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theme-based playthrough


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Hello everyone,


I decided to make a new Playthrough with more cute/feminine pokemon (besides Aegislash for balancing) instead of edgy teambuilding so that i will have some variety with Pokemon i never played with. However i didn't played pokemon games for a longer time and have therefore the request for you to helping me by building a well balanced team. My initial thoughts are as follows:

Mega Gardevoir:

Hyper Voice, Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind

Blaziken with megastone or life orb:

Flare Blitz, Protect, Sky Uppercut/High Jump Kick, Bulk Up

Altaria with megastone or leftovers:

Cotton Guard/Fly, Dragon Dance, Substitute, Dragon Claw

Lycanroc Dusk:

Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Crunch, Accelerock


Kings Shield, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon

Leavanny with Sticky Web/ Ribombee with Sticky Web


As you can see i can't decide which version of Blaziken and Altaria i want to use. Another problem is the sixth pokemon. Leavanny is better for type coverage but Ribombee is much faster for a hazard setter. Generally i think the type interplay isn't perfect here.

Thanks in advance for a good advise


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Blaziken, lycanroc and aegislash don’t sound like what would come to my mind when I think cute/feminine Pokémon but ok.

I think your team so far is strong, since there’s more than one that is a fan favorite mon 😛 but I think Ribombee is much better than Leavanny since you can avoid the terrible type convo that is grass/bug.

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On 5/2/2020 at 2:57 PM, Candy said:

Blaziken, lycanroc and aegislash don’t sound like what would come to my mind when I think cute/feminine Pokémon but ok.

I think your team so far is strong, since there’s more than one that is a fan favorite mon 😛 but I think Ribombee is much better than Leavanny since you can avoid the terrible type convo that is grass/bug.

Yeah grass/bug can be frail, but on the other hand is my team very weak to ground and water. This is the reason why i think about Leavanny as my sticky web setter and counter to these types. Maybe i just should completely revamp my team and this is the reason why i made the topic here. I also agree that Aegislash and Blaziken aren't the cutest. I just took them 'cause i can't find better pokemon for a synergy with Gardevoir and Altaria. (However i don't agree that Lycanroc isn't a good boi)

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