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Pokémon Ashen Frost [Case 20 + Revamp]


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Thanks for considering my feedback and answering my questions, although the thing you said about the ability capsules made me find out I had a bit more feedback to give.



I had done the "gangsters for hire" sidequest and, after getting the Heracross, went upstairs to see if anything noteworthy was there.  There wasn't, the ability capsule guy didn't appear until some point later (I assume after the Duraludon sidequest becomes available).  I don't agree with this from a design standpoint; most players like myself probably did the exact same thing, assumed the questline was over, and never went back to that house again.    You should make ability capsule guy spawn immediately once you finish the events at the dart hall.  Even if you can't get Duraludon yet, it lets players know to keep an eye out for it and that ability capsules are in fact, in the game.


Or maybe I'm just blind and he did spawn and I somehow didn't notice... but I'm like 80% sure he didn't.


It doesn't help that this guy isn't mentioned in the sidequest guide, nor are ability capsules mentioned on the items or shops lists.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

After just under a year of development, Case 15-19 are now here!


Important notes to returning players:

  • Do not reload within the Aurora Wolves HQ. This building has been completely revamped and it'll probably only end up messing with your save.
  • Please equip all mods on your Pokemon before playing the new demo. The items will change and will be in the incorrect bag pocket upon returning to your save, which will only end badly.
  • There's like, four backsprites and a couple portraits missing due to the fact that I deemed them unimportant to include at this time. (I mean, who cares, they're literally backsprites.) I'll probably release a graphical update in the coming days/weeks with these graphics.
  • The game now runs on a 24-minute day timer as opposed to an actual clock. The game's time can be change within any Pokémon Center.
  • To begin Case 15, talk to this NPC in Syl's Dining Room as Sylvester.


Please report any bugs found here or in the bug reporting channel on our Discord. And that's about it, to both returning and new players, I hope you enjoy Ashen Frost!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
On 11/3/2021 at 7:03 PM, QuirkyNiche said:

When I tried to open the game this error showed. some help would definitely be appreciated.

Pokemon Ashen Frost 2021-11-03 10_45_15 AM.png

Did you manage to fix the issue? I'm having trouble with this as well.

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14 hours ago, lemon said:

Did you manage to fix the issue? I'm having trouble with this as well.

Go into the scripts folder. From there, find the folder called "Third Party Scripts" and delete the file called "010_RichPresence.rb." This is just a bandaid fix for non-Windows users for now 

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2 hours ago, LunarCosmos said:

Is this game completed?

Not yet. Storywise, there's only three-four cases left to go. Playing the game now would be the equivalent to playing about 3/4 of the full game, I'd say 

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  • 3 months later...
On 8/19/2022 at 1:30 PM, axbyzanm said:

Hope yall finish this game if yall have the time. This game is a real hidden gem and my favorite out of all the other excellent games on this site.

The game is still in active development, nothing to worry about! The next big update will be out hopefully sooner than later!


And thanks for the high praise as well! We appreciate the kind words!

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  • 2 months later...
42 minutes ago, Cagnita said:

Any news about the next update? I'm so looking forward to play it. Definitely the best original story out there.

Don't check this place often but essentially, the game is going through a big overhaul right now.


Completely redoing the graphics and in-game systems, adding more relevance to the older areas after their case sections are finished, rewriting some parts of the story and updating case logic to better reflect changes made in latter cases, etc. Case 20 is also completely finished, aside from testing and some tweaking/balancing. After that, there'll be one more update containing the finale. Unsure of whether or not the postgame will be included there as well. 


A decent amount has been posted on the Twitter: 



As well, the game has a trailer now: 



There's a lot more stuff posted on the Discord server as well.


Really, the timeline is kinda unclear for when the next update releases. There's been a hard deadline set for February 2023 but it can happen anytime in between that.


If you want any more info, feel free to ask! And thank you for the kind words about our game!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 6 months later...

After almost two years of work, Ashen Frost has released its Case 20 + Revamp update.


Previous save files are not compatible with this version. However, a save file at the end of Case 19 containing some of the most popular mons on player teams has been provided.


If you encounter any bugs, feel free to make a report here or in our Discord server!


Thanks to everyone who has supported us! We hope you all enjoy Pokemon Ashen Frost!


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, psa10 said:

Do you expect any future updates to be compatible with the save files from this new release? Don't want to have to restart again

Yes, all future updates will be compatible with the save file from this release as there will be no more major revamps going forward

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