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Hello everybody i am playing pokemon reborn and it is time for me to battle radomus. I tried battling him two times and both the times he defeated me with his last two pokemon gardevoir and reuniclus . I am having a problem with wiping his gallade and slowbro. So i am gonna present all the pokemon in my rotation including starter and team so you guys have to suggest me the best team i can create to defeat radomus.

1. Meowstic lv 44

2.gothitelle lv 42

3.onix lv 38

4.palossand lv 44

5.swalot lv 47

6.swoobat lv50 

7.toxicroack lv 60

8.ampharos lv 60

9.blaziken  shiny lv 60

10.klingklang lv 59

11.drapion lv 59

12.mudsdale lv 60

13.cofagrigus 34 (i will be training it soon)

14.noivern lv 59

15.dewgong lv 60

16.scrafty lv 60

so these are my pokemon in rotation and i even have many other pokemon in my pc but i have tried searching about their abilites and moveset, sadly they cant help me with this gym. Once you guys suggest me the team i will even show you the moveset including abilities. I have a kricketune and shiny sewaddle in my pc so if they are useful just tell me. Any help is appreciated thanks in advance. One more thing -training  any other pokemon told by you guys is not a problem so dont hesitate to tell me. Thanks.

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You should use scrafty with moxie. Also leavanny can be a reliable pokemon in certain situations. You could also try using blaziken with bulk up+ shadow claw+ speed boost. And I guess Klingklang could be good for wiping gardevoir

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