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Team for a Valentine?


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So, at the moment, I run:

Pachirisu - Hypelec

Run Away



Hyper Fang

Thunder Wave

Charge Beam

Primeape - Anima

Anger Point

Scope Lens


Cross Chop


Focus Energy

Crobat - Cross



Poison Fang

Wing Attack

Confuse Ray


Gardevoir - Zoroin




Magical Leaf

Calm Mind

Double Team

Swampert - Calder


Earth Plate

Muddy Water


Rock Smash


Arcanine - Jasper

Flash Fire


Heat Wave

Flare Blitz



What do you guys think?

I'm about to fight Noel, but I decided that I wanted to get a new electric type, and decided on Ampharos.

So, I worked for about 7 hours to finally get a Modest, Static Mareep - I kept getting DW Ability.

And I'm thinking about rebreeding and eving and running:

Ampharos - Radha

Static - Modest


Signal Beam

Cotton Guard

Discharge (or Thunder)

Confuse Ray (or Rain Dance if we get that TM)

252 SPAtk - 108 Def - 76 HP - 72 Speed - 2 mess up points

Gardevoir - Zoroin II

I'll try for Telepathy - Modest



Calm Mind

Double Team

Magical Leaf

252 SPAtk - 252 Speed - 4 Def

Arcanine - Inferno

Not Picky on Ability - Lonely/Mild


Heat Wave

Flare Blitz

Out Rage


252 Atk - 252 SpAtk - 4 Spd

Swampert - Calder II

Torrent - Brave




Muddy Water

Not Sure maybe Take Down

252 Atk - 84 Def - 84 SpDef - 88 HP

Primeape - Fury

Anger Point - Adamant

Scope Lens

Cross Chop

Focus Energy

Karate Chop

Focus Punch (breeding? Probably just have Swagger)

252 Atk - 252 Speed - 4 HP

Flygon - Simoom

Levitate - Adamant


Dragon Claw



Rock Slide

252 Atk - 252 Speed - 4 HP

What do you guys think?

Edited by DrakeValentine
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Pachirisu is garbage. I mean it can actually do kind of well if you take bide considering it has pretty high defences. Aside from that it's a pretty joke pokemon, it does learn pick up though so +1 for that. What do you want outrage for? It's weaker than your main stabs and it locks you in place then confuses you, there's also hardly any dragons. Id recommend breeding it for close combat or wild charge and drop outrage and heat wave for extremespeed. Drop the SpA ev's and take 252 Spe instead. http://www.smogon.com/bw/pokemon/arcanine that recommends 72hp which i don't understand why. Probably some srs competitive battling precise reasoning.

Edited by Stiffins
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Rebreed swampert for hydro pump (mudkip lvl 42). If your planning to use you team before Noel, after getting hydro pump, evolve it into murshtomp so that it get earthquake at lvl 46. Then evolve to Swampert. As for the rest of you planned team, I agree with Stiffins, get close combat/extremespeed.

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Swamp is higher in phys attack so breeding him with waterfall which can be done by breeding a goldeen/seaking onto a remoraid then onto swampert is much more effective. Mine is adamant with 252 Atk 100 Hp 100 SpD 56 Spe and has Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice beam (only cuz ice punch isn't possible to get on him atm with waterfall) and toxic which i bred onto him via a bulbasaur who got it off of a foongus. Still not sure if Protect would be better than ice beam.

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Swamp is higher in phys attack so breeding him with waterfall which can be done by breeding a goldeen/seaking onto a remoraid then onto swampert is much more effective. Mine is adamant with 252 Atk 100 Hp 100 SpD 56 Spe and has Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice beam (only cuz ice punch isn't possible to get on him atm with waterfall) and toxic which i bred onto him via a bulbasaur who got it off of a foongus. Still not sure if Protect would be better than ice beam.

Mmm so true. I guess I'm saying hydro pump cus I couldn't get any Physical water moves for him...

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Also, where should I level grind to get my Goldeen to 37?

Pyrous Mountain ;)

Or should I run something like

Extreme Speed

Flare Blitz

Close Combat/Wild Charge


I think that's more preferable.

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Nice! You can get Wild charge on Arcanine by breeding it with a Blitzle who learns it at 39, Close Combat you can get off Mankey at 49. You CAN get both, but it's very difficult. What you have to do is close combat a Wild Smeargle with around a level <10 mankey with a quick claw (use common candy) otherwise it will die, catch it and then train it up so it can survive 2 hits from a wild 39+ Blitzle and keep using a slow pokemon with encore until the Blitzle uses Wild Charge (or you could use a fast one and encore the turn after it charges which would probably be better) then Sketch it and breed the Smeargle with an Arcanine. xD But if you cbf trying that then i'd just go with close combat over wild charge.


^You can find everything about breeding and shit there.

Edited by Stiffins
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Pacharisu is actually not all the way bad. He can be used as a stat breaker for opposing pokemon.

Pacharisu can use thunder wave to break a pokemon's speed. He can also use charm to break attack pretty fast. On top of good defense and spec defense, his speed is good, so electro ball will be powerfull, expecially if the foe is paralized. Use Pacharisu to hinder an enemy's stats and then use another pokemon, to set up. I.E your Gardevoir with double teams and calm mind. Parcharisu is very useful if you give him a try.

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Yeah, I used my Pachirisu as a way to cripple the foes that my other guys couldn't take out so easily... and then, I got to the point where I didn't need him as much anymore.

Like, I used him to cripple the first pokemon of the Poison gym, and then set up with my Gardevoir and swept the gym hard,

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