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I can't get past Angie and i am losing all of my money V12


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You can make money and level up with the Pokemon Breeders.
Have you done EV training? Sometimes players forget something like that exists. IV is also very important to boost your pokemon's power, try checking into that, too.

Otherwise, if you have good comp and counters for Ice type mons, I don't think you will have problem winning

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2 hours ago, Crystalrage said:

I would say your best options are fighting and steel types

Steel types more than Fighting since they also resist most of her pokemons
Dark Types are ALSO a good idea since her field also increases Dark Type moves so a Sharpedo would go nicely since he can resist Ice moves and has the cover of the field for Crunch, you may also be cheeky and use a Alola Sandlash, due to being Steel Type he has advantage over the other Ice types AND he has Slush Rush and is faster than her Beartic

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6 hours ago, maludocery23 said:

where do you get alolan sandslash then?

I also have no idea where to get other steel types


Oh yeah.. I forgot.. You didn't pass to Mount Valor yet, my bad.. 
Steel types at this point are also few.. The free Mawile is one and you can get a Togedemaru in Route 4 (but frankly, don't bother.. He doesn't learn any Steel Type move unless you managed to get into GDC and get him Iron Head in the Move Tutor), you can also get Klink on Amethyst Cave if you have a Electric Gem (check the item guide to see where you can find one), other than that I also recommend a Sawk with Sturdy, you get one in the event in Sheridan Village, there will be a NPC with both Sawk and Throh there, you get the Throh while other NPC gets the Sawk but if you get to the Daycare, you can trade the Throh for the Sawk (I recommend hatching one from a egg and giving that one to her), having Sturdy allows him to get rid of one of her annoying pokemons, he is most likely do die after but at least he had his usefulness, fire types are absolutely a no-no here because of her field, you can also try Ground Types but be aware to not use Earthquake tho' since it also hurts your ally (unless they are Flying but why would you bring a Flying type to a Ice gym?)

Edited by MhicKy
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the strategy here is to change the field and weather so angie can't abuse blizzard to sweep your team the Magical/Elemental seed( I forgot which one) raise your speed by 1 stage and apply torment so it's best to equip it to your dps, so bring a fighting type and equip it with seed to destroy her sweeper especially mamoswine (Heracross or Sawk is not a bad choice), 
For steel type i can recommend  Alolan Dugtrio it fast and hits superhard but has very poor defense and hp so only get it out when absolutely sure you can kill, getting Togedemaru is also good idea it fast, hits hard has sturdy and learns electric terrain that can change the field so you wouldn't get destroyed,


But if all else fails then get a Swanna teach it Tailwind, give it seed then use Dusk-Lycanroc and Rock Slide them all to death

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It's all good i FINALLY beat Angie. I used Throh with wide guard which saved me on multiple occasions from cold truths and blizzards. it's storm throw is OP as heck against walrein even after superpower was used. so basically i used all of my pokemon to get rid of beartic and ninetales. i used throh's wide guard fro two turns at a time while the other pokemon attacked glaceon. At the end throh obliterated walrein in two hits.

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