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A Pokemon Reborn run with 0 Exp and a TON of other Restrictions (Season 2: Quarantine Edition)


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Yeah bet you didn't see this coming. Or maybe you did. I did mean it when I said I'd finish this run eventually, and what better time to do it then when I'm locked away and unable to interact with society. Here's a video!

And here's a brief refresher on the restrictions of this run since it's literally been a full year:


For those not in the know, A 0 exp run is a variant of the self imposed low-level run restriction done in various rpgs. At the end of any battle, Pokemon will receive 0 exp so that no level ups will ever occur. As such, the Pokemon at your disposal will never grow, growing obsolete after a short while (with some exceptions of course). This means I will be constantly shifting up the party as new wild pokemon that are higher leveled become available.


Here's a few other restrictions I've set in place for this run.

-No Items can be used in battle

The only exception to this is held items. Aside from those, there will be no healing items, no X items, etc. Z-stones and Mega stones which appear later on will also be allowed for usage.

-No TMs, Move Relearner or Move Tutor

This is what really makes the run what it is. The game would be a lot easier if you could teach some of the available pokemon TMs or have the later ones relearn moves so they aren't stuck with crap, but I've found the game is doable without them, and as such I won't be using them in this run.

-Set Battle Style

This one should be obvious. It's done to make battles a lot more interesting and challenging. This also gives me the chance to mention that a lot of Reborns bosses fight in Double Battles, where you can't switch out anyway. Due to this being a fan game and the code for it not being implemented yet, there are no triple battles.

-Species Clause

Some bosses can be cheesed if multiple of the same pokemon are used. While that's cool and all, I like a fair challenge a lot more, so I'll be restricting that kind of play from myself.

It is currently not possible to set up a run like this without modding your game to do so.



This run is GETTING FINISHED BEFORE MAY ENDS I PROMISE, I've been putting this off for too long and don't want to keep putting it off anymore so I'm doing this. I'm also just gonna limit the description to the Youtube videos only from now on, mostly so i just don't have to post as much and artificially lengthen my posts.


Serra vid will be up in like, a few hours.


Edit: I should also probably link the old archived thread too, oops lmao.


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Hate this fight, really, too much luck involved even for a Serra fight zzzzzz


Anyway next vid will feature a lot of battles, Sigmund, Giant Steelix and PULSE Abra, stay tuned, that'll probably go up on the 25th

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Important to note is before moving on to Agate Circus where I'll be locked for a while, I stocked up on a shit ton of items and caught some of the remaining high leveled pokemon, even ones above the level cap that will become usable as I progress through the episode 12-15 content.


Next time is Samson

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