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Trainer Phasing Through Rift Garbodor in West Gaeren and Getting Stuck on the Wall


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So the tittle says it all..
In my first battle with Garbodor, I lost, and now every time I go back to fight him my trainer just passes through him and gets himself stuck on the wall behind, the battle still works just fine but if I win the cutscene bugs and after Venam gives Melia the signal (in which I believe Melia was suppose to touch the orb or something) she just stands there doing nothing.. No matter what I do, I am stuck, losing to him sends me back to the beacon and the bug stills happens, wining gets me stuck on the wall so I am soft-locked.. My save file is bellow, please help.. I really don't want to restart after spending DAYS on this save file

PS: For some reasons all of my backup save files are from when I had 0 badges so.. Yeah.. Almost the same as restarting tbh..
PS²: If you could also place a 6IV Ditto in my Box for the inconvenience that would be appreciated (Just kidding but.. If you did I wouldn't complain) 



Edited by MhicKy
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So this actually occurs when you black out to the Rift Garbodorr, as if you beat it first try this dosent happen. I don't know why this happens but it does.

To fix this what you need to do is go back a save to before the Rift battle(Maybe a save after you beat the first one), and save before the battle, and reset if you lose so this dosen't occur



I know this says reborn but it works the same way for rejuvenation


Edit: Sorry didnt see that your back ups arent working unfortunatley I cant help u then

Edited by Thomaskater21
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1 minute ago, Thomaskater21 said:

So this actually occurs when you black out to the Rift Garbodorr, as if you beat it first try this dosent happen. I don't know why this happens but it does.

To fix this what you need to do is go back a save to before the Rift battle(Maybe a save after you beat the first one), and save before the battle, and reset if you lose so this dosen't occur



I know this says reborn but it works the same way for rejuvenation

About that.. Apparently my game wasn't set to take backups anymore so the only save files I had were when I had 0 badges, literally before fighting Venam for the first badge so.. Thanks for the tip tho', I will make sure backup save stays always ON in case something like this happens again

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