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im glitched on the garbodor and i cant move. i can't progress and i dont have an earlier save to revert to. please some one help. i love this game and am 90 hours in and dont want to start all over again. can anyone fix my save file. i dont care if i have to re fight the pulse garbodor as long as beating it wont end up like this again.

Pokemon Rejuvenation 20_04_2020 7_09_17 PM.png

313 - Tyler - 90h 37m - 8 badges.rxdata

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snivy or torchic. since they get their hidden abilities to start with. you get speed boost for torchic. or contrary for snivy. snivy gets better later when it learns stuff like leaf storm. torchic is better earlier but stays decent since longer games your going to have the speed advantage really quickly. if you want a water. froakie might be the better bet as it gets the protean ability which can be beneficial if your smart about how to use it. first gym being an electric gym makes waters harder to use to start with but protean means you can remove your water typing to mess with them.

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