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How can I play pokemon reborn nuzlocke


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At first let me "warn" you: Only attempt this Nuzlocke if you know what comes


You are only allowed to catch the first Pokémon you meet in each new area, if it faints or flees, no second chances

Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, which means it has to be either released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently

The general consensus is that players must also nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.

The general consensus is that a black out/white out is considered to be "game over", even if there are Pokémon left in the PC, exceptions can be made for one specific battle only

Strongly implied is the stipulation that the player can use only Pokémon they have captured themselves, meaning traded Pokémon, mystery gifts, etc., are prohibited. Trading and retrading the same Pokémon (for the purpose of evolving a Graveler, for example) is something of a gray area, and may fall under optional rules.  it is implied that the player can accept Pokémon that are received freely from NPCs.

Also strongly implied is a prohibition against voluntarily resetting and reloading the game when things go wrong. Being able to do so would render all of the other rules pointless.




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also, lots of people for Reborn-style fangames in particular limit themselves to one wild AND one event/trade/gift per uniquely-named area, so as to not either get too few or too many event encounters.


other optional rules include:

- all Shade/Anna relationship points

- set mode

- no items in battle

- one I personally use is to not use Torchic as a starter, since it runs over half the gyms in the game singlehandedly

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Nuzlocking this game is strongly ill-advised but if you must attempt it than please be sure you are familiar and comfortable with the mechanics.  

The basic Nuzlocke rules are as follows:


- You may only capture the first Pokemon encountered in each separate area of the game.
Statics/ NPC gifts are more of a gray area. I have seen Nuzlockers count them as separate from their area encounters so I believe that is acceptable. Exception permitted for shinies. Any shiny encounter is legal. 

If an encounter faints (including via a self-fainting move such as Explosion) or flees it still counts and unfortunately you lose out in the area. No second chances. 


- All Pokemon MUST be nicknamed for sentimental value. Or something or other. 


- When a Pokemon faints, it's considered 'dead' and must either be released or permanently boxed. I've been told that the original rules used to require releasing exclusively but that's pretty much been phased out. 


- You are NOT allowed duplicate Pokemon even if the first one is dead. This includes the Pokemon's entire evolutionary line even if you've only ever used one member.  i.e If you caught an Ursaring in one area, you are NOT allowed a Teddiursa in another. 
This is the exception to the first encounter rule. You are permitted multiple encounters if the first is a dupe. 
EDIT: I've been informed that this rule is optional but all YTers I've watched use it. 


- If you black out it's game over with the exception of the first rival battle (in Reborn the first two) as a Nuzlocke doesn't officially begin until you first receive Pokeballs or access to them and the first rival battle occurs before.  

Edited by Devilish
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2 hours ago, Devilish said:

- You are NOT allowed duplicates of any Pokemon you've already captured even if the first one is dead. This also includes evolutions and pre-evolutions even if you've never actually owned them in these stages.  i.e If you caught an Ursaring in one area, you are NOT allowed a Teddiursa in another. If you've caught a Pikachu you're not allowed either a Raichu or a Pichu. 
This is the exception to the first encounter rule. If the first encounter is a duplicate you are allowed a second, third, however many encounters it takes to find something new. 

I've also seen people say they can but don't have to skip duplicates, though I'm not certain how much benefit there really is to that, and most people just end up skipping dupes anyway.

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18 hours ago, Seel The Deal said:

It's not an option. Nuzlocke is a self-imposed challenge, some fangames make it an option (Reborn will in the future in some way, I believe) but usually you still have to impose certain restrictions on yourself to make it a "full" nuzlocke experience

Insurgence is one that has Nuzlocke mode option but what exactly does a Nuzlocke mode option provide since most if not all the basic rules can't be imposed via coding?

I imagine all it can do is erase revival items from availability and prevent the nurse from being able to heal fainted Pokemon but is that really necessary? To not follow the fainting rule is to defeat the point. 

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You could probably handle the one catch per area (if a player's captured pokemon is from an area, disable balls in that area, or something along those lines - then disable releasing pokemon, and have a dedicated death box) and nickname rules too, although it may not be desirable to do the latter. Dupes clause could probably be enforced in a similar way to one catch per area. Still nothing stopping a player from resetting if something goes wrong though.


Honestly though, just having one single "Nuzlocke mode" is either too restrictive or does too little to be worthwhile. Too many variations on the challenge nowadays. Might've worked 20 years ago...

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, SNJoseph said:

I have a question for the nuzlocke thing too:

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Does the first battle with Solaris on the Volcano count as a loss if all the team is annihilated?


You have to decide yourself whether you count it or not, but in the most nuzlockes i've seen it counts

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