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Theory Crafting Thread


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13 hours ago, Feng Lei said:

Oooh! I just found this post!


M...maybe Indriad... Maybe the reason.


Oh. Oh Arceus I think you've solved it enderowl.


Indriad is going to DESTROY THE WORLD.


And then leave. With Maria.


And remember what she says? "Something, a force, always held me back," or something. Maybe she instinctively realized or the pyramid stops people from leaving that area... because there's nowhere else to go in the simulated environment. And Indriad would have surely precautions to stop people form wandering into the ship's control rooms.


So the Chyrsalis is called such because Indriad plans, in all liklihood, to spend his time breaking Marionette to his will, and then possibly the Archetype itself, and then maybe use it to create a new earth in his own image, while he reigns from heaven above in the pyramid!!

Hoooooooo shit homeboy you might be onto something there, one issue with that theory though: MC can't go to space. In the garufa archives under aquamarine cave, where it explained a few things about the Interceptor, it said that an Interceptor would lose consciousness if they left this planet, so they are quote "unfit to undergo the project at Eclysia Pyramid". But you might be onto something with the layout being similar.

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1 hour ago, Yeem said:

Hoooooooo shit homeboy you might be onto something there, one issue with that theory though: MC can't go to space. In the garufa archives under aquamarine cave, where it explained a few things about the Interceptor, it said that an Interceptor would lose consciousness if they left this planet, so they are quote "unfit to undergo the project at Eclysia Pyramid". But you might be onto something with the layout being similar.

Wasn't my observation, though. So the credit hardly goes to me.


I think maybe it is still Eclysia. The name itself is phonetically tied to Chrysalis. They have that clys part. Eeh-cl-eye-si-ah. Chr-is-sal-is... maybe it is Indriad's own version of the pyramid?


I get the feeling maybe Chrysalis was not is not too far from the planet itself? Though indeed what you say is a big plot hole, unless perhaps that portal we enter through was particularly special, and we somehow survive in the place temporarily. I guess there's still no telling for sure. OR, maybe the planet is not yet destroyed, and Indriad is still doing something with Marianette.

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I still like the Nancy being the fairy gym leader theory the best. 


-She has a Sylveon and Mawile

-The fake ghost Nancy uses only Fairy types. 

-Nancy must have been coming to the region for a reason, that reason was likely to bring the interceptor, I.E. You, to the region (which depending on the true nature of her relationship with Crescent she may or may not have known you were the interceptor, I would wager she did not know since, if she does know then why in the hell would she take a sword for the immortal demi god) but if I recall correctly, you had to emigrate to the region, so she presumably had to have an actual reason to be allowed to do so. Becoming the fairy leader of the region would be a pretty good reason. We also know the league is in terrible straights and in need of leaders, so it makes since they would hire basically anyone for the position, heck they were gonna hire a child as the normal leader. 

-She is a good battler as she beats Natashia easily. 

-A random npc (yes really) in GDC says that he has 15 badges, but cant find three of the gym leaders. One of them is the Fairy gym leader. It would make sense for him to not be able to find them if they were, you know, dead.


Of course, since she is dead someone else will probably be the leader now, unless time travel is used or something. 

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17 hours ago, pizzagod13 said:

I still like the Nancy being the fairy gym leader theory the best. 


-She has a Sylveon and Mawile

-The fake ghost Nancy uses only Fairy types. 

-Nancy must have been coming to the region for a reason, that reason was likely to bring the interceptor, I.E. You, to the region (which depending on the true nature of her relationship with Crescent she may or may not have known you were the interceptor, I would wager she did not know since, if she does know then why in the hell would she take a sword for the immortal demi god) but if I recall correctly, you had to emigrate to the region, so she presumably had to have an actual reason to be allowed to do so. Becoming the fairy leader of the region would be a pretty good reason. We also know the league is in terrible straights and in need of leaders, so it makes since they would hire basically anyone for the position, heck they were gonna hire a child as the normal leader. 

-She is a good battler as she beats Natashia easily. 

-A random npc (yes really) in GDC says that he has 15 badges, but cant find three of the gym leaders. One of them is the Fairy gym leader. It would make sense for him to not be able to find them if they were, you know, dead.


Of course, since she is dead someone else will probably be the leader now, unless time travel is used or something. 

I like your theory, and I agree with it, personally, I don't think Nancy was our real mother, or even a human for that matter. (Do interceptors have parents?) This is further evidence by the fact that Nastasia and Madame x refer to Nancy as a "doll" with no emotion. Also, flashback to that Musterious Black Box that Ren gave us? My theory is that is Nancy's "hard drive" or something that contain's her consciousness and/or memories. I think Nancy is going to be "rebuilt" and we're going to battle her for the fairy badge. 

Now, of course, this might be a stretch, how the heck can MC not have a mom?

Well, remember the dual prophecies? 4 lights not born of man will save the world from darkness. If MC wasn't born of man, they fit the criteria for this prophecy. 

"But Yeem! You silly Billy you! We already have the 4 lights, Melia, Erin, Alice, and Allen!"

Ah you see, but that is what Jan simply wants you to believe, they are siblings, thus they are "born of man", so they can't be our 4 lights. 

But then how did they do the wacky archetype light show thingy?

Well, as discussed earlier in this here thread, maybe the Melia siblings are actually Marianette, broken into 4 pieces? Remember the file on Anathea mysteriously being the mother of 4 children? What happened to Maria? Broken into 4 pieces.

Ok then, so who are our lights?

My theory is that the 4 lights are gonna be 

MC- of course, interceptor yadda yadda yadda, already explained this.

Aelita- technically she has no parents, thanks weird Garufan reincarnation curse!

Melia/Maria/Marianette?- I guess it would make sense since the 4 siblings could just be one part of the prophecy.

But who's our last light? Nim? Nah, she's evil and wacky now. Maybe Delpha? She wasn't born of "man" considering she's, y'know, a pokemon.

What do y'all think?

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16 hours ago, Ram Cxz 007 said:


 on the topic of this who is she is she nancy spirit who wanted revenge or was she mc's regret in the form of a ghost

It being the MC's regret makes a lot of sense to me. 


4 hours ago, Yeem said:

I like your theory, and I agree with it, personally, I don't think Nancy was our real mother, or even a human for that matter. (Do interceptors have parents?) This is further evidence by the fact that Nastasia and Madame x refer to Nancy as a "doll" with no emotion. Also, flashback to that Musterious Black Box that Ren gave us? My theory is that is Nancy's "hard drive" or something that contain's her consciousness and/or memories. I think Nancy is going to be "rebuilt" and we're going to battle her for the fairy badge. 

Now, of course, this might be a stretch, how the heck can MC not have a mom?

Well, remember the dual prophecies? 4 lights not born of man will save the world from darkness. If MC wasn't born of man, they fit the criteria for this prophecy. 

"But Yeem! You silly Billy you! We already have the 4 lights, Melia, Erin, Alice, and Allen!"

Ah you see, but that is what Jan simply wants you to believe, they are siblings, thus they are "born of man", so they can't be our 4 lights. 

But then how did they do the wacky archetype light show thingy?

Well, as discussed earlier in this here thread, maybe the Melia siblings are actually Marianette, broken into 4 pieces? Remember the file on Anathea mysteriously being the mother of 4 children? What happened to Maria? Broken into 4 pieces.

Ok then, so who are our lights?

My theory is that the 4 lights are gonna be 

MC- of course, interceptor yadda yadda yadda, already explained this.

Aelita- technically she has no parents, thanks weird Garufan reincarnation curse!

Melia/Maria/Marianette?- I guess it would make sense since the 4 siblings could just be one part of the prophecy.

But who's our last light? Nim? Nah, she's evil and wacky now. Maybe Delpha? She wasn't born of "man" considering she's, y'know, a pokemon.

What do y'all think?

I get the idea of what you are going with. Its certainly possible that the four lights are the "four heroes" and the 4 people Melia, Erin, Alice and Allen are all just one of those four split apart. 


The fourth person could be Ren? He is not really evil, so Idk maybe he is the last light? They could also throw a curve ball and have it be like Madame X or something. It could of course also be someone like Crescent, but honestly, I think the reveal with her is that she is just evil. 


The box theory is interesting. I am pretty sure someone, I think Natashia? Asks if you have used the box, this implies that they know what it is but that what it does can't be seen in an obvious fashion (after all if they could see the effect of the box they would not need to ask if you had used it yet).

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I think ren will die and his soul would be in the robot body.  That would make him non human. 

Edited by Leenu
Autocorrect made ren into ten.
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On 6/20/2021 at 4:32 AM, Leenu said:

I think ren will die and his soul would be in the robot body.  That would make him non human. 

Edited 2 hours ago by Leenu

ok that is possibilty or we will not die and also be like the not born of man thing ok did the prophecies came that crystal ball lady or somewhere else .nancy may not be mc's mother but she did show love this is an edit who do think the mysterious figures are

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  • 3 weeks later...

There will be spoilers for the post that came out several hours ago and if you had not solved it yet, do so and then come back to read.


I really need to make this post before something happens later with the Rejuvenation Update Blog.


This is about that riddle and want to see what everyone's impressions on the matter.


Since we all know what the answers are I'm just going to say this right now, the diamond is a reference to the Time Diamond and the present (which was the code we got from putting in the name of the blog into a Atbash cipher) is another reference towards the Puppet Master.


The things that I'm wondering about is the next page that has "It takes 2 two o" and the the hidden message "Your game of hide and seek is over.".

Why is the text for the first one spelt like that and what does the secret message mean as well.


Is the secret message from someone else or is it from the Puppet Master and who are we hiding from if our game of hide and seek is over?


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46 minutes ago, enderowl said:

There will be spoilers for the post that came out several hours ago and if you had not solved it yet, do so and then come back to read.

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I really need to make this post before something happens later with the Rejuvenation Update Blog.


This is about that riddle and want to see what everyone's impressions on the matter.


Since we all know what the answers are I'm just going to say this right now, the diamond is a reference to the Time Diamond and the present (which was the code we got from putting in the name of the blog into a Atbash cipher) is another reference towards the Puppet Master.


The things that I'm wondering about is the next page that has "It takes 2 two o" and the the hidden message "Your game of hide and seek is over.".

Why is the text for the first one spelt like that and what does the secret message mean as well.


Is the secret message from someone else or is it from the Puppet Master and who are we hiding from if our game of hide and seek is over?



I read it as 



It takes two and then the two above it is the symbol for squared, so two squared = 4, possibly referring to the prophecy. I could be waaaaay off base though.


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5 hours ago, vivaCH said:
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In the source code under the gif, you can find this image:



Is it a 9 or something else? Quite strange...


Edit: Nvm lol




it looks similar to the Katakana Letter ta Also I dont know how to hide spoilers sorryKatakana Ta.png

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Just saw this on Jan's Tumblr, responding to a question about the fate of the player's pokemon whenever they die, thought people might want to discuss this.


They are rematerialized just the same as the player is. They also do die, yes.

This has some pretty interesting implications because if the Interceptor's powers can revive their pokemon, could it revive other humans? Maybe it's based on proximity, you might need to be in physical contact, maybe it works on whoever we are currently playing as e.g. Aelita and Ren in V12?

This could also lend credence to the MC =/= Interceptor theory since their ability isn't limited to just their own body.

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Nancy is most likely a maid. In the S.S Oceana event we can evesedrop on Nancy and crescent.  crescent clearly gives Nancy orders and tells her something along the lines of fulfilling your propose. And Nancy does bleed when she is killed. Hazuki or Nymeria I can’t remember told us that maids bleed if the exist for a long time. So yeah I think that Nancy was most likely a maid.  And one more thing. 


In GDC. Talon, flying type leader was turned into stone.  He was lured by a date with Nancy.  This was clearly done by crescent to stop us from progressing in the league. The popularity of Nancy shows us that she was a real person once. But was probably killed at sometime. 


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14 minutes ago, candys_pixelart said:
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But didn't crescent got "killed" by Freya or the mysterious figure before we got to grand dream city and before talons disappearance? . I thought it was cosmia or comet (the ones who impersonated nancy and us at the rose theater) maybe working together with nim or something like that. demon working with wannabe demons makes sense lol

Though I do wish what ever ??? was saying is false since I genuinely like crescent as a character and want to see more of her 

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oh and it was nymeria i think because hazuki was to busy being in love to thomas blakeory



She most likely sent out nim/Lorna before she encountered freya/???


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20 hours ago, candys_pixelart said:
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one totally unrelated thing i noticed while i was playing through the marianette arc that might contradict a popular theory

1.when marionette calls on her name she describes it as "maria....nette" this might show that she and the previous time maria are the same people instead of alternate versions of same people

2."i will not lose you not again" this shows how marianette maybe remembers us

3. "its like we have been friends for a long time maybe we have been?" same thing as above

4. the don't you dare lose hope" by anathea I presume

these kind of contradict the alternate version theory about Maria and marianette


one more theory (i promise i am done)

what happened to saki blakeory?

my theory is that the ??? and ??? turned saki into rift registeel. hear me out...when alieta turned into rift she was a regirock and who owns a regirock? vivian alieta's grandmother (technically) and we know or speculate that hazuki owns or use to own registeel since her friends anju has a regice and vivian has a regirock and we also know that hazuki is saki's grandmother so  by that logic saki should turn into rift registeel? and since we know ??? and ??? are capable of some extraodianry stuff not to mention that saki is the only one who's fate is unknown 😶 also it would be interesting to see who anju's son is and what his role in the story is.



i am pretty sure that anju's daughter is angie, since when she wakes up with the magma stone she unlocks "a monster": regice


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Your Game of Hide and Seek is Over...


I hope this is referencing Indriad... because I'd been theorizing on this discussion that he is stalking us, watching, waiting. Hopefully, if this is true, there would be scenes added in v13 that display this. Like maybe a Bisharp appearing after where Melia has gone. Like maybe it standing over the blanket we abandon, idly cutting it to shreds.


Because the camera scene underneath the burned Whispy Tower is actually one of the most chilling moments in the game. A dreadful, quiet kind of chill, realizing that Indriad/Sirious/Vitus, may not be quite so far off, or out of the loop of affairs, as we assume...

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15 hours ago, Tikkit said:

So what's going on with the teasers? 

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I'm too dumb to find whatever hidden messages are in there, so getting some sort of summary of them would be nice.



Alright, no.1


Answer: diamond

Pink writing saying 'IT TAKES 2

                                        TWO O (the Os have dots like eyes)

Hidden message beneath saying 'Your game of hide and seek is over' and a 9 hidden beneath that




Answer: pearl

Pink writing saying 'I'm Safe NOW' (two eyes next to it)

Hidden message saying 'In the end, her destiny is something she cannot run from.
                                          And I think the same is true... for me.' and a 14 hidden below that




Answer: platinum

Pink writing saying 'I forgive


Below that is a really weird picture: A girl is being hung in front of a picture frame like she was a puppet, based on her clothes it appears to be Saki. Covering Saki(?)'s eyes is some yellow writing saying 'My world will become my universe.
M̶y̛ ̢u͢n͟i̢v͠e͡rs̢e ͡w̢ill be͏ćo̢m͏e ̛o͏u͏r ̀tr̕u̶th.̵'

Below the picture is a hidden message in the pink writing saying 'Are you READY'

I'd still look at them myself if I were you but here you go.


Personally I think that the game of hide and seek is referring to how Saki has been missing for ages now and she is going to show up in V13. Based on the puppet imagery in no.3 and Saki's twitter she is almost definitely under the same or similar mind control/brainwashing that Valerie and Adam were.


As for what 9 and 14 mean I've got no clue, the mind first points to a date, but that doesn't seem like the dev team's style. Though if it's also tied to Saki then the numbers happen to match up with the badge number that we were meant to fight Saki at (9) and the number that we currently have (14) and we already know the the steel badge is the next one that we are going to get.

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12 minutes ago, TheHellHamster said:

As for what 9 and 14 mean I've got no clue, the mind first points to a date, but that doesn't seem like the dev team's style. Though if it's also tied to Saki then the numbers happen to match up with the badge number that we were meant to fight Saki at (9) and the number that we currently have (14) and we already know the the steel badge is the next one that we are going to get.

I believe the 9 was for the next hint coming out on July 9th and the 14 also being for the next hint coming out on July 14th

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4 hours ago, TheHellHamster said:


Alright, no.1

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Answer: diamond

Pink writing saying 'IT TAKES 2

                                        TWO O (the Os have dots like eyes)

Hidden message beneath saying 'Your game of hide and seek is over' and a 9 hidden beneath that



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Answer: pearl

Pink writing saying 'I'm Safe NOW' (two eyes next to it)

Hidden message saying 'In the end, her destiny is something she cannot run from.
                                          And I think the same is true... for me.' and a 14 hidden below that



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Answer: platinum

Pink writing saying 'I forgive


Below that is a really weird picture: A girl is being hung in front of a picture frame like she was a puppet, based on her clothes it appears to be Saki. Covering Saki(?)'s eyes is some yellow writing saying 'My world will become my universe.
M̶y̛ ̢u͢n͟i̢v͠e͡rs̢e ͡w̢ill be͏ćo̢m͏e ̛o͏u͏r ̀tr̕u̶th.̵'

Below the picture is a hidden message in the pink writing saying 'Are you READY'

I'd still look at them myself if I were you but here you go.


Personally I think that the game of hide and seek is referring to how Saki has been missing for ages now and she is going to show up in V13. Based on the puppet imagery in no.3 and Saki's twitter she is almost definitely under the same or similar mind control/brainwashing that Valerie and Adam were.


As for what 9 and 14 mean I've got no clue, the mind first points to a date, but that doesn't seem like the dev team's style. Though if it's also tied to Saki then the numbers happen to match up with the badge number that we were meant to fight Saki at (9) and the number that we currently have (14) and we already know the the steel badge is the next one that we are going to get.

Thanks. Definitely has me eager for V13 when it'll pan out.

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5 hours ago, TheHellHamster said:

Personally I think that the game of hide and seek is referring to how Saki has been missing for ages now and she is going to show up in V13. Based on the puppet imagery in no.3 and Saki's twitter she is almost definitely under the same or similar mind control/brainwashing that Valerie and Adam were.


 Before V13 possibly drops, I agree Saki has to appear however Rune is Aevium's best hide and seek player.


- The MC only sees her at Telia for 2 seconds and no reason is given. She's 1 of 4 red heads on Terajuma and the only one who Kyogre doesn't trap.

- Huey, says he fought with her & she went missing from her job at Axis High before or around the brainwashing.

- she found the book on Miera and made a connection to the Puppet master before leaving.

-the pyramid flashback mentions a "childhood" relationship led Flora to reveal her base to Rune but not to Florin

- She has a fear of something greater than Bladestar or Cassandra.

-While her main goal is keeping Huey safe, she has a secret so big, it forced her into hiding rather than maintaining course.

- Flora wants to avenge her.

No clues to her whereabouts





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So while replaying the game I noticed a particular dialogue during Blacksteep Castle arc when Aelitha was summoned by Neved. 

Could it be that there were 2 Aelitha during the whole Blacksteep Castle arc. It could be that Aelitha time travelled back to Blacksteep Castle arc and maybe even have saved Nancy there.





Edited by Yahiro
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7 hours ago, Yahiro said:

So while replaying the game I noticed a particular dialogue during Blacksteep Castle arc when Aelitha was summoned by Neved. 

Could it be that there were 2 Aelitha during the whole Blacksteep Castle arc. It could be that Aelitha time travelled back to Blacksteep Castle arc and maybe even have saved Nancy there.





Or people could just be mistaken. It's not like complete strangers would be able to recognize her 100% accurately.

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