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Should I give this game another chance?


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So i played this game a few years ago(maybe around episode 8 or 9, can't remember exactly) and while I liked lots of things about, something ruined it completly for me:    

Melia, her character, her mary-sue-ness and more importantly how she constantly steals the player credit, it just makes the entire gameplay loop completly unsatisfying.    

So was this reduced over the years, or should I just looks for another fangame to pass time with?    

Thanks in advance.

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1 minute ago, HAWmaro said:

So i played this game a few years ago(maybe around episode 8 or 9, can't remember exactly) and while I liked lots of things about, something ruined it completly for me:    

Melia, her character, her mary-sue-ness and more importantly how she constantly steals the player credit, it just makes the entire gameplay loop completly unsatisfying.    

So was this reduced over the years, or should I just looks for another fangame to pass time with?    

Thanks in advance.

Melia a Mary-sue??? Huuuh..Are we playing different games with the same character named Melia?
Melia has plenty of flaws, flaws that come back to bite her, she isn't perfect, she is always conflicted, always tense (even in the slow moments), Tesla even let her go to the Spa for free and tells the MC that it's pretty clear she's been through a lot, in one of the chapters she even has to deal with the problems of her "I want to help everybody!" mentality, she isn't untouchable and a lot of the times she is powerless to deal with a conflict (which by Mary Sue definition, should be the opposite), one of the very first conflicts she has is the fact that her life is a lie, her father isn't actually her father and she doesn't know how to cope with that, in one hand he assures her that he loves her enough to defy orders in another he still lied to her and is working with Team Xen and the whole reason he even played the father figure was to keep a eye on her until she "becomes ready", compare Melia with a character like Captain Marvel, which is a massive Mary-Sue, and you'll clearly see they are nothing alike..

For the part that she says she steals the MC's credit I never experienced that.. In fact everybody credits you too much, always looking at the MC as the person who ends all conflicts, now that I think of it.. The MC is more of a Mary-Sue than Melia..

Anyways I would tell you to keep going.

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I dunno I just can't stand herat all, if the story is still 90% about her that I simply shouldn't bother. Which is a shame because I remember liking quite a few things about the game(especially the art direction of the enviroments)

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well Melia being mary sue is pretty debatable(or not been a while since i play v8 so i may have forgot something) but yeah i think you should give it another chance, a lot of thing have changed in v12 mainly the game and story has been more polished, so the feeling of awkwardness and some plotholes has been reduced significantly 

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Definitely give it a chance, but i share the point of Melia being an annoying character. I don't like how the game pushes her into the story, and exalting the fact that she's better than all of you. Yes, she has emotional issues, but the story revolves so much around her, like the bridge scene in Terajuma. This can be annoying, since it's basically self pity, not some kind of character development of her overcoming her troubles, just plain self pity. She becomes less annoying while progressing trough the story, specially in the Grand Dream City arc, since the focus is in Bladestar and Aelita (which i liked A LOT)

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If you don't want to then don't play it.


Melia is definitely the least amazing thing about the game but the story and the other characters since e8 as well as the way they delve into the past of other characters is more than enough of a reason to play it. Why would any of us say not to play the game if we're on this part of the forum we clearly think it is good enough to more than just play. Honestly I don't see the reason behind these posts just play or don't why do you need other people to validate your choice periodt.


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9 hours ago, Kamu said:

If you don't want to then don't play it.


Melia is definitely the least amazing thing about the game but the story and the other characters since e8 as well as the way they delve into the past of other characters is more than enough of a reason to play it. Why would any of us say not to play the game if we're on this part of the forum we clearly think it is good enough to more than just play. Honestly I don't see the reason behind these posts just play or don't why do you need other people to validate your choice periodt.


Haha, you're right. But this basically turned out to be a "Melia sucks" discussion

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you said the last time you played was during v8 or v9? my god, v8 was my first version, and like almost every single map has been redone since then (some several times) the game is a lot better then what it was in v8 or even v9. you should totally play it! it's like a new game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely try to replay it. I didn't like Melia either, but my word, when I replayed it again over the past two months... it was like a totally different game. There are parts I don't like, and they should be polished, but most of those are near the latest content. And frankly, with the sidequests and what they add to the game, it's definitely worth a retry.


It's also BEAUTIFUL. The game's art is EVERYTHING I could ever, ever, ever have asked for, what I dreamed of as a 12 year old for the next pokemon to look like, only to be broken by the HATED Diamond&Pearl games (Snarls viciously).




Anyway, Rejuvenation is worth playing for its art alone. What's better is that the story is now not only bearable, but actually very enjoyable now, to the point I'm considering a second playthrough, and it is a LONG game. And the SIDEQUESTS. I cannot reccomend the sidequests more. Most don't involve Melia at all, too, so win-win.

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To the original poster, I would definitely give this game another chance. Melia is far, far better than she was in the earlier versions and that is something I hope everyone will understand soon. And while I do understand that some people are upset with how the story seems to revolve around her, I have no problem with is as it's not like the MC is completely shafted in favor of her. (Though I would be fine with that if it happened.)

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