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A Fiery Hellscape


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Welcome to HELL


AKA Biskit goes insane


A fire/dark dual-type playthrough by Biskit





After narrowly escaping from hell again, I hopped on a train headed to the lovely Reborn region, a destination known for its eccentric people and challenging league. Oh all the souls I'll be able to feast on!


However, my fantasizing was rudely interrupted by some ABSOLUTE BUFFOON trying to blow up the train. I've been free for *checks watch* 2 hours. I think I'd like to spend a little longer up here on Earth thanks. Either way, after a quick stop at a dry cleaners to get my suit cleaned, I was well on my way and ready roll!


The one thing they don't tell you about returning to the overworld is that you can't escape your demons.




Meet my friend, Dante the Litten? I think I prefer him as a cat honestly. Took me a couple of resets to get some decent IV's along with intimidate. SASSY nature can't be helped, that's just who he is.

As they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and while I may not be a woman, nor scorned, whoever nearly blew me up certainly hath not seen my fury yet. Time to go see what Reborn is all about! I heard they have the best lava cake, don't mind if I do!

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So in addition to forgetting to take relevant screenshots, Kiki might be the hardstop to this run.



Most of the team is outsped, and even tanking one hit isn't enough. I haven't found a way to get through more than 2/3 of her team.

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