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So who's ready for a late night introduction?


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Hello all,

While I did have an over-the-top grandiose introduction in mind I'll keep it short and just say, *Spoilers* I have waded through the Azurine Island, battled atop the great Pyrous Mountain, survived more than 3 organized Meteor attacks, and have defeated the dastardly Noel and his sickening Unaware Clefable. I'm sure many of you have completed the same, and maybe even had a sweep stopped by the Unaware scondrel (yes that Clefable was the ban of my existence for like a week straight), but aside from all of that I'd love to thank Ame for making such an amazing game and this community for posting so many helpful tips while I was quietly being a lurker in the background.

Anyhow, while I'm impatiently waiting for episode 10 to come out, I'd thought I'd introduce myself and ask how is everyone else spending their time waiting for the next installment? I know I have a few pet projects in game I'd like to work on, for one there is a prankster Whimiscott I'd love to get battle ready before the next episode but I can't seem to find any good places to grind. Any and all suggestions would be nice, and if you guys know of any cool side quests to do I'd love to explore some more.

Well that seems to be enough for this introduction, hope to hear from you all because you can bet you'll be hearing alot from me.

Inviktus Signing Off,

Stay Classy Reborn

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I see you're a fellow Anchor Man fan. xD

Any way, nice to meet you, and welcome to Reborn. Destroy every last inch of your sanity before you dive into the hell hole that is this forum, trust me, if you don't, things won't end well for you.

This is Ackalacka, signing off.

Go fuck yourself Reborn. (Let's see how many people don't get the reference and flame me)

Edited by Ackalacka
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Thanks for the greetings all,

And @ackalacka I lost my sanity when i got rolled by the first gym leader lol. Anyway I think I'm gonna start a soul silver play through while I wait for the next episode. That's if I can find a working desumume copy :(. Anyway thanks again

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