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Hiyoshi City Ghost dialouge.


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So what's the check for the scene after we collapse and the ghosts in our head give judgement. From what i can tell, it involves choices involving bladestar. I ratted out Flora and didn't tell Cassandra anything, and the ghosts said i'm trustworthy and made the right decisions.


Meanwhile for both a Bladestar run and tell Cassandra run(Jesus the court scene got creepy) the ghosts said they don't know what my motivation is.



Very interesting, given that Melia mentions the Interceptor can either bring prosperity or ruin, i'm inclined to think a demon path bad end is planned or something. 

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It's not checking your Bladestar Choices, but you're overall Karma Score. The choices do have some impact on your Karma, true, but most of it is going to be pulled from other sources over the long course of the game. 


As for your last statement, the entire plot was determined after V6, including that there'd be several endings, so that seems like a foregone conclusion at this point. Notably, V12 gives you a series of options in one questline that are very obviously leading up to a bad ending even with the need for a Karma check, and likely going to be necessary to get the absolute worst ending in the game.

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