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Ciel Assistance


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I need some help beating Ciel, here's my team with mainly their useful moves.
Stone Edge
Mystical Flame
Psychic Terrain
Shadow Ball

Aqua Jet
Aqua Tail
Razor Shell
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Metal Claw
Double Edge Iron Head and Rock Slide
Do I need to make adjustments to my team?

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I think it would be better to write out your whole move sets, since you're asking for advice on them. Might as well write the abilities, and for Lycanroc knowing the form would also be helpful.

It would generally be better not to have too many moves of the same type on one pokemon, like Aggron doesn't need Metal Claw when he's got Iron Head, and even though I can see why you would want Flamethrower and Mystical Fire, only one would be better so you can use another type of move or a support move like Light Screen.

You definitely need to change Samurott's moves, cause having only Water moves is a waste of move slots. Reteach it Swords Dance and another non-Water Physical move, but keep Aqua Jet and either Aqua Tail or Razor Shell, depending on if you value more power or accuracy, though I'd teach it Waterfall.


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11 minutes ago, Edo said:

I think it would be better to write out your whole move sets, since you're asking for advice on them. Might as well write the abilities, and for Lycanroc knowing the form would also be helpful.

It would generally be better not to have too many moves of the same type on one pokemon, like Aggron doesn't need Metal Claw when he's got Iron Head, and even though I can see why you would want Flamethrower and Mystical Fire, only one would be better so you can use another type of move or a support move like Light Screen.

You definitely need to change Samurott's moves, cause having only Water moves is a waste of move slots. Reteach it Swords Dance and another non-Water Physical move, but keep Aqua Jet and either Aqua Tail or Razor Shell, depending on if you value more power or accuracy, though I'd teach it Waterfall.


Got it. Thanks for the suggestion Edo.

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I suggest getting rid of Alakazam as it's too physically frail, and most like can't OHKO anything in her team. Its Psychic Terrain is also a setback, as the terrain prevents priority move that help you revenge kill. And Aggron. The two Pokemon that it should assist in beating (Togekiss and Altaria) will most likely OHKO it before it can do anything.


You need a reliable Steel type move user to get rid of Togekiss and Altaria. I suggest completing the Lucario sidequest in Ametrine City. The baby Riolu will have Meteor Mash. And Lucario is faster than both Togekiss and Mega Altaria.


Go to Ametrine/Celestinine and get a Swinub. Evolve it to Piloswine and then Mamoswine. Let it learn Ice Shard and Icicle Crash. It will OHKO Noivern and help revenge kill Gliscor.


Teach Lycanroc the move Accelrock. That should OHKO Oricorio and also help with revenge kill.


The fight should go along something like this:


Turn 1. Ciel sends Togekiss. You send Lucario. Lucario OHKO with Meteor Mash.


Turn 2. Ciel send Gliscor. You send Samurott. Samurott uses Surf, which doesnt knock out Gliscor. Gliscor uses Acrobatics, OHKO Samurott.


Turn 3. You send Mamoswine. Mamoswine revenge kill Gliscor with Ice Shard.


Turn 4. Ciel sends Oricorio. You send Lycanroc. Lycanroc OHKO Ocario with Accel rock.


Turn 5. Ciel sends Minior. You send Salamence. Salamence uses Dragon Claw, which wont kill it Minior uses whatever, OHKO Salamence.


Turn 6. You send Mamoswine. Mamoswine revenge kill with Minior Ice Shard.


Turn 7. Ciel sends Noivern. You send Mamoswine. Mamoswine OHKO Noivern with Ice Shard.


Turn 8. Ciel send Mega Altaria. You send Lucario. Lucario OHKO with Meteor Mash. If it doesnt, it will be knockec out by Altaria's Earthquake. Revenge kill w Ice Shard.


The general idea here is that most of her Pokemons could be and should be taken down with one hits. The Big Top boosts their damage to insane levels, so there's no good in dragging out the fight. Only Gliscor and Minior cant be OHKO and instead will OHKO you back, so two sacrifices are required.



Edited by nguyengiangoc
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Also if your able to tank 1 hit, Set up Stealth Rocks
In a perfect world [I forget if field effect nulls them]
IT should help with damage and also hit gliscor and minior so Abiilities don't prevent OHKO blocks
Back when I fought her, she had a Hawlucha

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