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Help beating Radomus PLS


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So ive been trying for like 2 days totalling up to about 60 attempts and i cannot beat Radomus. (Shelly took longer though) But during Shelly's battle i would always go to the last 2 pokemon and loose there but with Radomus the first 2 or 3 pokemon would sweep my full lvl 60 team.


Sharpedo lvl:60 Crunch, Skull Bash, Aqua Jet, Destiny Bond. Item: Power Bracer (To slow it down due to Trick Room)

Warein lvl:60 Stockpile, Blizzard, Brine, Aura Beam. Item: Wide Lens (To increase Blizzard accuracy)

Decidueye lvl:60 Synthesis, Leaf Blade, Spirit Shackle, Brave Bird. Item: Soothe Bell (IDK why it has a Soothe Bell)

Ampharos lvl:60 Discharge, Light Screen, Power Gem, Cotten Guard. Item: Light Clay (For Light Screen which many guides say is useful but doesnt really help)

Macargo lvl:60 Flamethrower, Shell Smash, Strength, Earth Power. Item: Protective Pads (IDK why)

KlingKlang lvl:60 GearGrind, Shift Gear, Discharge, Rock Smash. Item: Pure Incense (IDK why)


I also have infinite Super Potions and Revives (Cotton Candy) at my disposal and i have many Heart Scales for the move relearner as well. Many other guides do not help that much as well and the light screen seems innaffective. For many other gym leaders i have stratagies but for this one i get sweeped too fast and therefore have no time to experiment. Im willing to grind to beat this as well.



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1 hour ago, Guy143 said:

I also have infinite Super Potions and Revives (Cotton Candy) at my disposal

Highly Suspect

Radomus is the Psychic Leader
You need Things that Resist Psychic (and is Slow as all unholy hell to abuse Trick Room)
Gardevour Is the counter for Dark Type advantage, Try running in there With a Slow mon with Bug moves as Psychic is weak to Bug/Dark/Ghost
Your KlingKlang will work for Gardevour as long as you go first
Obtain a few Iron balls/Lagging Tails if your wanting to use Radomus's Trick room against him cause the items your using do matter in this game [Department Store Stickers for getting said items]
Your light Screen Strat isn't helping since you don't have SpDefensive Mons in there other then Walrien being a water type with them all being mostly spdef

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Bug types are great in this battle. Pinsir, Heracross, Vivillon and Araquanid are good picks. Pinsir and Heracross just hit so damn hard, Araquanid can abuse the Trick Room with Water Bubble boosted attacks, and reduce the opposing pokemon attack stat with Lunge. I found Vivillon sort of helpful, thanks to the Sleep Powder support, alongside good STAB in Hurricane (mainly for Gallade) and Bug Buzz. You can get Heracross, Pinsir and Araquanid in the Route 1, and Vivillon in the Jasper Ward. Strategy wise, you should lead off with Decidueye ans Sharpedo to take out the Gallade and the Reuniclus. You might want to use some type gems, though, since Radomus has many bulky options. You can use Sharpedo to nab a KO on Metagross with Destiny Bond, and by using a bug type, Malamar gets molded by being 4x weak to bug types. Gardevoir dies to Klinklang, if it outspeeds you, though, you can make Slowking use Trick Room, or just make Gardevoir attack a different pokemon

Edited by Gastronely
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Thx i ended up getting an Araquanid and breezing through the team lol IDK why it was so hard earlier. I used the sharpedo and klingklang to stop the trick room from Reuniclus. And i meant that i had like 40 super potions and 20 cotton candies from grinding the trainers at opal ward.


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