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Pokemon Reborn fully working on android.

lcie nimbus

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19 minutes ago, Godfather555 said:

Episode 19 is crashing on joiplay everytime I tried to start it, Is there anything we can do or do we have to wait for the final version to release



I got the current version of JoiPlay and the RPG plugin.  Here's the link:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it possible to edit the game files on a computer first, then just send it to my phone? Like is it specifically an Android version or is the app just a way to read Windows files for Android.


I'm asking because I have a few Sprite changes for PCs and shinies plus I wanted to have the couple mods I have. Only a couple like Sandbox or maybe debug I guess. 

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I just made a file setup which works on JoiPlay, combining the base beta files and the 19.12 patch downloaded from the base game download's readme which is ment to be installed into the beta run files.  I made a post about it earlier with the download link to the files for everyone else to use. 


Download link: (630MB)


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Ok I got it working but I have a problem. Many backgrounds don't work. In the Pokemon menu it's just text on a black screen. The Pokemons Sprite is there, you can see the stats and nature etc it's just on a black background so it's hard to see.


In battle however it's empty AF all you see is your Pokemon and the enemy Pokemon. I'm not sure how to fix this



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3 hours ago, DecShep said:

Ok I got it working but I have a problem. Many backgrounds don't work. In the Pokemon menu it's just text on a black screen. The Pokemons Sprite is there, you can see the stats and nature etc it's just on a black background so it's hard to see.


In battle however it's empty AF all you see is your Pokemon and the enemy Pokemon. I'm not sure how to fix this




I'm not sure how to replicate the issue you ran into.  I'm thinking either the graphics didn't load properly, or there's a problem with the scripts.  I'm not as good at fixing these things as the dedicated modders.  I would try installing the separate patch I'm providing overtop of the files.  It worked for me with my beta files, and how I got 19.12 to work on my phone.



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  • 3 weeks later...

@Nyudin it slows outside of battle even with me.  The more things happening in the overworld, the slower it gets.  Especially in the forest areas with the animated vines.  There's nothing you can do with it.  It's processing power and the app only loads things so fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@kiritomegawatch you can download it from the main download page here: https://www.rebornevo.com/pr/download/


Just select whichever format you need for the computer you have (mobile and older computers are windows 7), do the necessary steps to enable access to the files (unzip them, move them into applications, whichever your computer calls for), and it should work fine. 

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This may be a dead forum but I just stumbled across this I can't get an 18.2 version the only one available on the main website is 19.12 and it's not supported by the app is there any word on if this'll change? Or how can I get my hands on an older episode

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So I downloaded the app from the discord as well as the game file for Pokemon reborn and I followed the directions and I keep getting an error message. I've gotten it from both versions 19.11 and 19.16. and 19.12 from the main site doesn't even show any files when I try to find the game to open it from that one.


Would love to play the game mobilly, just need help getting past this issue.

Let me know what I should do,

Thank you!


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! Just started playing after reading this post (really dislike playing on PC so this is a must for me). I noticed the new version doesn't work, so I managed to get my hands in version 18.41 which does work.


Will the newer version(s) also be made compatible for joiplay?

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