to OHKO everything besides Lucario.


I think you should just try the same route as in your video. Espeon with Twisted Spoon, For Hawlucha and Lucario sent fodder out, then send Jolteon out for Hawlucha and defeat it, for Lucario send another fodder that will weaken it, then finish it with Espeon which will also take care of the remaining team.

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3 hours ago, Edo said:

Wait how can Mienshao tank a hit when Hariyama can't? And after one use of Psychic on Hariyama, the Metronome should already give you a 20% boost like Twisted spoon does, so you could use someone else to weaken Hariyama before finishing it with Espeon.


Nevermind that, the reason I thought Hawlucha is your problem is because in your video, the only thing Misty Terrain does is prevent Hawlucha's seed from activating. It doesn't weaken Samson's pokemon, except for less damage, but Espeon isn't getting hit in the first place. And Psychic isn't boosted by the field either, but you did manage to OHKO everything besides Lucario.


I think you should just try the same route as in your video. Espeon with Twisted Spoon, For Hawlucha and Lucario sent fodder out, then send Jolteon out for Hawlucha and defeat it, for Lucario send another fodder that will weaken it, then finish it with Espeon which will also take care of the remaining team.

Serve up the fodder to keep Espeon alive.


It worked, yeah. Got him done but took a few tries as I needed lucky rolls, lol. Even with Spoon Hariyama and Conkeldurr would some times survive a Psychic. Same with Discharge on Hawlucha.

What's weird is I started one shotting Mienshao, I swear yesterday it survived every single time lol.


Battle VS Samson #2


Jolteon's kind of a boss surviving Hawlucha with no defensive EVs.


Thanks for the help!

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13th Update



Next up: Charlotte's fire gym.


I trailed all the way back to the Celestine Cascade to talk to Amaria and Titania again and get the machine for Surf. 


Quite the drama household they live in. I didn't even read Titania's diary and sshe doesn't believe me. Then Amaria walked in and overheard us talking and decided to read it herself.  Must have been something crazy since she stormed out. Titania's gone after her..

I decided to just get on with my journey. Get to Calcenon City and win my fire badge.

I can now surf so now I can manoeuvre the mountain.


I found Cain and the others near this maa-haaassive ice wall. Huuuuuge thing. It doesn't look.. natural. We're thinking it's definitely not supposed to be there.

But we all move on and get ourselves outside to Route 3.

The path to Calcenon is absolutely destroyed. So we have to take a bit of a detour around and through the mountains.


As we're making our way we come across Meteor grunts. These guys are fucking everywhere. Jesus. We find this.. base of sorts, inside the mountains. I mean, impressive engineering building all of this in here, but man these guys need a better hobby. We run into Aster and Eclipse again.


I accidentally deleted my fight with Aster and Eclipse so unfortunately I don't have the recording. Sorry. Dumb mistake.


Blue did most of the work here. Equipped him with a Wave Incense instead of Metronome as I planned to swap him in and out to keep him healthy for their Lycanroc's. It worked very nicely. Wasn't super difficult.


After the battle we moved on through the mountain and ended up on Route 4.

Not a long way to Calcenon, didn't take long to get there.


Everyone's there. Well, almost. Aya's missing. More missing people. Good grief. It really is getting old. Can't Meteor come up with something new? When has this ever worked for them?

They put up this huge wall thing.

Fern showed up on the other side of it. With Meteor. He's gone full retard and joined up with Meteor. Haha. What's that saying? Don't ever go full retard?

Goddamnit Fern you silly plonker. This is low. Even for him.

They're trying to leverage Aya for the ring. Might sound cold, but it's not happening. Ain't doing it. I've seen enough movies to know the bad guys won't keep their word even if I give it to them, so no thanks.

Charlotte took the ring and ran off. I found her at the east entrance to the city. She explained their plan and the show they just put on. Nice. After we talked we went back to her gym for our battle.


Battle VS Charlotte


This fight was awesome. I loved it. I had so many close endings to this and it was fucking awesome even though I lost quite a bit.


Okay, so, my plan was: Twisted Spoon on Espeon + Helping Hand allows me to OHKO Typhlosion and Darmanitan. Light Clay on Sylveon and Metronome on Vaporeon.

Start off with Detect to give me time to set up Light Screen on Sylveon's side where Blue is going to be. The screen gives me time to spam Muddy Water for days without having to heal up allowing me to utilize Metronome very well.

Starlight takes care of Delphox with type advantage.


Swagger on Volcarona, I don't have to worry about the Attack boost hurting me, only itself.

It would have been smoother had Thunder not missed - I am so replacing this. I really wish Jolteon was able to learn Thunderbolt on his own, especially since the TM isn't available until much later - It still worked out since Rotom does no damage to Fluffers and I just really needed to get Ninetails out.


Loved this fight!


Next up is Terra and her Glitch World.



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Been a little busy lately, sorry and Terra also proved to be a rather difficult battle. Also forgot to press record that one time I won after ~25 losses. Needed some fresh air after that haha.


14th Update



Got the fire badge and the machine for Flamethrower from Charlotte, meaning next up is the Ground gym. But first we go to Ametrine City. Which means I have to find a way through or around that huge ice wall inside the mountain.


I found a way around and dove into the waters. Very cold. Freezing cold, in fact.

But Blue picked up the pace and we ended up inside the huge ice wall. Friggin crazy. Turns out the ice wall is the result of an Avalugg and a Pulse machine. Lovely.


Battle VS Avalugg


Uhmmm, so I didn't really make a plan for this as it's never been much of a fight so I just kind of brute-forced it. Got a little messy haha.


Now that's taken care of I can get to Ametrine City.


I meet up with Shelly and they all talk about a haunted house and an angel.

Shelly thinks it's Heather helping out the people. So we investigate further and after talking to a few people around the town we end up at the top floor of one of the apartment complexes where we meet Blake. He wants the ring in exchange for Heather, she's been locked up somewhere.


Despite Shelly getting upset, I told Blake to sod off. No way he's getting the ring.

Rat bastard snatched it on his way out though. Ugh.


I fiddled around his rooms and I found what I needed to turn on the computer.

Plus the genuis that he is had papers laying around with his password written out. A hidden door opened up that lead into a mountain behind the house and to a shed.


Heather was locked up inside the shed. She got herself out and we backtracked all the way out of the mountain, out of the house and I met up with Cal in the west side of town. We fought our way through Meteor grunts to the top of the mountain to get Blake. First I ran into Aster, who gave me the machine for Waterfall and wanted a battle.


Battle VS Aster


Fight got a little messy, it was on the first try. I forgot Passimian had Close Combat, unfortunate for Starlight. Also underestimated how much Krookodile would damage Blue, but I had to see if I could swap him in, trial and error 'n that. Still won.


At the top of the mountain Blake was waiting for us. Let's go.


Battle VS Blake


Figured I would just win by type advantage mostly. I made a few mistakes like attacking Walrein with Payback instead of attacking Starmie. It took a few tries to figure out what to do but overall it wasn't super difficult.


After the battle Blake left on a helicopter and I went back to the Circus to get the next badge.


T3RR4 jumped into a friggin' computer. Kind of like The Matrix. I went after her, followed her through old places, absolutely awesome nostalgia.


I later found I forgot to record the Mewtwo fight. You're not missing much, I used Flash on Pixie + Light Screen and then Curse'd up Starlight and eventually took him down.


After Mewtwo it was time to battle T3RR4.


Battle VS T3RR4


So I think this has been the toughest battle yet.


My strategy was to use Blue to kill Garchomp, which is why I sacrificed Tails, I needed Blue at full health with one Wish use.

Then swap to Pixie and utilize Flash in order to get her to swap out Quagmire and Pallossand to get rid of their seeds, then use Ganja to take care of them with Metronome and Leaf Blade spam.


The problem was Excadrill requiring a sacrifice and Garchomp outspeeding everyone in my team. Blue needed good rolls in order to take out Garchomp, most of the time he would survive with ~5% hp, then take out Blue and sweep the rest.


Fortunately for me I got an amazing proc on Quick Claw on Fluffers allowing me to use Wish and essentially give Blue an extra turn. After that the fight was done.



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15th Update



Being able to use Waterfall outside of battles means I can follow Titania and help get Amaria back.


After working through the Water Treatment Center with Titania I found yet another pulse machine with a Swalot inside, and now we know why the water's all fucked.


Battle VS Pulse Swalot


Took a few tries for me, this ones usually rather difficult and as it turns out I just overcomplicated this for myself trying a bunch of things lol when all I had to do was set up Light Screen, Thunder Wave and then just do damage. Fair play.


So I dealt with the Swalot, went through the entire WTC and got the water cleaned up, met back up with Titania and we went into the back room. We found Amaria on a table and Taka. Apparently he's like a secret double agent type.


He wanted me to battle and defeat him, but I'm not going to do that. Just don't fancy it. Give the guys a bit of rest 'n that.


So we leave and meet up back at the Celestine Cascade to find it overrun with the Meteor Gang. Great.


Battle VS Grunts


Battle VS Fern & Blake


Battle VS Solaris & Grunt


I, uhm, was really surprised at how quickly I got through this. I definitely didn't expect to get it on the 3rd try, lol. Didn't really have a plan, I gave Hidden Power to Jolteon, which is Dragon, I figured I needed it for Haxorus and Garchomp. Not much else to say, got it on the first time I got to the last fight so things are a little messy with a couple of mistakes.


Team Meteor cleared out after we dealt with them so all that's left is go back to the Circus and challenge Ciel for the last Circus badge.


Battle VS Ciel


Making his grand debut: Glaceon (Sparkles). Wasn't exactly a great success, but hey.


No special strategy. Her Oricorio was perhaps the biggest problem until I got Yawn on Espeon. After that it wasn't a big deal. Would have OHKO'd Minior if I had given Espeon Metronome instead of a Twisted Spoon.


Looking forward to getting rid of Big Top Arena. I fucking hate that field. Now that the city's restored I can get Leftovers and access to a few important moves from tutors. Also access to Reflect and Will-o-Whisp TM. Going to take a bit to grab everything.



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