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Help me PLZ!


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Hello everybody i am playing pokemon rejuvenation right now. Iam in the part where i defeated angie and i am in the valor cave battling the kyogre after getting the magma drift. Actually my problem is that it is so tough. One time i was lucky that it missed its whirlpool and i was able to land a thunderbolt on it which took it to red but was unable to KO it.

so i need you guys to help me. Here is my team if any changes plz let me know:-

1.vikavolt lv 54 thunderbolt,x-scissor,sky drop,crunch

2.incineroar lv 53 flame thrower,magma drift,darkest lariat,thrash

3.empoleon lv 55 aqua jet , surf,drill peck,rock smash

4. Altaria lv 53 moonblast dragonbreath,dragon pulse,echoed voice

5.sylveon lv 54 moonblast,bite,shadowball,last resort

6.lycanroc dusk lv55 stone edge,rock slide,crunch,thrash

plz help me and one more thing i am playing casual mode and the kyogre's move set is-thunderbolt,whirlpool,ice beam,(4th move- actually it did not attack me using fourth move). Thanks again.

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If you have focus sash put it on vikavolt use thunderbolt if vikavolt is faster than kyogre you can hit the kyogre twice with thunderbolt. But also the kyogre is also not a mandatory battle

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I used a Trevenant, just that
You can try catching one.. Using Leech Seed then Will-o-Wisp and Confuse Ray, remember to get one with Harvest and equip a Sitrus Berry on it

Edited by MhicKy
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