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Eeveelutions taking over Reborn - Challenge Run


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1 hour ago, Xtrack said:

Yeah I could see Adrienn being a tough one for ya. If only there was a steel evolution for eevee. 

Yeah I've kind of hit a wall.


The only steel moves I have access to is Iron Tail and the 70 Acc is murder. Plus he has double Intimidate on Granbull and again on Mawile and things just get kind of silly from there. Lol.

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Battle VS Adrienn


So I swapped Sylveon's EVs from Defense to Sp. Def so he would survive those Dazzling Gleam hits. I changed some Defense points into Attack points on Flareon since a Rock Slide from Mawile OHKO's from full HP, to more reliably kill off Granbull.


Leafeon: Wide Lens - No item to boost Steel moves so no item really needed, just less RNG for me.


Flareon: Iron Plate - Since I have to use Detect it works better than Metronome


Sylveon: Leftovers - Last battle vs Florges is about letting Toxic do it's work and surviving


Jolteon: Zap Plate - I need to OHKO Togekiss.


Vaporeon: Wave Incense - Instead of Metronome because I need to kill off Mawile ASAP.


Espeon: Don't need an item, I don't want Trick Room to last longer than Tailwind so I'm not using Amplified Rock and I don't get to use any offensive moves, so it's whatever.


Now! Lead off with Leafeon and Flareon, double Iron Tail to take out Granbull before he gets Earthquake off. Turn 2, Sacrifice Leafeon to get a clean switch, get Whimsicott low for later. Then set up Trick Room while he sets up Tailwind. Ensures I attack first on everyone except Jolteon and Espeon. Detect on Flareon so he lives long enough to hit Mawile. Then Helping Hand + Iron Tail to OHKO Gardevoir, his Whimsicott gets Espeon and I send out Vaporeon. I needed Whimsicott low, but not killed because I can't deal with Mawile + full HP Togekiss or Gardevoir. Muddy Water is the only thing I have that will hurt Mawile and it kills off Whimsicott in the process because it's already low. With a little assistance from Flareon and Sylveon, Mawile goes down. Set up Wish before Vaporeon faints, it transfers to Jolteon. Set up Light Screen last Trick Room+Tail Wind turn, then Wish, then Toxic on Florges. Thunder SHOULD have OHKO'd Togekiss, this is the first time that's not happened lol. Could have cost me the match with that. Worked out in the end though despite double miss on Thunder. Fucking lol.


This fight sucked. I found out what to do yesterday and because of Eeveelutions lackluster move pool I had to rely on Iron Tail, Muddy Water and Thunder so basically I had to soft reset until the stars aligned and I didn't miss crucial moves. Seriously, one Iron Tail miss and the game's over. One Muddy Water miss on Mawile and it's another reset. One Thunder miss on Togekiss means it's over.


Fuuuuuuuck me,, ha. I'm just glad I remembered to record it. I think this took ~120 tries....



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59 minutes ago, LegendaryLycanthrope said:

the celestine cascade battle video seems to be missing - it was for me, anyway

Ah, sorry. I've re-uploaded it, should be available in a few minutes.



I think the file was too big or too long so I've cut it into 3 parts instead and will re-upload them.


Edit** They're up and running!

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17th Update



Time to head into the desert and on my way to Never Land to get my next badge.


First battle this time around is against Taka, haven't fought him in a long time so this was quite interesting.


Battle VS Taka P1

Battle VS Taka P2

Battle VS Taka P3


Had to break it into pieces because the fight went on for as long as it did lol. There's a slight skip between P2 and P3, but it's just me setting up more Curses so you're not missing much, I kind of fucked up re-recording it into smaller pieces, sorry.


The field and the sandstorm made it kind of difficult as it covered up a lot of his weaknesses and dampened a lot of my moves. Biggest problem was Gliscor, it's self heal was really difficult to deal with. I made a couple of mistakes using Wish when I should have used an offensive move instead, but I'm not sure how much it really mattered. Reflect saved my arse this time around, it let me set up Acid Armour on Vaporeon and Curse on Starlight and essentially won me the battle.


I ran through the Mirage Tower to get Will-o-Whisp thinking it might be useful when I eventually get to the Glass Factory Gauntlet.


After that I zoomed through the scrapyard puzzle and made my way to the big bad dragon, Reshiram.


Battle VS Reshiram


Figured I would just let Tosxic handle this. Worked very well!


Then after witnessing Taka's unfortunate demise it was time for Titania. Yet another really, really difficult gym battle. Steel type is rough to deal with, especially on that god-awful field. And I can't even stall with Toxic. Fuc.


Battle VS Titania


So the biggest hurdle here was hands down Klefki and Aegislash. If Klefki wasn't immune to Fire because of the field it wouldn't be an issue, but oh well. The Hailstorm was murder. Everything about this field is just fucking awful. I'll say this: however frustrating it can be, I'm loving how creative I have to get in order to beat the later gyms in this run. It's very cool. Needed to go back and learn Haze on Blue to get rid of the Calm Mind buff so Spike could Yawn and deal with him.

I equipped Ganja and Fluffers with a Magical Seed to boost their Attack and get the Protect effect, giving me a free attack or transfer. Really important in dealing with Scizor and Excadrill. 


So: Start off boosting Defense with Acid Armour to kill off Sandslash, Blue is the only one who could deal with it. Then use Haze on second Calm Mind, predict the Thunder Wave and swap to Jolteon. Yawn -> Detect and get 'im. Sacrifice Umbreon because no matter what, he gets OHKO but their Steel-moves, Excadrill doesn't get use of his Protect effect and I get a free kill with Leafeon. Swap to Flareon get Protect-effect and survive Scizor. He will Swords Dance because his moves won't do enough damage giving me time to get him first. Swap to Leafeon, tank Scald and get one Leaf Blade in before Blizzard ends him, then finish him with Discharge. Aegislash was a pain and I honestly won because for whatever reason, instead of OHKO'ing Espeon with Shadow Sneak, AI decided to use Ultra Potion(?). Well, I get a Yawn into Detect off and I win. Coolio.


I had lost quite a few times, Espeon always got one shot by Shadow Sneak so this time I tried saving Fluffers to see if he could deal with Aegislash, if not I probably would have gotten another Yawn somewhere. Espeon never used to survive that turn lol.


I am both horrified and excited to get to the Glass Factory haha. Holy shit. But first, Amaria!



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18th Update


Not a whole lot to do, I swam around and grabbed the machine for X-Scissor and then I went and challenged Amaria.


Battle VS Amaria


So I swapped Leafeon's EVs from a mix of Sp.D and Def to pure Defense, so it's maxxed out in Atk and Def with the last few points in HP.


Set up Trick Room with Amplified Rock and Light Screen, swap to Ganja to take out Starmie and Ludicolo. Swap to Pixie for Kingdra's Fairy weakness, back to Ganja to deal with Mega Swampert, because of the Def EVs his Dive doesn't scare me. With Trick Room gone I can't keep Ganja in against Wishiwashi so I swap to Blue to tank his poor Sp.A hits and let Toxic do it's job. Ganja and Spike will take care of Lapras while it's busy setting up Curse. Easy fight really.


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19th Update: Glass Factory!!



Whew! I've only gone and bloody done it.

Loooooooved these fights. Took me a while and a bit of tinkering with moves.

I swear I've never used this many Heart Scales at the Move Relearner in any run before, LOL.


Jolteon: Metronome - Big sweeper!


Vaporeon: Wave Incense - Had to use Detect so it beats Metronome


Sylveon: Metronome - To deal with Umbreon


Espeon: Amplified Rock - Trick Room strat was necessary heres


Flareon: Charcoal - Allowed me to OHKO everything important in the first battle and it beats Metronome because I had to make use of Detect


Leafeon: Leftovers - Didn't matter much really. Didn't have anything better to give him


Glass Factory Battle #1


Simple Trick Room strategy, let my slow mons sweep as much as possible then let Jolteon's speed take over when it fades taking advantage of the field effect damage boost while using Detect to avoid friendly fire on Discharge


Glass Factory Battle #2


Holy shit Jolteon swept this battle, Pop in Sylveon with Heal Bell to deal with Umbreon's stall.


Quick disclaimer: In the video Vaporeon faints but I found a way to keep him alive for the third battle, I just forgot all about re-recording the win after fine-tuning my moves:


Turns: Scald -> Wish -> Scald -> Weavile faints, Wish comes true, heals me up to full -> Honchkrow comes out -> I survive 1 Brave Bird hit, I use Wish -> swap to Jolteon, he survives Brave Bird hit and Wish heals him to full -> commence sweep with Discharge and Metronome -> swap to Sylveon to deal with Umbreon. Without a fuss and I have my whole team for the third fight.


Glass Factory Battle #3


Most of this is just brute-force. I abused the hell out of Detect to avoid Discharge hitting my own guys essentially letting Jolteon do most of the heavy lifting. And he does so beautifully I might add.


Kind of surprised I won this one. A couple of poor decisions, mistakes and some genuinely shit RNG going against me lol.


First Sandslash survives Discharge for the first time; then Pixie gets paralyzed on Hyper Voice and I instead end up losing a guy when I didn't have to; Blue gets paralyzed on the first Thunderbolt and then doesn't use Wish; Fire Fang misses twice on Glaceon and Blue gets paralyzed on  yet another Wish use! Ha. Genuinely laughed out loud at that little series of events, haha.


Put me in such a tight spot. Thank fuck Rock Slide missed or it would have KO'd Fluffers. I had my arms up in the air giving out a way too feminine, high pitch "yeess!!" hahaha. Bloody brilliant, man. And thank fuck for Flareon's natural Sp.D bulk. I am so glad I invested in defensive EVs. He tanked that Frosslass hit like an absolute champ.


Awesome series of battles. I'm torn between Spike and Fluffers being MVP. On one hand, Spike carried most of the heavy lifting in all three battles yeah, but man Fluffers came in properly clutch like a fucking legend at the end of the third battle.


It's been a while since I've gotten amped up playing this game. Awesome series. I am so ready to go deal with Sirius and Hardy. I need to go look up the Meteor gauntlet and prepare. Will tackle these guys some time this week.


Almost done with the challenge run!



*Apologies for the lack of effort put into the logs/scripts as of late, I have a little less time on my hands to do this and I figured with the battles getting a lot harder I would focus on explaining my thought process and strategy instead.

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20th Update



After getting through the gauntlet it was time to deal with Meteor in Agate and then on to Hardy for his badge.


Battle VS Meteor Grunts


This fight was super easy, so nothing to say.


Battle VS Solaris


Kind of surprised at how simple the fight was. Not much to say, really, once Excadrill was taken care of and Reflect went up from Tails then fight was pretty much over.


Battle VS Hardy


This fight sucked. Flinch, flinch, flinch, flinch, flinch. And a few more flinches. Why you would design a fight around Rock Slide beats me, but what ever. Super simple strategy: Lower their Atk with Baby-Doll Eyes while sacrificing the gang, set up Reflect with Light Clay and while he's swapping out his mons and Reflect is up, set up Acid Armor and Curse. Then rinse him.


I changed Blue's EVs to Defense instead of Sp.D; I changed Pixie's EVs to max Defense; I changed Fluffers, too, although unecessary. At first I had intended to Will-o-Whisp Aerodactyl so I needed him to survive the first Rock Slide hit. Didn't work, lol. Also tried Trick Room but Gigalith is too slow for me and does crazy damage, so that didn't work either.


Still really surprised at the damage taken with full HP and Defense EVs on my team, but what ever. Mostly just sucked soft-resetting every time I flinched at a bad time, or if he would crit me. Three cheers for fights centered around RNG. Yaay.



So, that's it. Done with the run! Apart from Adrienn and Hardy fights I had a lot of fun with this. Very challenging having to come up with interesting ways to win and play around rather rough field effects.


Hmm. Now what?

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